Hi all angioplasty booked for tomorrow but not sure if I should go ahead with it or just cancel. Reason for procedure: Doc wants to investigate extent of artery blockage in order to prescribe flecanide medication for afib. If blockage is severe he will fit a stent during the procedure. Got quite a shock when pre-op consult nurse told me I could be having a stent fitted during the procedure to investigate extent of artery blockage. Anyway I see the logic in going ahead with a stent of needed.
So here's were I need some advice. Last night I had horrendous AFib attack. HR was so strong pounding in my chest, fitbit revealed I was in peak cardio exercise mode for 11 mins, then came powerful chest pain and pain middle of back below shoulders. As if that wasn't enough also got pain in jaw an face. Very weak, could barely walk or talk due to breathlessness and everything else that was going on. Be it right or wrong instinct drove me to sit in bath and spray cold water over my body which I managed to do. HR did slowdown and some of the symptoms mentioned above were not as intense. Been in AFib all night and still in it now. I do normally, have A fib attacks that can last for days. Honestly, I feel so battered, vulnerable, weak and very uncertain about going ahead with the PCI procedure tomorrow.
Also was prescribed Lansoprazole stomach med, to help with possible side effects of pre-op aspirin and Clopidogrel. Since taking just one dose of Lansoprazole 5 days ago I have continually had stomach cramps, excess flatulence and constant diarrhoea. which are side effects of Lansoprazole so there is no way I could take it again. My digestive tract is in a mess post one dose of Lansoprazole so have no idea what will happen if I take 8xAspirin and 8xClopidogrel.
Considering the above should I go ahead with procedure tomorrow or cancel it?
Thank you most kindly for taking the time to read my post.