Whilst sitting in a chair talking to someone yesterday, I suddenly felt as though I was going to faint, and that I was missing a heartbeat. It kicked back in, but I checked my heartbeat on my Kardia, and it was down at 49 since then my resting heartbeat is in the low to mid 50s when resting. I do have AF, but the last time I had an episode was nearly a year ago but I just don’t know what to make about this. Anyone had this experience?
LOW HEART BEAT: Whilst sitting in a... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Yep, this sort of thing happens to me often, many times a week in fact. I don't worry about it at all. Often at night when I'm sleeping it often hovers around 52 to 56 bpm. On many occasions however, it drops as low as 46 bpm. I'm a 6ft, 15 stone guy for the record. Never feel as if I'm gonna faint though. Normal daytime active HR is around 64 to 67 bpm. ----lub jub !
If I play the blame game it is all down to the Bisoprolol I take 5 mg at night with my other night time meds. I only had one AF event in 2022, in July when I had 2 days off work. Previous years I have had 3 to 5 events, one lasting 15 hours which laid me out but they were very minor and I took no time off work. I've got used to it.

I’m on the same dose of Bisoprolol and also suffer low heart rate. Typically 45 to 50 BPM at rest. Have no other symptoms so don’t worry too much?
I have a few times.I felt like everything was going black but as you said heart beat kicks in.At the time I was suffering with what I thought was a fib as pulse very varied an irregular all the time.At my ablation it was actually flutter and multiple atrial ectopics.Verapimil kept my heart reasonably steady.Contact your gp is my advice and be insistent if they try to faff you off.I find going in to reception early morning helps get you seen.Best wishes .
Have a chat with your Gp, my pulse regularly goes into the low 50s and on occasions 48-49 but I don’t really feel any symptoms, if you feel symptoms with a low heart rate best to get it checked out. If your on beta blockers I would think you will be fine and your just having the odd blip.
This has happened to me many times, but not lately. It's a feeling like you're blacking out but just before the point of going unconscious you come back to normal. A weird, weird feeling! I've never thought about, or been aware of what my heart is doing at the time.
If you are getting symptomatic bradycardia you should get checked out as you may need a pacemaker. I was getting this and do now have a pacemaker which doesn’t stop it completely but at least I know my pm will kick in and sort it when I get to 60bpm.
how many years of the low bpm before you got this done?
Did you feel a flutter or erratic feeling lower than 60?
Hi my father in law had a pacemaker for 15 years but he died from the drugs that he was taking to stop the rejection from his body for the pacemaker so be careful . Also 1000mg of vitamin C time released helps and stops Afib
It is very unusual to have rejection drugs for pacemaker implant. These days the materials used very, very rarely cause a problem.
Having taken Vit C for the last 45 years it has had no affect on my AF.
I’m with Bantam - not to be ignored - please get it checked out as any pre-syncope (feeling about to pass out) needs investigation.
I also am in agreement that you should be evaluated for the low heart rate. Could be something serious or.... maybe not. Best to find out asap. Speaking from experience , get checked. I have sick sinus syndrome and a Pacemaker. And I still get pre-syncope on occasion. Life isn't fair.
definitely don’t ignore. My husband had a loop recorder fitted several years ago because he had several funny episodes and passing out. They couldn’t find anything wrong, even with a holter monitor for a week, hence the loop recorder. The recorder was checked every 3 months, but nothing showed and he hadn’t had any further episodes. Then he had his check up this year, January 13th. The cardio guy said stay put, don’t stand up, and went and got someone else and his feet didn’t hit the ground. They kept him in 4 days, fitted a pacemaker . Turns out over a couple of days through new year, his heart was almost stopping, down to around 20bpm……..while he slept, so he wouldn’t have known anything about it! Lucky man to already have a loop recorder and being monitored , or the next episode could have been worse. I will say, he has no other conditions, textbook bp, no af etc.
So don’t ignore it, get it checked out, please, even if it turns out to be nothing to worry about. 🤗
My HR hovers around 55 to 60 ,but has dipped sometimes lower. My GP says dehydraytion can cause it,worth checking out xx
My heart rate hovers around the early 50s can get down to mid 40s and up to early 60s ive never had any feinting or problems like that,it does miss a beat occasionally ,but I rarely have a AF attack,I don't take any meds except xarelto.
For many people a resting heart rate in the high 40’s or low50,s is perfectly normal.
Just checked mine and it sat at 50 all night. Sometimes it’s a little lower or higher but not by much.
My wife’s rhr is in the mid 40’s. It’s always been low even when she was unfit. No “symptoms” it’s normal.
The only time I had any issue with a low hr was one easter it dropped to the low 30’s after eating too much chocolate! That wasn’t good at all!
scary, and glad that you are ok. Log your readings against how you feel at the time and speak to your gp. Take care
I have been bradycardic all my life . When younger it would hover around the low 40's when resting . As I have got older my resting heart rate has risen to low 50's. It has never caused me a problem . My parents were concerned when I was a teenager and the GP said its like a large single cylinder 500cc motorbike engine and nothing to be concerned about. I was diagnosed with PAF at 53.
My heart rate is low, in the 40s /50s a side effect of taking beta blockers .
It was once in the 30s during lockdown and I spent a morning laying on my back with my legs up the wall to stay conscious . The EP at the Arrhythmia Clinic last Monday was not at all concerned about my low heart rate .
Hi, My pulse rate was always around 50-55 I thought I was pretty fit and exercised regularly. But, it turned out low pulse was due to leaking heart valve and low ejection fraction. Ended up needing valve repair and pacemaker to stop it going too low. Docs seemed more concerned abouut low pulse than one around 80. My advice would be to get a scan to have heart checked out.
Thanks for your advice. Luckily I have just had a heart scan and apparently my heart is sound with no issues. 🙏 Might just be a one-off. ❤️
I support the comments about getting it checked out. I had a low H/R (40-45 bpm at night), assisted by a beta blocker and flecainide among other things. And had ectopics that sometimes morphed into Afib at night. Had a 30 day monitor in November, and after two days got a call from my cardiologist to come in as they had discovered pauses of 6-8 seconds when sleeping. Had a pacemaker implanted 3 days later, low rate set at 60 bpm, and I no longer have the issue. What a relief. And, by the way, no drugs to ‘stop the rejection’. Those must have been for something else. Anyway, good luck with your journey.
I was taking 100 mg of metoprolol and 30 of lisinopril for BP, and my HR would often dip down to the upper 40's and stay in the 50's much of the time. My cardiologists decided it was too low and took me off of both, except for 25 mg of metoprolol daily.
My HR is now in the mid 60's and the BP is slightly higher (128/82 average). I feel much more alert and physically more coordinated, also.
I have been dealing with afib through change of diet, weight loss, exercise and awareness of other possible triggers, with some success.
Part of the problem may be the instrument that you are using to measure your heart rate.
On a standard Blood Pressure monitor my heart is sometimes shown as low as 32. Yes, 32.
But when measured on a Kardia it is higher ...more accurate. Something to do with ectopics, and the BP machine not being able to count all the pulses.
I realised taking my blood pressure whilst in AF a waste of time. I gave up.Regarding feeling faint -it may have something to do with medication particularly Bisoprolol and Flecainide. As others have said- Biso lowers your heart rate. In my case it caused more episodes of AF in the early hours of the morning as my HR dropped to 40bpm. On various occasions Flecainide gave me the sensation of almost fainting when my heart converted back to normal rhythm. Just for a few seconds. My Cardiologist said it was normal though.?? I don't take any of these meds anymore.
Get yourself checked out. Good luck.
I am very similar to you. I was taken off Bisoprolol after a 48 hour tape showed a night time reading of 33bpm. No meds for heart rate now. I have these feeling of fainting when an episode reverts back to normal rhythm. My cardiologist explained that at that moment the brain is briefly starved of oxygen hence the fainting feeling. Nasty complaint though. Keep safe.
It sounds to me as if you had what I had which they called "pauses". It was part of my AF pattern for a while. (Not any more). The AF nurse told me pauses can be up to 3 or even 4 seconds and be ok, but longer than that they don't like. Anyhow I had a Holter Monitor and they were clearly visible. My heart rate is slow. It went down to 36 once and I still felt fine! But now I have a pacemaker which kicks in when it drops below 50.
Best get it checked though. It could be something else.
I had a low heart rate of about 42 but this caused arrhythmia.
A single skipped beat would put the rate at 20 odd per minute for short periods and if there are missed beats every second beat then I would feel faint quickly and need to lie down or fall down.
Since going on metoprolol and flecainide in November 2022 my resting heart rate has been generally in high 40s and on most days I will get some periods in low 40s. At the moment my rate according to iPhone is 43-46. I feel quite tired when this happens but never feel faint and I am able to increase bpm by either getting up and being more active ( which granted is a challenge when I’m this tired), or drinking water, having a healthy snack . I also start to nod off sometimes. I’m not crazy about it but this med combo is really helping the afib so I’m leaving it alone for now. May try to reduce metoprolol, with cardiologist and EPs assistance but gonna give it a bit more time before a change. My usual rate is already low which is probably why I am experiencing this with the meds. I have read that it is fine if you are not seriously symptomatic and I believe my symptoms are manageable. Fainting is obviously not good so I would certainly keep an eye on your symptoms and discuss with your health providers.
I have PAF and ectopic beats. I told my cardiologist that I can sometimes feel faint when a PAF episode is ending and my heart is reverting to normal sinus rhythm. He said in that very brief moment the blood supply to the brain is interrupted so that gives me the feeling of being about to faint although I have never lost consciousness. I was on Bisoprolol but taken off all beta blockers when my 48 hour monitor showed a night time heart rate of 33bpm. Have a chat with your GP about it to put your mind at rest. Good luck.
I was on Sotalol and my heatbeat was regularly low 50s. Various doctors told me that it was nothing to worry about.
Thanks Avatel. Think I can relax now. ❤️