Still seem to be getting more than my fair share of PVCs recorded on my Kardia. Yesterday every hourly reading recorded SR with premature ventricular contractions. Fed up with it as I'm really aware of them. I've taken an extra bisoprolol today and am hoping that helps.....I guess I'm going to have to get a private appointment with an EP as getting nowhere fast with the NHS route. Does anyone else on here get them that frequently?
PVCs again and again!: Still seem to be... - Atrial Fibrillati...
PVCs again and again!
Had them constantly, every few seconds for about three months once. Try the slow deep breathing trick. Slow to less than 6 breaths a minute using diaphragm not shoulders for at least five minutes. Worked for me once I mastered it.
Thanks for your reply Bob. Three months!! I do try breathing exercises but I'm probably not doing it correctly !I often think that I would benefit from going to one of these breathing classes where you learn breathing techniques.
So far, the extra bisoprolol hasn't done anything to help 🙄
I’ve had them since mid June every day ranging from hundreds to thousands per day, some days it just floors me. They started 2 months after my AF ablation and haven’t stopped. Take bisoprolol and Flecainide but they still break through. Having ablation for them in 3 weeks so hopefully I’ll get my life back!
Gosh, that sounds awful and it does make me wonder about AF ablation, as there seem to be many reports of them causing other arrhythmia problems. It's so hard to know what to do. I seem to be getting PVCs more frequently than AF. I have not had any ablation for my AF. My current run of PVCs has been relentless and have now had them constantly for a couple of days. A Kardia clinician analysis also said that there was evidence of bigeminy too so I am getting more and more concerned, which, of course isn't helping!I wish you success with your ablation for the PVCs. Keep us posted.
Last night getting into bed was a struggle for me, too, but I can't imagine an ablation helping. I find 1.25mg bisoprolol only helps if my heart rate is high alongside the ectopics. I have been told they are not dangerous so I do what I can to ignore them. Bob's advice doesn't work for me at all, nor magic supplement pills, but it's well worth your trying - as you likely already have.
I can’t imagine your GP will have a magic wand but let’s hope. Have you had an echo or MRI to show what might be at the root of all this?
I had a stress echo back in October and have tried ever since to get the results - on speaking to the EP's secretary, was told that they would have contacted me had anything urgent flagged up and I will have to wait patiently for the results, so will carry on waiting. Not had an MRI scan.
I suppose that an MRI will only be needed if the echo shows anything structurally important - which it won’t have done as you’d have been informed. I think an echo scan needs a cardiologist to go over it but probably the radiologist who did it, along with some AI software these days, creates the initial results and flags anything that needs a specialist’s specific and urgent intervention.
I’d think you are, like many of us, going to have these ectopics with no solid explanation or treatment. Have you thought of paying £200 for a private consultation? You could likely see the same cardiologist and he or she is likely to be able to get hold of the echo results.
Hello, I tend to have a lots of PVC's with bigeminy when I stretch my intermittent fasting too long. As soon as I get some magnesium and potassium rich food, it goes away. For example I drink a low sodium V8 (vegetable juice) and eat a kiwi fruit.
hi my AF started again in October after 3 yrs clear after having ablation, GP increased my Bisoprolol to 7.5mg and a 2.5mg when having attack. This morning I go into af at 4am take my 2.5mg it does work HR 148 bpm, I take my regular meds and still no good, so my wife takes me to A&e and I taken straight in and put on a monitor the Doctor say I have Af , SVT and something else, he injected me with Flecainide and heart goes back to sinus.
The doctor has referred me through fast track to a AF cardiologist. Maybe next time you have a attack get yourself to A&E.I did get told of for not phoning a ambulance and have told me if I have another attack I’m to phone a ambulance.