Was about 25 pounds over weight, and didn't do any exercise. My resting heart rate was 80s to 90s. Been walking, jogging and jumping jacks, for about 2 months now. Is it possible, to have a resting heart rate of 48 bpm, this fast? Seems strange to me when I started working out, my heart easily reached 160bpm. Now it's a struggle to get to 140bpm.
Heart rate low : Was about 25 pounds... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Heart rate low

Do you mean you’ve lost 25 pounds as well as exercising a lot in the past two months?
I’m no expert but it does sound like a dramatic change. You should visit your doctor if you’re concerned. How are you measuring you rbpm?
I wear my fitbit, I just was running in place for like an hour finally got my heart rate up to 130, sat down and with in 6 mins my heart rate is now 55
Hello Moto and welcome!
I'm afraid it is very difficult to answer you without more information. Are you 18 or 88, do you have atrial fibrillation, what is your BMI?
What meds are you on, what is your CHA2DS2Vasc score?
The more we know about you, the more we can help. Have a look at the information link top right.
Out of context, a resting heart rate of 48 is not in itself a problem unless you feel unwell at the time.

I'm 46 bmi is 20. I don't take any meds not sure if I have af
Hello Moto, we all give of our time and energy here in supporting each other. I find it more difficult to go the extra mile when OP doesn't seem inclined to make too much effort.
When you say you are not sure if you have AF, that suggests this has been raised as a possibility before, particularly as you have joined an AF site, Could you elaborate?
Forgive me for asking but your posts today and previously make me wonder if it is difficult for you to communicate effectively in this environment. If that is the case, there is no shame in that. I often have difficulty communicating though in a rather different way.
Hope no offence taken.

I was just wondering if there is cause for alarm dropping that fast of a resting heart rate. I have a doctor's appointment next week. Didn't know if I should be more alarmed and go to the er, sooner than that.
IN 2016/17 I lost about 50lbs and started getting a lot of exercise compared with what I had been used to. My resting heart rate changed from about 67 to lower the 50's/mid 40s and in fact went down to the lower 40s when sleeping sometimes (according to my fitbit). The initial rate change was over quite a short period and like you I was also concerned.
I was feeling fine, in fact better than I had for years. I was concerned though and mentioned it to my cardio at my next follow up. He said that unless I was feeling faint then I shouldn't worry about it.
My resting heart rate did start to go up again after a few weeks to the mid 50's, where it's been ever since.
Loss of fitness can happen with two weeks or so lack of exercise, like when you are ill in bed. Similarly, an increase is fitness can be even more rapid. I would think Drounding has it right - if you feel well then you probably are well. I would only be worried by a low heart rate if it made me feel dizzy or weak. Anxiety can do that as well, so stop worrying about it.
First impressions are you were extremely unfit and your body is grateful you've now taken exercise and is rewarding you for it. Not being able to get to 160bpm is good, unless you're a world class athlete where it comes with the job (and often leads to AF !)
48bpm resting is actually good, though if it goes any lower I'd probably get it checked out. But if you're on no drugs it's unlikely to be a problem.
I would worry about the rate of your heartbeat if it makes you feel dizzy, faint, breathless or unwell.
It seems logical to me that if you are no longer carrying round some weight you are asking your heart to do less. What happens if you carry a rucksack that's equal to the weight you have lost?