Come on you tight-fisted lot. Buy me a coffee.*
I went to town today and after completing tasks I decided to have a coffee. Have you seen the price of these things at Starbucks??? I had to go to the building society to take out a 25-year mortgage to pay for it.
So this got me thinking. The price of a coffee and afib. I'm quite well-versed in afib now - so where did I learn?
Was it from my doctor?
Was it from my cardio?
Was it from Dr Google?
Was it from Facebook?
It was from HealthUnlocked and this forum. Replying to people's questions and reading other posts have given me a greater understanding of my condition. It really has helped me move forward.
So let's all chip in and buy AFA a coffee.
Click this link to pay £2 by PayPal directly to AFA
Or go to Just Giving to pay directly to AFA
It will come up as a £30 donation - simply remove the £30 and replace it with £2. Where it asks for a donation for Just Giving click the 'other' option and put zero in that box.
There you go - simples. All it will cost you is 2 quid (you can of course donate extra).
If you do then just comment below. If 10 members do it I'll change my profile picture to my real picture instead of the mask. The picture is a few years old but I'm even more handsome now heheh. Well, I tell myself I am so leave me alone 🤪
I've just bought AFA a coffee so only 9 more to go and the mask comes off.
*(Obviously by coffee I mean donate to the work they do as a charity and support the services they provide).
Edit - I have just spoken to Tracy (lovely to chat just now Tracy) and just need to point out one thing. The links above are to the Atrial Fibrillation Association (AFA) and not to HealthUnlocked (HU). So come on you lot - dig deep 👍