Last August I posted after having to go into A&E twice within a week due to Bradycardia, AF and chest pains. Was released after overnight stay in A&E told all ok as already on Bisoprolol and Apixipan and AF not fast. referral to Cardiology. I experienced 2 weeks of AF on and off 24/7 then it settled.
Now 8 months later still waiting for that Cardiology appt. Heart has had frequent odd Ectopics and sometimes slow heart rate. However 3 weeks ago I suddenly had episode of Atrial Flutter which lasted for 5 hours so reluctantly went into A&E. They captured it on ECG and after 7 hours it settled on its own - 13 hour wait in A&E again was told go home not to worry and another referral to Cardiology but this time they did direct request for Echocardiogram and Holter monitor. Actually had the Echo last week but still no Holter monitor. For the past few days Ive been having frequent bradycardia... slow heart rate and intermittent chest twinges, bit breathless. This is exactly what happened last August, feels horrible.
I had a successful Ablation in 2015 for AF and Atrial Flutter.... No problems until last August.
Im seeking reassurance really, they don't seem to worry about my symptoms so I assume nor should I!????