My GP surgery want me to change from Rivaroxaban to Edoxaban. I gather it is a cheaper option. I would be grateful to hear if anyone has any pro’s or cons please?
Rivaroxaban or Edoxaban? That is the... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Rivaroxaban or Edoxaban? That is the question!

I had a call from my surgery back in July to say they wanted me to change from Rivaroxaban to Edoxaban as it was cheaper. I told them I would not even consider it until I had spoken with my electrophysiologist at my next consultation in September.
He said either was ok by him and it was my choice, if it wasnt broken then why risk side effects from a diffrrnt drug but it was entirely up to me. His hospital had moved from Rivaroxaban and apixaban onto Edoxaban. He felt it was a safe swop. I havent changed at this point as I have enough to worry about in other respects and my GP hasn't raised it again.
I have been on edoxaban since my AF diagnosis in 2019 and not been aware of any problems with it. My mother was moved from Warfarin to a NOAC a year before and was given apixiban. I was told
I was prescribed Edoxaban instead of Rivaroxaban as a PIP by my cardiologist who said findings of the latter in the States were not good. I suspect most CCGs will go for Edoxaban as I understand it is the cheapest. On this forum it appears Apixaban is the most popular.
I changed from Apixaban to Edoxaban recently and have not noticed any difference but it suited me to have one tablet a day rather than two. But I agree that if its not broken why change?
A while ago, I had a clot in the LAA despite being on Dabigatran. I was put on warfarin until it dispersed and my private EP kept me on that until Edoxaban was available. He said that it was better at preventing clots. At that time, nothing to do with cost.
I would absolutely refuse unless on medical grounds.
hi I was initially put on Apixaban but could not tolerate it as I suffered with gastric issues. I was changed to Edoxaban 30mg once daily and have no problems with it.
Hi Fairyfeathers, I was put on Rivaroxaban 4 weeks ago but am having gastric issues. Need to take Omeprazole and Gaviscon to keep stomach happy. Did the Edoxaban change calm things down. I confess I did have a few days off and felt better but resumed as I have a blood test today. Will chat to doc to see if I can change.
hi, yes Edoxaban is certainly easier on my gastric issues. Apixaban was making me feel nauseous as well as giving me stomach gramps etc. I do have problems with meds as react to fillers in tablets. My own GP really not interested and I feel he thinks its all in my head plus he is very much for prescribing the cheapest drug. I was lucky when I rang my GP surgery to discuss my Apixaban issues I actually spoke to another GP who said he agreed with me that some people are sensitive to medication. I was so shocked and relieved that he was willing for me to try different meds to try and get one I could cope with. I do have IBS and food, meds and anxiety are a challenge every day.
You will, I presume, need to be on anticoagulant for life so it’s essential that you can tolerate the medication. So discuss way forward with your GP, be assertive, and ask to try other meds. I wish you well.
I think it's fair enough to consider cost when deciding what OAC to use. The NHS is apparently strapped for cash. There is little difference in the NOACs so if that saves a bit of cash, fair enough. Warfarin, of course, is cheaper still.
I was swapped from Warfarin to Edoxaban during lockdowns. No cons for me, pros no more testing inr or worrying about what I eat etc.
I changed from Rivaroxaban to Apixaban because of excess bleeding and gastric problems. No longer need meds for reflux.
Thanks everyone for your helpful comments. If the pharmacy asks me again I might give Edoxaban a try - it might even be an improvement! Think positive!
If your AF jumps to 95 or over stay on Rivaroxaban if your AF is lower than you may take Edoxaban not because its cheaper but because your getting better. This is my opion only, I am not a doctor.