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SilverliningsForNow profile image

I saw my oncologist yesterday and told her my ablation had been successful (performed last September - no AF since) but she questioned that as I am still on 100mg Flecainide in the morning and 75mg at night .75 Bisoprolol was it really successful. Should I be looking to stop all medication as Flecainide can lead to heart problems?

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SilverliningsForNow profile image
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36 Replies
jeanjeannie50 profile image

It's odd that your EP hasn't suggested that you start easing off on the Flec and Bisoprolol. Have you seen him/her since your ablation?


SilverliningsForNow profile image
SilverliningsForNow in reply to jeanjeannie50

In fairness I started having ectopics and flutters a couple of months ago so he increased meds and been fine ever since. I can speak to him at any time. I just thought if I had no AF all was good.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Ablations for AF can quite often leave you with flutter, but flutter is a far simpler procedure to ablate. Flutter used to totally exhaust me. How are you feeling?

SilverliningsForNow profile image
SilverliningsForNow in reply to jeanjeannie50

I feel completely fine and have regular echocardiograms which say my heart is in good shape. I’m 63. But now I’m questioning it all!

etheral profile image

If you are not on an anticoagulant I would queation your EP about the advisability of that as well.

yes I’m on Apixaban. ❤️

Buffafly profile image

If it ain’t broke….

Do you know what - that’s exactly what my family say. I was 186bpm for fours every other day. Now nothing. Sleeping dogs lie?

stoneyrosed profile image

What actually is a successful ablation? I thought it was to eventually come off all meds and have at least five years free of the condition. I have yet to hear from anyone who this has happened to. Carry on keeping on, you seem content with how you are at this present time !

KMRobbo profile image
KMRobbo in reply to stoneyrosed

I had a PVI cryoablation and came of all meds 3 months later. NO AFIB since the ablation in January 2018.

I believe there are many successful ablations. Just not many keep on the forum.

For me stopping the meds was almost as big an aim as stopping the AFib as I was fed up withe the hassle of the drugs and the side effects.

NYCgal22 profile image
NYCgal22 in reply to KMRobbo

I agreagree with you..had an ablation 7 months ago and all is well. Am off all meds as the only ones I was taking was for Afib. So happy I had the procedure. Can it come back? Perhaps but we never know what medical issues are lurking in our bodies anyway as we get older. I also know someone that had an ablation 10 years ago and hasn't had Afib since. So keeping fingers crossed. Believe me I saw my Afib progressing quickly and that was the only reason I got up the nerve to get the ablation.

KMRobbo profile image
KMRobbo in reply to NYCgal22

But if AFib returns tommorrow morning I will happily have another ablation tommorrow afternoon !

pusillanimous profile image
pusillanimous in reply to stoneyrosed

My son has been free and off all meds for nearly 17 years since his ablation.

stoneyrosed profile image
stoneyrosed in reply to pusillanimous

That’s great news and very reassuring for people who have had and are having an ablation.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to pusillanimous

That's really good to hear. What age was he when he had his ablation?

pusillanimous profile image
pusillanimous in reply to jeanjeannie50

He was 36 and into extreme sports and still is, He ran the hardest mountain marathon in SA at the weekend, he's 52. His specialist says that many of his patients have been top athletes, Rugby players etc. who have resumed their sport with no problems.

Oh stoneyrosed thank you that does reassure me because it was how I was thinking before I spoke to the Oncologist. My EP says that in my case it is a combination of ablation and medication. He also said that with regular heart, liver and kidney tests this practice could see me to the end of my days! Why not 😝

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image
JOY2THEWORLD49 in reply to SilverliningsForNow


its a forget about yourself and see how it goes.

If you are on BB to manage your BP you are like others without AF coping with their high blood pressure.

Take your BP and pulse say once a week and keep notes. If your BP gets low then you will be taken off the BB.

Flec.... are you using as PIP Pill in Pocket? That will become NAV Null and void as you dont have episodes you wont be taking.

I cannot have an ablation because of 1 enlarged chamber. Also for those who have AF because of thyroid problems, I read it could revert. I have had Pap. cancer removed by removal of thyroid and 12 lymphs. I was lucky to have it discovered on a Carotis Arteries Scan 4 days after an Embollic Stroke.

You will get there. Ask ?s for information. managing any meds and reassurance.

cheers JOY. 73. (NZ)

4chickens profile image

if your feeling well and cope with the medication why change anything, I’d carry on as you are and enjoy being AF free

SilverliningsForNow profile image
SilverliningsForNow in reply to 4chickens

Thank you so much. I think that’s what I’ll do .

kalgs profile image

I had my ablation last September. I had a conversation with the medics and stopped anticoagulants within 12 weeks of ablation. I stopped beta blockers over a 12 month period by reducing gradually.

I’m now off all medications. I’ve read all the risk issues but was determined to come off medication. I have no underlying health issues.

SilverliningsForNow profile image
SilverliningsForNow in reply to kalgs

wow! So pleased for you ❤️

ETHEL103 profile image

Hi I had a flutter ablation in May and was told to immediately stop my high dose Verapimil straight away as i believe it can cause other arrythmias after ablaion.Im no doctor tho just that was my path.I would check with your EP about weaning off.

kalgs profile image

Thanks. My reason for replying was to suggest you might talk to you medics about stopping your medication. Of course it depends on your current situation. I talked about risk issues and was supported by my cardiologist. Yes AFIB might return but why stay on meds just in case .

I think honestly the decision I need to make is when to have the 2nd ablation. There is no way that I would hold without the medication. But with it currently my life is normal. Thanks for your advice ❤️

DKBX profile image

After four ablations and STILL on flecainide and metoprolol, I’ve accepted that it’s the norm for me. Who knows … maybe the low heart rate and blocked adrenaline surges allows one to live longer!? Unless the side effects and risks outweigh the benefits, leave it alone. That’s my advice.

Quest4NSR profile image
Quest4NSR in reply to DKBX

works for a Tortoise 😁

Ashfield53 profile image

I had my ablation in March and it was successful, on my 7 day monitor there were some ectopics and I was offered medication when I had my follow up but I turned this down. To be fair I was not on medication before to control the Afib.

Singwell profile image

Your oncologist questioned whether your ablation had been successful? How would you feel if your EP questioned your oncologist's decisions? There's a reason why people.have specialisms. Hope that helps you feel more confident. Stay with what makes you feel secure and the most well.

Ablation7 profile image

I had my 2nd ablation in March and have not had afib since (knock on wood). Doing well, but EP said I’ll be staying on medication at current dose forever. 360mg Diltiazem daily. I trust and like my dr, but seems odd. I told him I’d like to revisit that on next appt in January.

GuyDora profile image
GuyDora in reply to Ablation7

That is a high dose that the EP has kept you on. Do you have an abnormally high heart rate?

SilverliningsForNow profile image
SilverliningsForNow in reply to GuyDora

I’m not sure its that high. Maximum dosage is 300mg a day and I am looking to reduce the morning dose to 75mg. A lot of people on here are on 100mg night and day. The thing is I had an echocardiogram last month which showed my heart as structurally sound and unremarkable, my BP is totally normal, my bloods have all been checked and are totally normal, I have a great relationship with my EP and could contact him practically any time to ask for advice and for the past year I have had less than three episodes of AF. I am so grateful to everyone for helping me with advice and I will certainly bring the comments to his attention but I suppose at the moment I’m probably in the camp of I am having a fabulous life, nothing is limiting and I never think about my heart and its activities, I don’t have any side effects from the medication, I just reached out for people’s views. X

SilverliningsForNow profile image
SilverliningsForNow in reply to GuyDora

Sorry GuyDora just realised you were talking to Ablation7 and I have gone on and on in defence of my dosage!!!! Ha ha! So sorry. I will crawl away under some stone and stay quiet!

Khatpi profile image

I agree with Singwell. Good sound advice there. Both doctors are so different, they shouldn't influence one another for any medical advice you receive from them, I wouldn't think. Go with your gut. Best to your health. Sarah from San Diego.

GuyDora profile image

Lol Yes, I was referring to the Diltiazem dosage. I am glad that your meds are working well, though. So many people struggle trying to get the right dose to work, while keeping side effects at a minimum.

Ablation7 profile image

I think it’s a high dose too. Definitely want to revisit it. My heart rate became high when my afib was out of control. Much better now (70’s at night) but not as low as it used to be.

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