I am currently awaiting an ablation which I know is a long way of but i have recently noticed that my heart beat can switch from 76 to 47 then back up to in the 80.90sin a minute does anyone else HR increase like this?
should I be concerned : I am currently... - Atrial Fibrillati...
should I be concerned

All the time - my fitness watch says my HR varies between 54 and 120 over the day. It is natural for HR to vary so not to worry unless you feel more unwell with it.
Hi Lumps,
What are you checking your HR on? Is it an applewatch or Fitbit?
Does it do it if you are very still?
When you are in AF usually, is it very high and fast? For example roughly, 150s?
Are you usually symptomatic of your Afib ( and know you’re in it?)
Buffafly is correct when she says that the heart rate fluctuates throughout the day and that is certainly true when you are active and doing things.
I have an applewatch too. When you check your HR in the Data part of the heart part of your Health app on your phone, does it say that for that minute you are ‘sedentary’ ? - try and check if it does this fluctuation when you are seated and not doing anything? Do you normally go as low as 47?
It’s quite tricky without knowing if you were moving around for that minute as your HR could well fluctuate easily like that. But if you were seated, doing nothing and your HR fluctuated like that, it could be something else going on. Have you tried doing an ECG on the watch at different times throughout the day?
Do you also have a Kardia? It might be worth asking your GP if you could have a monitor for a while, especially as you seem to be asymptomatic with your AF, though unfortunately they take a few weeks to come through I know. Some surgeries can take a quick ECG too there and then, which could put your mind at rest.
In the meantime, when you feel achy, try doing lots of deep breathing. It might help relax you more.
Thank you I have checked the hr whilst in bed and it can fluctuate between 44.111 whilst sleeping
My doctors cardiac nurse told me to stop checking because I am making myself crazy and stress alone. Can change your heart rate. If you’re feeling something, not right, you can go ahead and check it but just like blood sugar you are going to find constant changes throughout the day and even a minute to minute depending on what you are doing.
Hi Lumps,
I think it might be best to speak to your GP and ask for a monitor, it will take a few weeks though. It sounds like you are doing the right thing being on a list for an ablation. If you have arrhythmia nurses at your hospital, perhaps give them a call and let them know your heart is fluctuating like that when asleep? They may be able to help, or chase things for you.
Are you on medication for Afib?
Are you in sinus rhythm now? Have you done a recent ECG?
I am on meds beta blocker and blood thinner
it’s good you are on those. I would try and do those things I mentioned previously if you can ( ie call GP or and/or Arrhythmia nurse)
Good luck.
Thank you I will speak with my GP on Monday
Mine does this all the time and has done right from the start of my permanent Afib. It has a lot of variation on it through the night, but generally at a bit lower rate, and then again through the day. If I do something energetic of course it goes up. But it does it when it feels like it too. I can't feel it so I don't bother about it. I'm not sure how good the Apple Watch is at capturing this sort of detail in a person who has this condition.
Yes I have and it has happened many times in an hour. After two years of NSR and low heart rate , resting at 60 bpm. I have this happen thousands of times in a week long monitor. I just had my sixth ablation four days ago, and it still seems to be doing this it again. Maybe not as often, But I am in a blanking period. Only problem that is hard to deal with is I get a headache and very tense muscles. I do tapping, guided imagery, breathing, essential oils but its like I have to do it all the time. Trying to sort out how to handle this.