When I have an AF episode I take at least a day to recover and my pulse is in the 30s. So far today I have to it up to 39, that is with a walk and eating lunch. Should I be concerned?
Pulse in the 30s should I be concerned? - Atrial Fibrillati...
Pulse in the 30s should I be concerned?

How do you feel? A pulse that low for many people would be highly debilitating but for a fit ex athlete absolutely fine. I remember once testing an ex lifeboat bosun at 80+ years old with a HR of 36 who was quite happy.
If you feel ill with the rate then please speak to your doctor.
I really think that you should be taking medical advice for heart rate in the thirties regardless of how you are feeling.
If your heart rate is really that low and you're not measuring your heart rate with an oximeter, then I think you need to seek medical advice. My GP was concerned when mine went below 40 and I had to reduce my medication.
My cardiologist thought 50 was too low. I would take advice, you don’t want to live? up to your name!
I'd ring my doc today, not wait. They may wwnt to adjust meds,etc.
sound advice from all ,,,go see doc get it checked ,mines was hitting 30 odd for a while I felt tired & out of sorts ,,,,,I now have pacemaker to stop bradycardia,,,,I have af too ,,,, it won’t stop af but will keep your heart from going so low ,,,,
Is it that low while briskly walking? I was told that in and of itself, a low pulse isn't a worry but is was something the cardiologist I saw pointed out on the 2-week monitor study I did.
I think an issue with a low pulse is if there are pauses between beats, also if you need to take beta-blockers, too, which will lower it even more; also, I've read that sometimes a low pulse can itself trigger AF.
Your GP is the best source of information, I reckon.
My pulse rate is normally in the 40s or low 50s,and I feel fine,I was told if you feel all right don't worry about it,so I don't.
Yes. That low heartrste may not adequately supply organs with oxygen. I would suggest going to an ER immediately.
My pulse sometimes goes as low as 32 bpm when measured with a standard blood pressure machine. However my EP says it cannot measure correctly due to ectopics, and sure enough a Kardia 6L shows a faster heartbeat.
So it depends on how you are measuring it, but I think you should get it checked anyway.
it’s hard to define normal; mine is in the mid 40’s, and I didn’t need a pacemaker. My father’s heart rate was in the 30’s and he had a TIA, and paid for the price , having refused a pacemaker, but your cardiologist can advise you.
Oh dear YES!
Ring your Alarm or emergency number.
Mine stays in an avge 47 H/R at night. Under 50 is
How are you feeling - that is the basic test. Are you feeling faint, dizzy,
Too low - you may need a pacemaker. How is your BP?
What drugs are you on??
cheri JOY. 74. (NZZ)
When mine was in the 30's they inserted a pacemaker. Low heartrate can be normal for some folks but not for me.I never was dizzy or anything. It made them nervous.