Thanks to everyone who has responded to my initial posts. I’ve been extremely stressed out and worried since my diagnosis of Afib.
I have been down a dark Google rabbit hole and have been terrified of not only afib but by the prospect of other structural heart issues. In saying that the bravery and positivity of many who have got structural heart issues and afib was reassuring and hopeful.
I’m not sure if my anxiety could of handled anymore bad news in that regard tbh. The EP noted my high anxiety and worry as a friend of mine was recently diagnosed with cardiomyopathy.
He also noted that I was equally terrified of a stroke as I was from a bleed from the anticoagulants. He suggested my CHADvasc was 0 and that i had low risks of stroke and higher risk of bleed and didn’t need to be on an anticoagulant.
Because of my high cholesterol at 6.16 he wants to do a CT angiogram. Conversely my GP has told me he’s not worried about my cholesterol ! As did an AnE consultant.
He was happy that my echocardiogram showed no structural issues and no signs of any cardiomyopathy. He felt that a recent operation may have been what caused me to now be in persistent AF.
Any of you know how long I might have to wait for my CT on the nhs ?
Lastly thanks so much for the support and giving me the information to be able to ask all the questions at my appointment. Very useful and kind of people to take the time.
greatly appreciated.