So others that have Vagal Afib, tell me about your journey and what has been helpful. I am on Tikosyn which shortens the episodes but I still get them. Recently when I am doing boot camps and my heart rate gets over 130. I pretty much had to find out my triggers and have not had a drop of wine or caffeine since my diagnosis. Eating late at night does it, so light salads for now.
Lets talk Vagal AFib. : So others that... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Lets talk Vagal AFib.

my AFib was definitely vagal! Food set it off, for sure corn and brussel sprouts, anything with tomatoes. I researched and found the Wolf MiniMaze which is centered around vagal AFib. Had it last June and no AFib since. I’m eating anything I want with no triggers. Also off meds and blood thinners. I say this only because that is what helped me. A professional nutritionist may be an excellent idea also if you want to try and control it with diet. Best of luck on your journey!
Same for me...Food later in the evening especially BBQ sauce even on a baked potato. Certain supplements at night like turmeric - aged garlic caps just to name a few. Also Gabapentin for neuropathy pain can kick it out of wack. I am in perpetual afib so it comes and goes. Multiple doses daily of Chelated Magnesium and Potassium Citrate helps too. Also...Astragalus root extract capsules and Reishi Mushroom extract all regulate eratic heartbeat. I take a beta blocker called Bystolic ( Nebivolol generic) 5 to 10 mgs daily when it kicks out to keep it under 85 bpm.Got to watch you don't pass out when it goes into normal sinus rhythm as it might drop to 48. Hope this helps. I have been battling this for 16 yrs...yeesh! So tired of it. Tikosyn (Dofetilide) has helped me for 5 yrs now but still considering ablation. Whatever you do avoid Amioderone, Old outdated cardiologist prescribed it and it gave me peripheral neuropathy as a side effect. Changed my life forever. Barbed wire around my feet - now trying to move into my hands. Good Luck.