Hello Everyone so as promised an update. I saw my EP on Friday. He explained that Afib usually occurs around certain sites in the left Atrium (? Is that the correct term) and these are the sites they target when doing an Ablation. He said when we do cryo we can't see where the electrical impulses are cryo just target standard known sites. He drew a pretty picture. Can't do it on here. But because my Afib is caused by cancer treatment am likely to have rogue impulses not in the standard spots they treat. This means he has to go back & use pattern block to map them and do each rogue impulse. However he is likely to miss some and so he will have to do a third Ablation or even fourth! Ouch! Then because of my intolerance of anti coagulation, they would need to do another op to cut the flap where blood tends to pool in Afib. Therefore he recommended a Mini Maze & will refer me to Mr Hunter.
He insisted there isn't a long wait for my type of Mini Maze: 2months to see him and 6 months for the op. Am not sure I believe that but I hope he is right. He told me he knows Mr Hunter and works with him.
Something else he said that I found very helpful was that anticoagulation studies are based on population numbers, not individuals. He thought it was highly likely that I needed a lower dose of anti coag & thought what my GP did lowering it to 2.5mg was right but because research isn't their currently he cant say definitvely that it lowers my stroke risk as much as a full dose would. Research is going on looking at this but will be another 5 years. Hence, the cutting of the flap during the Mini Maze.
He also told me that actually, because I would only have one procedure, the risk to me was lower doing a Mini Maze than doing a series of Ablations. He also told me that the success rate of a Mini Maze on P-Afib is very high. Lastl, he confirmed that Verapamil does causekidneyydamage, andd the longer I stay onit, the bigger the risk becomes of this happening. Ive already been on it 3years. So far am told my kidney function is excellant but who knows what is going on insiduously. Other drug options he told me have bigger side effects....and he said we only use them when all else fails. Fair enough.
All in all a very useful consultation
I did post some of this as it came up in another post but as I said I would post an update after my consultation I am doing so now. Forgive me for those who have read the other post!
Thanks for reading and for all the support. It's much appreciated.