Can others tell me how their AF is reported by their Kardia? My husband has episodes which are stated to be ‘Possible Atrial Fibrillation’. In hospital he’s had ECGs that have shown atypical Atrial Flutter and at other times AF. Does a Kardia state straight ‘Atrial Fibrillation’ sometimes or does it always give a ‘possible’ please?
KardiaMobile results: Can others tell... - Atrial Fibrillati...
KardiaMobile results

Always says 'possible AF' as it wants you to pay for confirmation. It is most likely to be AF yes.
Whenever I was in atrial flutter it would show as Tachycardia on my Kardiamobile (regular rhythm but fast, around 120bpm).
Always "possible Atrial Fibrillation". Show it to your doc.
Thank you for your help
When I am in Af it clearly says Atrial Fibrillation eg:- copy and pasted from my trace.
Kardia Advanced Atrial Fibrillation Determination
Recorded: Saturday, 25 February 2023 at 18:34:55 Heart Rate: 112 BPM
Duration: 30s
If the algorithm cannot identify the arrythmia it will say unclassified. If it is uncertain or a mix of AF/AFl on mine it will say Possible AF.
Thank you CDreamer. From yours and other posts it seems that to get a definite determination requires paying a subscription.
I think that 99% of the time you can look at the Kardia one lead trace and determine it is afib or not. a) irregularly irregular heart beats and b) lack of P wave. I think a paid clinician review would tell you the same thing. Here's a website from AliveCore which shows ecg's for different conditions:
No I don’t pay a subscription but that could be because I was one of the first Kardia customers and got an automatic update to the subscription level. It tells me for sure if I am in AF and only AF. Uncertaintity only comes when the algorithm cannot distinguish between arrythmias.
I have a 6L Kardia, get the same information as CDreamer but do not pay a subscription. Never have. Only time I would have to pay is if I was to order a clinician review. That use to be £5 but think it has gone up a lot to something like £20/25 but don’t quote me on that as I’ve never used it.
''Can others tell me how their AF is reported by their Kardia? ''
It always says ''Possible atrial fibrillation '' if AF is detected and I can tell anyway from the absence of 'P' waves.
Kardia is extremely accurate but very few things can claim to be 100 percent and logic tells me if Kardia said the reading was definitively AF they would lay themselves open to legal action if wrong so the word possible is added.
Thanks for your insight Doodle
Hi mine says Atrial Fibrillation during an episode and I don’t pay for anything. It has said possible a couple of times as well so I am assuming it can pick up interference or that something else is happening at the same time which it can’t diagnose? If you see a cardiologist he could look at the traces and tell you what has been recorded.
About a month ago I did a 6 lead kardia check and it said, "possible atrial fibrillation". Sent the recording to my heart doctor and he said there was no sign of afib. Another time while I was wearing a 30 day monitor my kardia recorded afib on a certain day. After my 30 days were up I did not have any afib episodes during ANY day, so kardia not 100% accurate
Interesting thank you Kevin
I couldn't get frazeej's link to Kardia's library of arrhythmias to work properly, so here's the link I use ...