I am very confused right now. I usually check and try to answer if I have something to say. I saw a few people I have interacted with previously and had not noticed straight away at the posts are several years old. What the heck is going on here?
confused here: I am very confused... - Atrial Fibrillati...
confused here

Joy here.
I had that and wrote to one of the forum leaders.
I told them that I didn't want OLD POSTS as I didnt twing that they were old and some folks had left the forum.
Dawn do that for your own sanity.
I also wrote Ca Thyroidectomy and I get a mixed lot of posts. But I cant respond to the thyroid posts even though they may get no replies BECAUSE I am outside UK!
How's that!
cheri JOY 73. (NZ)
This forum and others were started in the UK and we welcome people from any country to join in and share information. I've been a member of the Thyroid UK site on Health Unlocked and have noticed members there from all over the world. Is that the forum you can't get into? Or is there another one?
I joined both AF and the Thyroid but occasionally I get some posts. When I try to answer or reply in UK Thyroid there is a notice at the top that "you are restricted ". I understood it was because I am outside UK.
It is named a UK forum.
I have given up on that forum but it is sad that sometimes no one replies.
My knowledge comes from research of being a patient who has AF because of Thyroid cancer. Also my surgeon.
What do you think Jeanjeannie50? I wrote them twice but no answer.
Joy. 73. (NZ)
It's strange isn't it. Perhaps the Thyroid UK isn't available to all. I'm sure people who live in France are on there. Will see what I can find out for you?Jean
Hi Jeanjeannie50
Thanks if you can do that.
Do you get the thyroid ones amongst the AF posts?
cheri JOY
I did get the thyroid UK messages when I belonged to that forum. In fact, they get so many posts daily that I came off of it.
I have 6 in my posts at moment.
They need help in understanding the levels.
As I tell my locum doctors who are not me that regardless of total level of thyroxine I need that amount to get to my optinum level of TSH 2.0.
Even doctors dont get it!
I'm pretty settled on 125mcg Synthroid daily between 5-6am.
But 150 1 day in each fortnight. How's that.
My surgeon, me and using Mr Gary Claymans (top USA Thyroid Research and he does 100s of thyroid operation per most putting them right.
T read the Throidectomy Booj The Atlas of Head and Neck and you can read your Thyroidectomy! Written by him.
Too low is your thyroxin your TSH will increase.
Take a little more and your TSH will fall.
Its all about the optimin level for you of your TSH.
I just replied to a querier and I got you have a problem please refresh which I did amd it was lost.
JOT (73). (NZ)
I've just sent the Thyroid UK forum Administrator a message asking if it's available for people in New Zealand. Let's see if I get a reply.
Thanx jeanjeannie 50.
I see alot of posts go unanswered. Why?
The AF Forum is not called UKAF Forum, I note
but Thyroid says UK Thyroid Forum.
After changing to Synthroid I can keep my TSH @ 2.0. Great.
But 2 months ago I had a foreign thing in the bottom of my plastic kiddie lock bottle. They are taking theit time think it was a seed but to me it looked like 1/2 a pill of something.
Thanx J.
cheri JOY. 73. (NZ)
crazy lol this is the first time we’ve had this happen that I realized I was answering old posts
The old posts on my phone appear at the bottom of the feed. So as Jean says, if I scroll down now after posting this reply to you, I'll be 'fed' others that are current and then those that contain CONFUSED in the title. It's just an algorithm, like Facebook but not as sinister 😀
Hi Dawn, are you using a PC? If you are, at the side of the page when someone writes a post there appears previously posted info placed by other people. Although informative these can be quite old and my guess is that you may be clicking on them. Am I right?
If you look, your post contains the word Confused and other posts with that in the heading are now shown to the right of the screen.
That is strange then. Has never happened to me and I've been on this forum for a long time. I wonder if it's anything to do with being in the U.S. Joy has had problems too and she's in New Zealand.Jean
Dawn it’s always been thus. Actually I find the replies to old post quite interesting and useful. It would be nigh impossible to filter out older posts for individuals with hundreds of thousands of members - or it would slow the process down.
Every post will have a time stamp next to the poster.
It’s the way the algorithms work and you can write as much as you like but nothing will change. Computer says no.
The more you use the platform the more you will notice how it works.
Every O/S also seems to display the information differently and as most people these days would use mobile devices and there is only so much information you can fit on a small screen, things like Pinned Posts are sometimes not seen on some mobile devices, especially older versions.
this is the first time I’ve had this happen some of them were five years old lol