Why I'm not getting better - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Why I'm not getting better

belindalore profile image
110 Replies

 I came across an article about the Medicare insurance here in the USA. I have Medicare advantage which is all I can afford but where I live it's not good insurance. As I've stated before it sometimes makes a difference where you live and whether or not you have good Drs. I have gone nothing but downhill since I got on Medicare. I really don't expect to see another birthday. I have been ignored by the Drs for too long. I have told them over and over about how bad I feel only to be told that they "think" it's this or that or whatever. I've kept quiet because there are so many here who are very sick too. I've paid for my cremation. And I get comfort in knowing that God is watching these Drs who think they will get a pass to Heaven just because they have MD after their names. I hope the devil is waiting for them.

The article I refer to is titled "Medicare Disadvantage: Shortchanging the Patients While Enriching the Insurer." It's website is commondreams.org. Thanks for listening.

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belindalore profile image
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110 Replies
mav7 profile image

Hi Belinda

I don't have the knowledge to discuss Medicare but did you choose not to enroll in Medicare Plan A or B vs Medicare Advantage ?

From scanning the article, it appears the Advantage program is more expensive for the government resulting in fewer offered providers. And many providers may not accept the Advantage program.

Regardless, I would encourage you to consult with Senior services representatives in your area about your concerns. Medicaid free is available if you meet the financial parameters.

Best to you and may God Bless ! Keep your spirits high.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to mav7

To have what is called original Medicare you almost have to afford a supplemental plan to pay for the 20% that original Medicare doesn't cover. Or be able to pay out of pocket which means one would have to be pretty well off. The supplemental plans cost hundreds of dollars. The costs vary once again where you live. For me to pay for supplemental insurance would leave me broke on my limited income. You have to have part A and B no matter what plan you choose. You have no choice in that. Original Medicare does not cover the costs of meds. Therefore you need the supplemental insurance. Medicare advantage is set up to cover meds. But they are pretty choosy about what Drs can prescribe. For the reason the article stated. The insurance companies want to make lots of money. I don't qualify for Medicaid here in Florida as I live with my ex and the state considers me a dependent under him. I can't afford to live by myself here. Too expensive. Rules to receive Medicaid also vary state to state. It's crazy. My neighbor has the better insurance and pays for supplemental insurance and even her Dr has had to battle with the insurance company she has to keep her on a particular medicine. This Dr just retired because he was tired of dealing with the insurance companies. He could have practiced another 10 years but he just couldn't do it. He was a Dr with a conscious. Insurance companies have become allowed to rule the medical system and I see it getting worse with the new young Drs. They are like robots glued to their computers for the answers. Gee I can look up an illness on the computer and choose from a list of meds. The Drs don't sit down and talk to you or ask questions. I can't discuss anything with a Dr. I remember when I could. No more. I talk to other people. Some at the Drs office and they all say the same thing. We all feel like we don't matter. We are just a number on our insurance policy. I think it was Auriculaire (if you read this Auriculaire forgive me if it wasn't you) on the forum who posted recently that she knew someone who was a Dr in respiratory diseases and that Dr said medical students are basically learning the different diseases and what drugs to prescribe. Nothing else. Not to look for a cause. Not how to interact with the patient. Not the type of medical care I grew up on. It's frustrating and depressing. I may try to change Drs again after talking to a friend earlier today. My friend has a Medicare advantage plan too. Different insurance company than mine. But she said the Dr she was seeing had diagnosed her with several ailments she doesn't have. She switched Drs. My friend is a retired nurse. She said the reason that Dr diagnosed her with all those things is because the more things wrong with you the more money they make off the insurance companies. Her new Dr dismissed all the false diagnoses. It's really a racket here in the USA. Profit over patient. And if the patient doesn't get better so what. There's plenty more patients out there to make money off of.

Thank you for your kind words mav7. I'm trying to hang in there. Sometimes it just feels pointless to go to the Dr when you don't get better. Maybe changing Drs again will help. It will be the 3rd time if I can change Drs again. 3rd time's a charm? Maybe. I hope you are doing well. Take care. Be safe.

mav7 profile image
mav7 in reply to belindalore

Thanks for the facts on Medicare. I was aware of the supplemental insurance requirement but thought costs would be minimal for normal doctor visits and minor procedures.

You seem to be aware of your options, just don't be discouraged and keep trying to find a suitable doctor. My experience has been that doctors today because of the health system are not able to perform the personal care we grew up with. They are overburdened with the number of patients and the insurance requirements.

Best to you !

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to mav7

Thank you.

2018NSR profile image
2018NSR in reply to belindalore

While medical care in the US is expensive we do have great care and Drs. I’m sure it is different in other areas. I have Medicare and a supplement and I had the Wolf mini maze and it was totally covered. I pay no co-pays and never see a bill. I did my homework prior to choosing a supplement and advantage plans are the worst and are 0 dollars a month for a reason. When you agree to an advantage plan you are leaving Medicare and buying into a private insurance where they can make the rules. Drs don’t want to take them because they don’t get paid. Hopefully you can pick up a supplement you can afford I just had to comment on the bleak outlook of care and Drs you have painted here in the US. We don’t all feel that way.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to 2018NSR

If I could afford a supplement I would have had that from the get go. Not all of us retire with pensions and a big SS check. So people like me who can't afford the better insurance just become statistics. And by the way advantage plans are supposed to offer the same care as a Medicare plan plus a supplemental but the insurance companies are good at getting around that. And not all Drs are good.

2018NSR profile image
2018NSR in reply to belindalore

There are some plans that are quite affordable and offer much better coverage and yes, not all Drs are equal but putting them all in the same category is not fair either. You have to do your own research on plans and care. Not all are bad. You must be your own advocate.

solarjdo69 profile image
solarjdo69 in reply to belindalore


Say it ain't so! I just got on the dreaded Medicare A and B and also purchased a plan G as my supplemental. It's $160 or so / month. My wife got her Medicare prior to 2020 so she has a Plan F which is identical in coverage, but also pays the part B deductible.

We both have separate Part Description coverage. She has Silverscript for $31.50/month 0 She takes about 8 items. I only have the one so I have a "placeholder" plan called Welcare Basic - $8.93/mth. $500 deductible. But i get myb diltiezem now started this year 2023 from costplusdrugs.com.

90 day supply of my heart med Dilteizem ER

CVS with no insurance $194.50

CVS with Cigna $36.00 copay (What I had until 12-31-2022 from my employer.)

Costplusdrugs $33.20 including shipping.

If I had that Silverscript, it would cost me $31.50x3> $94.50 + $30.00 co-pay so $126,00

Wellcare $9,00x3>$27.00 +$33.20 or $60.00

Be Well.


belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to solarjdo69

Hi. I have very limited income solar. Less than $700 month from SS. I live with my ex. Otherwise I'd be homeless. Now he is very unwell and I am suffering from vaccine injury which Drs won't even discuss. I look like someone from the Holocaust. Not to put them down in any way. I find my choice of words not good anymore. vaccines have affected thinking. I fully expect not to be here for long. I no longer comment the forum. No need to anymore. Oh I have Medicare advantage. It's crap insurance where I'm at. I talked to a lady the other day (I go out when I can) and she has very good insurance but yet she said she runs into problems. Healthcare is run by the insurance companies. Drs can no longer doctor because they have to follow the protocols of the insurance companies. I know 3 different people whose Drs retired early because they are fed up with the insurance companies. And have read many many Drs are leaving. The Drs now spend their time staring at the computers they carry from exam room to exam room. I've waited an hour in the waiting room and then lucky if I get 5-10 minutes with the Dr. If I complain he always has an excuse. Oh that Dr left the group he was in. Wonder if his conscious got to him. Now I'll have a new Dr in the same group who knows nothing about me. Healthcare is not what it once was. And those like me no longer matter.I do want you to know that I so much appreciated your advice when I first joined the forum. I had more help from this forum than the Drs. I wish you and yours only the best. 😍


PlanetaryKim profile image

Sorry to hear this news, belindalore. and horrible that doctors are ignoring you and not helping. :(

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to PlanetaryKim

As bad as it is in some places here in the USA I know I'm not the only one who goes through this. Health care really needs to be overhauled here. But I don't see it happening before I leave this world if ever. Thanks Kim. I don't usually let things get me down but this shouldn't happen to anyone in this day and age. So many stories of other people who needlessly fall through the cracks.

Aside from the circumstances, glad to see you are still in the forum. Was thinking about you the other day. Hope you are doing well. Take care.

kocoach profile image
kocoach in reply to belindalore

Get rid of Biden and the Socialists and watch the changes take place. Socialists don't care about us. Sorry for making this political but it's the truth in the United States.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to kocoach

Totally agree. They want to control every aspect of our lives including our healthcare.

nmack profile image
nmack in reply to kocoach

Should we have health care like Canada, the U.K. and other European countries? It's considered socialized medicine.

kocoach profile image
kocoach in reply to nmack

Not at all, Socialized medical care should be there for the people when needed no questions asked. We here in the states were headed in the right direction in that area until Obama was elected and it started going downhill from there. At that time I spoke with several Medical doctors and when I was informed that at 76 years old as I am if a 20 year old with the exact same life or death illness as I had the 20 year old would get the go ahead for treatment while I would have to wait. Just a very bad system Socialism is.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to kocoach

I was just thinking. I usually ask for a midmorning appt with the Dr. Around 10:30 to 11:15. There have been other patients come in after I do. Well past my appt time. I never see the Dr when I'm scheduled. Always at least 1/2 hour past my appt time when I finally go back to see the Dr. Last time I waited a whole hour past my appt time. And people were going back who came in long after I did. I almost left. When I did go back I told the Dr I wasn't happy about what was going on. His reply was a bunch of excuses. Well we get behind. Some patients need a little more time than others. Blah blah blah. But the one thing I noticed. All the ones who went back before I SHOULD HAVE were all young people. So even in the Drs office now the young people are seen before us seniors. And shame on my Dr. I'm 70 and he's just two years younger than me. Hope his Dr treats him like he treats me. I doubt it though. I was in the ER awhile back. Nice young Dr saw me. As he started out the door after talking to me, he turned around and said to me-Getting old sucks doesn't it. I told him-You don't know the half of it. But he will someday. You take care.

kocoach profile image
kocoach in reply to belindalore

Welcome to Socialism. Not very assuring when somebody can determine who lives or dies or who get's treatment first isn't it, rather than to help all patients?

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to kocoach

Why they are pushing for more to get advantage plans. Some seem to have good experience with an advantage plan. I have not.

kocoach profile image
kocoach in reply to belindalore

Thats not entirely correct. Just a couple of days ago Ocasio Cortez said in public that Bidens debt relief plan that was voted on and passed was a victory for the Socialists and she's a Democrat/Socialist same as he is.

kocoach profile image
kocoach in reply to kocoach

Sorry Belinda this response was for jmarina but accidently posted it to you. Sorry.

Jmarina profile image
Jmarina in reply to kocoach

This reasoning is not factual. Biden is not a socialist... Bernie Sanders is. It's the Republicans that tried to eliminate Obama care. And now Republicans like Ron Johnson & others says the government should no longer support Social Security & Medicare.. it's mandatory spending! They want to eliminate all mandatory spending! Google this & educate ... especially before the midterm elections. You will get facts when you Google. I don't usually talk politics either... but I hear a lot of mis- information lately. Because we all have health problems... I think it's important that we learn as much as we can from Factual sources.

kocoach profile image
kocoach in reply to Jmarina

hats not entirely correct. Just a couple of days ago Ocasio Cortez said in public that Bidens debt relief plan that was voted on and passed was a victory for the Socialists and she's a Democrat/Socialist same as he is.

MummyLuv profile image

Access to Healthcare should be a human right, I know there has to be a limit for any country to afford but your system seems far too commercial ( the mini maze I was quoted in the US was 4 x more expensive than privately here in UK). No system has it right though. Doctors here are struggling under the pressure of demand in our NHS and waitlists can be very long, my local hospital has a 4 year waitlist for hip replacement.

Sending you love and hope you do not continue to be ignored, instead find a doctor who will listen and work with you to find out what is wrong. 💕💕💕

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to MummyLuv

Thank you. It's hard to find a good Dr these days when they are so ruled by the insurance companies. They are like robots. And with the Medicare advantage it seems that the really subpar Drs are the ones who accept that insurance. So you are between a rock and a hard place trying to find a decent Dr.

Alwayzlrning profile image
Alwayzlrning in reply to belindalore

wow, I read your previous lengthy note above and you sound and feel exactly as I do. I could’ve written the same myself! True, it seems that seniors are viewed as having had a long life, and we are just a number. I’ve even said the same about your sentiments on subpar doctors accepting advantage plans, that’s definitely what I’ve been experiencing!

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Alwayzlrning

Thanks for understanding. Have you ever seen any of us seniors smiling at the Drs office? I was at my cardio Dr one time and a gentleman was there in the waiting room with his caregiver. All of sudden he said-"I don't know why we all come here. These Drs are just killing us." No one else responded to him. But some of the looks on other people's faces and I'm sure mine too, let him know we agreed. You take care.

CDreamer profile image

Hi Belindalore - so sorry to hear of your despair and it sounds as though it’s hardly surprising, we would all be should we be in your position. We complain about our NHS but we also value it and although waiting times are sometimes long, we do receive good care and all are treated equally, regardless of income statues.

I was very disturbed to read the AA plea - a post or two below yours - appealing to US patients to lobby Medicare for access to ablation therapy and would urge you and any other readers in a similar position to support the AA’s plea to lobby Medicare for access to treatment.

In case you missed it - healthunlocked.com/afassoci...

Best wishes and do hope things improve for you.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to CDreamer

Thank you for sharing this. I will look it up later. What will happen is if Medicare is cut again which I'm sure it will be, there will be fewer heart Drs. Drs don't have to accept Medicare any way. In the past few years many Drs have stopped accepting Medicare patients. They still accept other insurances just not Medicare. Because Medicare does not pay the full costs a Dr charges. We are losing good Drs all the time as it is because they can't deal with the dictorial insurance companies anymore. The USA is going to become a third world country one day with poor healthcare. Do you know decades ago Biden tried to get rid of Medicare when he was a Senator? Yes he did try very hard. He has a very poor record of being a Senator. How ironic that as POTUS he campaigned for Medicare for all. To get votes. And now they want to cut it even more......

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to belindalore

That’s exactly why the AA want you to share your experiences through their post.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to CDreamer

I read through the link you sent me. But more than likely these cuts will go through. Very seldom do our politicians listen to the people who vote them into office. Politicians listen to the lobbyists and those who pad their pockets. There have been instances through the years when citizens have signed petitions begging the politicians not to cut down things in our medical system or not to raise costs. If the politicians listened to us citizens just maybe we wouldn't have all these problems. But no. They listen with their pockets. I think it was Saulgar (I probably misspelled his user name, sorry) who stated in this discussion how much these heart doctors make. A lot. So much more than I'm sure in other countries. That's one reason why some foreign Drs come to America. Lots of money. Drs have been leaving and retiring the profession for awhile here. Before the pandemic. Because as I've said so many times, the good Drs are tired of dealing with the insurance companies. And our government has been pushing the advantage plans for everyone this last year. The crap insurance like I have. Because the insurance companies make huge profits from this type of insurance. One reason is because they don't pay the full costs that the Drs or hospitals charge. If a Dr or hospital accepts the advantage plans they have to accept what the insurance companies pay them. Of course the Drs and hospitals accept hundreds of other insurances so really whatever they lose from advantage payouts, they recoup from all the other insurances. But if they do cut Medicare and keep pushing people into these advantage plans, yes, there will be fewer heart Drs and all Drs. There is a lot of evil going on in this current administration. And when things get really bad for those who still believe things are so wonderful right now, those people will be the ones crying the loudest. Sorry this was so long. Hope I didn't put you to sleep.

oscarfox49 profile image

Just what is so wrong with 'socialised medicine'? Here in France we have a health system second to none, it is mostly free at the point of need, but people pay a 'top up' health insurance which provides cover for less essential things and additional benefits. The real evil is in the health services which cannot treat people who are old, sick, desperate and in need, and only your income or inherited wealth level is what counts.

Puzzler46 profile image
Puzzler46 in reply to oscarfox49

I had a 3x heart bypass in France. (I lived there for some years.)Op was 5 days after diagnosis of arterial blockages. After 3 days in Intensive care and 5 days in ward care I was transferred to a rehab centre for 3 weeks of therapy including exercise, good diet and lifestyle advice. It was like a 3 star hotel with medics. Regular follow ups until I was signed off. I then returned to the U.K. and smoothly transferred to the NHS where the medical care was good if a little slower. Ongoing medication is free. Total cost to me - nil. (Apart from my taxes). If this is socialistic medicine, I’m all for it.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Puzzler46

Wow. That would cost a fortune here in the USA. Even with insurance. IF the insurance you have would even cover the costs of what you had.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to oscarfox49

I am happy with the system here. I have a very good GP, cardiologist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist. I can access the specialists by ringing the secretary without having a letter from the GP though appointment times vary for a cabinet visit. In an emergency my GP would ring them and get a quicker appointment. When I had my first hip replacement op my surgeon apologised for the nearly 4 month wait because covid had put their schedules out. I was delighted I could get it so quickly! I consider the mid range mutuelle we pay for money well spent as it allows us to go to a private clinic of our choice for ops. The extra consultant fees are modest. My sister still lives in England and moans about the NHS waiting times and how difficult it is to get an appointment with the GP . But I reckon she spends nearly as much in one year on visits to the hairdresser and expensive toiletries and make up as my mutuelle costs. Even with a basic mutuelle the waits here are not as long as in the UK. I am always reading in Marianne and Charlie Hebdo about how the system is crumbling but so far it compares very well with the UK. As for America most people there have no idea about what a "socialised medicine" system as practiced in most of Europe actually is. It's just a slogan used to frighten people from demanding proper health care reform that benefits patients rather than providers.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Auriculaire

So true. Plus Drs don't want to lose money here. The insurance I can afford does not allow me to just call any Dr. One has to get a referral to see specialist from your GP. Then it has to be approved by the insurance company. Those who can afford to pay for the better insurance can access any Dr they want but still have to have authorization from their insurance companies. But usually don't have to wait long for it. Like I said it's a racket here in the USA.Take care.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Auriculaire

I have to add. People in the USA have been brainwashed over the years that universal medicine is taboo. Because of the insurance companies and big pharma not wanting to lose all the big money they make. People in the USA think those overseas who have socialized medicine pay way too much in taxes and what not in order to have that healthcare. But then you all pay nothing most of the time for your care. No it's not perfect. It isn't anywhere in the world. But look at Medicare here in the USA. One pays for it out of their pay check during their working lives. Then when you finally get Medicare you still have to pay. If you have Medicare with a supplemental plan you are paying hundreds of dollars every month to have that plan. Then there's the co pays for hospital visits and Dr visits. The low low income can get Medicaid but even some of those people may not qualify to even get Medicaid. The insurance system in this country is so money driven and too many Drs that if you die they could care less. Long as they get their money they are all happy.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to oscarfox49

Your last paragraph hit it on the nail for what goes on in the USA. I can't see socialized medicine in the USA now. There would be too much of a push back from the insurance industry losing money. Decades ago medicine was pretty much socialized medicine. But when insurance came about and someone saw it could be a money maker it's been downhill since then. And then Medicare was started and it got even worse. The devil is taking over..

secondtry profile image

In the UK also over the last few years, it is increasingly difficult to receive the right medical attention (unless it is an emergency). I am particularly concerned that most doctors appear to be controlled by others not in the best interests of the patient.

Best wishes, I hope things improve for you.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to secondtry

Agreed - and one has to ask why? Lack of investment certainly but many other factors including greed. I also certainly do NOT like the way the NHS is stealthily being privatised and taken over by large US insurance companies. And yes it is really happening a LOT faster than we are led to believe. We really need to wake up to this very soon.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to CDreamer

Sorry missed NOT out …..

Soundmike profile image
Soundmike in reply to CDreamer

Yes I agree the NHS care I received was second to none ,didn't get on very well with the management but I don't want to get into that . With me after having a front convergent hybrid ablation five weeks ago,I felt I was left to my own devices a bit ,which is one of the reasons I joined this forum . To me a lot of the NHS problems start at the bottom when you try to see a GP ,here in Yorkshire they still seem reluctant to come out of the office and see people . When you see posts from people like Belindalore it makes me realise how lucky I am ,hope you feel better soon and I know its easy to say but try to positive . I know that last part doesn't apply to you cdreamer but I'm sure it will be read by Belindalore .

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Soundmike

Thank you.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to CDreamer

You are becoming the USA. Sad 😥.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to CDreamer

Terrible. Insurance companies here are drowning in money. Hate to see them taking over your system. But not surprised.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to secondtry

Yes. As here in the USA Drs are being controlled by the insurance companies. Many good Drs also retiring early because they are tired of dealing with the insurance companies. Take care and be safe.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to secondtry

Thank you.

waveylines profile image

Im so sorry to hear what you are going through Belindalore. These days I have to self diagnosis then seek treatment. Bonkers I know but over reliance on screens, big pharma, seems to take precedance over examining the patient, talking to them and using their powers of deduction. Many doctors no longer have that skill but follow pathways and set medications. If you dont fit a pathway tough.......a dear friend of mine died because he difnt fit a cancer pathway.....by the time he did he & was diagnosed, he dies three weeks later. Things improve a bit when and if you can access specialist consultants. Sadly I fear the uk isnt far behind the USA, going down a private route of care, much has been done on the quiet to privatise our NHS. Eg physiotherapy is mainly private, dentistry is privatised and the nhs part of dentistry is on the verge of collapse with many nhs dentists now leaving it.. There are long long waits to see specialsits and to receive treatent. Im waiting for an op.......am told 9month wait but I know with winter coming it will be a lot longer as the nhs has barely coped this summer. Im under the care of an excellant neurologist but the long delays means that although he saw me a year ago (after a 6 month wait to see me) he is still working through the tests to confirm his diagnosis. It takes months for each test to be done. And I was referred by him to see a dietician over a year ago.......no sign of an appointment yet.

So you have all my sympathy and I urge you to read up as much as you can. Knowledge is power. It may help to cut through some of the rubbish that is out there? Big hugs

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to waveylines

Sorry to hear you have to deal with all that. And sorry for the loss of your friend. That same thing happens in the USA all the time. It's just swept under the rug and people don't hear much about it. Yes I've had to do a lot of my own research as many like you and others in this forum. We shouldn't have to though. I never had to do that years ago. I had trust in the Drs then. No more. Hugs back to you.

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to belindalore

Having no trust in doctors is healthy if u ask me. They have to earn it....

Auriculaire profile image

Really sorry to hear about your problems with the health "service " there Belinda. You might have to just give up on doctors altogether and start trying to see if you can pinpoint why you feel so bad. Look at your diet and current meds. Is there any thing in your environment that could be making you feel ill? I have just seen a news report on the UK news about how the water in Jackson is totally undrinkable. Have you had any covid vaccines? Don't give up on feeling better.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Auriculaire

Unfortunately I did have the Moderna vaccines early on. So did my ex whom I live with. I'm convinced that we both have suffered some injury from these vaccines. If I could go back I would have never gotten the vaccines. But the Drs don't know or won't admit that the vaccines cause any problems. I know some people who have been hurt by the vaccines. One an old schoolmate who also got the Moderna. After the second dose he's now paralyzed. No health problems at all before he got the shots. I also suffer from chronic problems with mold allergy. Bad in this Florida climate. But again not many Drs to this day take it seriously. Years ago I diagnosed myself with it. I've always tried to eat well and exercise. I just keep plugging along. Thanks. You take care.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to belindalore

Yep, the Covid vaccines have produced death & injury on an unprecedented level covered up as best they can by Big Pharma & controlled governments/media. I have never donated to any cause as much as I have to US organisations (covid19criticalcare.com/about/ ) & UK ones (worldcouncilforhealth.org/e... ) who show America & UK at its best.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to secondtry

I have seen these organizations. They are really doing good work. Parents are allowing their babies (as young as 3 months) to get these vaccines. Last time I read there were over 1000 reports of adverse effects in these little babies. I was stupid to have gotten them. All the time I was in line I felt it was wrong and I'm so embarrassed I let it happen I couldn't even say it on this forum til now. How were we supposed to trust something that is still experimental? I mention it to the Dr. He doesn't know anything about it. And doesn't want to. Because the Dr who owns the practice my Dr is part of received almost 8 million dollars from big pharma to do drug trials right here in the town I live in. 😒 Someday the truth will come out. Long after we're gone. Take care and be safe.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to belindalore

You must not beat yourself up about having the shots. I did the same. I took the J&J vaccine and I really regret it. I knew in my gut it was not right for me and when I went to the pharmacy the doc who was doing the injections took my blood pressure and it was 175/ 90. Normally it is 130/80 . I am just thankful my husband resisted as they tried to pressure him into getting it as well. Have you looked at the protocol the Frontline covid 19 Critical Care Alliance doctors use for recovering from vaccine injury or side effects? They list many supplements that might help. NAC (n acetyl cysteine ) is among them and I have found that this is a very good supplement. Also have you had your vit D levels checked recently? If your doctors will not do this there is an association in America that does the testing - I think it is called Grassroots Health.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Auriculaire

Thank you. Yes I'm trying some of the supplements. Some I can't take as they cause side effects. NAC for one. 😞 Had my nutrients checked and all were supposedly okay. Buy it was just the basic blood test the labs do. I think the intercellular (?) tests are the way to go but my insurance isn't going to pay for that and I can't afford it as the cost I've seen is pretty steep.. I didn't know about Grass roots Health. I'll have to look it up. Thanks. Take care. No more vaccines for me.

DKBX profile image

Our experience with Medicare has been entirely different. We have a Medicare Advantage plan in New Mexico where effectively everything is covered including very low drug costs. We get vision, dental, very low cost doctor visits and hospital stays, etc. My last ablation (had four) cost us $300. My last cardioversion cost $200. Compared to the private insurance I had with an employer in Texas, my costs have gone down by over two-thirds. However …one has to research carefully where to retire if they want good medical care in the States. And it takes a LOT more research to find the best Advantage plan every year in one’s area!We need a single payer system that is universal so one doesn’t have to do all that research.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to DKBX

Yes. Insurance and good care varies state to state. Unfortunately. Even the same insurance plan. It's nuts.i know someone who lived in my area here in Florida. She got crummy care with her advantage plan. Moved to Texas. Kept the same insurance but receives much better care there. If I could afford to move I would. I know in Kansas where I'm originally from, healthcare is much better than here in Florida where I'm at. We do need a better and fair system in the USA. Don't see it happening though. Too much greed and corruption.Thanks for your reply. Take care.

Cookie24 profile image
Cookie24 in reply to belindalore

We are hoping to move to Florida from Delaware but your post gives me concern. Where in Florida do you live?

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Cookie24

I would stay away from Florida. It's ranked 41st in bad care out of all the states. I hear Texas is better. I and my ex know people who are snowbirds from other states who come to Florida in the winter and they will not get major care here in Florida. They do any major care in the states they are from. One neighbor from Wisconsin has good insurance and says she will crawl back to Wisconsin if she has to if anything happened to her here. But I'm starting to hear some people I know who have the better insurance that they are starting to be dissed by their Drs on some health issues. If you notice the ads on TV now for Medicare are all for Medicare advantage. Some for Medicare and Medicaid. Very few for any other insurances. Medicare advantage is being pushed because the insurance companies make huge profits from it. They can deny care by not letting the Drs order tests. You do have to wait to be approved by the insurance companies for different things. If you can find the website commondreams.org that I talked about in my original post in this discussion it will explain why advantage is being pushed so heavily. Profit over patient. Someone not long ago had posted they had fallen on hard times and had to go to Medicare advantage. Not good. It's bad that people are being tricked into getting Medicare advantage. I'm afraid in the long run that's what everyone will have. Remember all the talk about the "death panels" when Obama was in office. That's what Medicare advantage is becoming.

Good luck with finding somewhere else to move. And are able to still get good insurance. Take care.

I didn't answer your question. Sorry. We are in central Florida. Inland from Daytona Beach.

Cookie24 profile image
Cookie24 in reply to belindalore

Thanks for the information

Cookie24 profile image
Cookie24 in reply to DKBX

Interesting-I am a retired U.S. State of Delaware retiree (Biden's state) and we are being shoved into a Medicare Advantage plan January 1, 2023. The State is assuring us that our care will not change but I have doubts. I anticipate prior authorization for every service, denials of service, higher deductibles, and co-payments. Most importantly access to providers will be limited. I just went to Penn Medicine in Philadelphia for ablation #3 after 2 ablations locally. I doubt in 2023 I would be able to access the top notch EP (Natale protegee) that I was able to. Where in New Mexico do you live? We hope to retiree elsewhere and now I see I must research Medicare Advantage plans in other states. Any tips on how to do so?

DKBX profile image
DKBX in reply to Cookie24

Find a good insurance advisor who provides you with ALL the details of each plan for that area and compare. You can also access the details via the Medicare webpage. medicare.gov/

2018NSR profile image
2018NSR in reply to Cookie24

There are different plans to choose from even within Medicare advantage. Study the plans. HMO vs PPOs. Some force you to stay within their network and some will let you travel out of state should you need too. Beware of the phrase 0 dollars a month. You get what you pay for or don’t pay for!

seasicksurf profile image

My Medicare experience is different—but before I signed up my insurance broker (free) recommended against the Medicare Advantage plans that are so frequently advertised on tv. Called them an HMO where you have to get approval for everything and pay doctors low rates. I talked to my electrophysiologist who said run from that plan. Standard Medicare (parts A and B) with a supplemental Blue Cross policy and a drug supplement plan costs me $400 per month, total. I have an annual out of pocket maximum of $300. So I spend just under $5000 a year for medical care and drugs. That’s it. No matter the care provided. With retirement income and Social Security this is no problem. I choose my doctors and facilities. Maybe you could look into this kind of setup for the next enrollment period. Private insurance brokers are free and are out there. Hope you can find a good one. Best of luck to you.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to seasicksurf

I have a limited income. I cannot afford what you have. People like me don't have any options. Thanks for your concern though. Take care.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to belindalore

If you ever were able to access funds, if I was you I would go straight to an integrative practitioner, who looks at the whole person and not just one area, which to me is only half right.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to secondtry

Yes they are called functional Drs here. I've looked into it. But they are pretty rare. And it would be private pay which I don't have. Guess I could always rob a bank? 😂

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to belindalore

Rob two banks and get an experienced practitioner!!

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to secondtry

😂😂 Thanks for the giggle.

Jmarina profile image
Jmarina in reply to belindalore

If you Google Medicare.gov & enter your zip code, you will see numerous plans. There are many options & a lot of free help is offered. I was told to stay away from Advantage plans!

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Jmarina

I have what I can afford. And yes I do look at the plans in my zip code. It amazes me that just someone can afford to pay extra for supplemental it's assumed everyone can.......

Cookie24 profile image
Cookie24 in reply to seasicksurf

In which state do you live?

seasicksurf profile image
seasicksurf in reply to Cookie24


DKBX profile image
DKBX in reply to seasicksurf

Avoid the ones on tv! Get w a trusted agent who doesn’t push any single offer but discusses pros and cons of all of them. You can also do it on your own through the Medicare webpage. medicare.gov/

maxred1 profile image

Sorry to hear this but my view is that you look after yourself. So many experts, are not. They may kill you through ignorance and arrogance. Keep well. self improve and you will get there....

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to maxred1

I've always tried to take care of myself. I used to be able to to trust Drs but they aren't what they were when I was young. Back then they cared. I notice these young Drs are very arrogant and some of the foreign Drs have some kind of chip on their shoulders. Get the feeling some of them don't like us Americans. But they love the money and the lifestyle they can have here. 😒 Even though one can be careful about looking after themselves things can still happen. My ex is so aggravated with the poor care he's received from the VA clinic he's gone to for years he says he's going to take whatever is wrong with him to his grave and the heck with the Drs. I'm beginning to feel the same way. And yet I know people who get good care. But they can afford better insurance than I.

RussJun55 profile image

Sorry to read about your dilemma. I think you may have nailed it with your comment, "…makes a difference where you live…". Several family members of mine have Advantage Plan coverage and they are very happy with the insurance – including cost and choice of medical providers, But our families live in New England, which has many quality medical and academic centers and doctors – and the Advantage Plan networks that I'm aware of seem to reflect that wide availability.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to RussJun55

Yes there are places in the USA where people get much better care. It should be like that no matter what insurance you have or where you live. It's shameful.

hayrisdnet profile image

Here is the link commondreams.org/views/2022...

Janith profile image

I am not sure what’s wrong with you … but one thing stands out to me and that is your negativity. Start dealing with your life, not your death … start exercising … start eating healthy foods … start taking life strengthening vitamins … you are living in a God created body … treat it accordingly … if you are thinking that the doctor’s treating you deeply care about you … that is not the case. Get your head on straight and stop planning your ultimate demise … toughen up and take charge of you and your life. My two cents!

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Janith

For your information I have done exactly all the things you've mentioned since I was a young person. I used to jog, play tennis, bike ride for hours on end. I had no idea I'd have a wonky heart later on in life. I still exercise as much as this wonky heart allows me. All my negativity stems from the poor healthcare I and many others get. You sound a little like some Drs I've seen. Not much compassion. It should not be like that. Do you receive good healthcare? If you do God bless you. And if you do you may not fully understand what the rest of us who don't go through. Do you have another magic bullet? If so please share. Have a great day.

Janith profile image
Janith in reply to belindalore

My point is … stop fretting about your healthcare … start taking PERSONAL responsibility for your health … that way you won’t need their services. Yes, having heart issues are expensive and scary … and l am fortunate that l have excellent healthcare and can afford just about anything … l do have compassion … but why focus on something that you cannot change … focus on getting stronger and living your life in a state of positivity not planning your cremation. Shame on you!

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Janith

I already planned my cremation. I think everyone should have some type of prearranged funeral plans. I was able to scrape enough money together to pay for it. So I guess you didn't hear anything I said. I have taken responsibility for my care. I Had to because I am one of many who can't take the pharma drugs. They are like poison for my body. So that just causes one to be ignored by the Drs. If they can't dish out the pills to you they can't be bothered. Instead of trying to find out why you can't take the drugs. My whole immediate family has had problems taking pharma drugs. I live with my ex and he also has this problem. The anticoagulants he was on almost did him in. So we both have had to find alternative treatments. Which people in this forum helped me with. So yes we both take responsibility for ourselves. But sometimes no matter what you do and how hard you try your body doesn't always want to cooperate. We're all different. And I'll leave my judgement up to God. Thank you.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Janith

I think your replies to Belinda are shameful . " I am fortunate that I have excellent health care and can afford just about about anything" says a lot about your attitude. Try to have some empathy and put yourself in the place of someone who cannot afford to access good heath care where they are living , cannot afford to move and maybe cannot afford to eat organic food or buy the supplements that would improve their health.

Janith profile image
Janith in reply to Auriculaire

Well of course that is unfortunate … but l look at things from the perspective of a businesswoman … no time for sympathy … too busy working, achieving, making things happen in my life and the lives of others … your thinking is sweet but not realistic in my world … Adieu.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Janith

It is the attitudes of people like you who make the world a nasty place and will in the end lead to the destruction of our planet.

Janith profile image
Janith in reply to Auriculaire

Isn’t that a bit of an overreaction? Really? What a strange extreme way to think? No … l don’t make the world a nasty place … my God-given talent is to make the world a better place. This post isn’t about me … it is about that poor lady who needs to toughen up and find meaning to the rest of her life … something positive, something wonderfully pleasing … please, l would appreciate it if you would kindly leave me alone. I find your comments disturbingly twisted and off-beat.


MummyLuv profile image
MummyLuv in reply to Janith

Wow that’s a little harsh! We all deal with things differently and can cope with things well and not so well at different points in our lives. You never know what else is going on in peoples lives, it costs nothing to be kind.

Janith profile image
Janith in reply to MummyLuv

I WAS being kind … the only way l know how to be kind … and that way is to envision how a person is feeling and point out how they should handle certain feelings. I do that for a living … and my ideals, ideas and helpfulness has served me well … thus far that is. Best always.

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to Janith

Ive always avoided statements with shoulds and ought in it......they are judgemental and suggest you do the same. As you said you have great healthcare and get whatever you need.....so you clearly have no experience on what its like to deal with a poor system. Whilst I think a healthy diet, postive attitude and exercise is good for all it is NOT the answer to everything. Am guessing you know this or you wouldn't bother with ensuring access to your excellant health system!

belindalore profile image

Just want to say. It may sound like I'm having a pity party. I'm just trying to make people understand that not everyone gets equal care for their health no matter what insurance they have. No matter where they live. No matter if they have a medical system like here in the USA or the medical system overseas. The point is EVERYONE'S life means as much as another's. And no one should get shabby care and treatment. But they do. And it's just WRONG. I also know sometimes I may sound harsh. But my sister and I were taught by our father when we were young girls that women don't always get a fair shake and that we should stand up for what we believe. I have never expected everyone to agree with me. People have their own opinions. But if someone is being bullied I will speak up. And I expect the same if I bully. I know I have said before I was led to this forum by divine intervention. When I was diagnosed with Afib I didn't get, like many others here, much information. Take these pills and we'll see you in 3 months. Wasn't allowed to ask any questions. If I did the Dr shot me down or really didn't know anything about what I was asking. Never in my life have I been treated so shabby by a Dr. So I started looking online for any help. And I saw this forum. And I thought what the heck. I'll see what it's about. And it was just what I needed. I have received more help and advice from so many here. Help that the Drs don't offer. I just appreciate this forum so very much. There's been a couple naysayers here and there. And I'm sure some have thought I have been too sometimes. But as I said everyone has their opinions. And it's nice that the forum has administrators to watch for those with too much hate. So just thank you all a thousand times over for allowing me to be here. And to be a human being. I wish there was some way we all could meet face to face. It would have to be in some big sports stadium to hold us all. But what a great party that would be! 😁😂💖💖

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to belindalore

Belindore.....it didnt sound like that at all to me. I really hope you find a way round your healthcare system..... It is scary amd frightening when you cant access good medical care amd need it. Health unlock are a great resource and thyroid uk has people on here with great knowledge amd experience re thyroid problems. I hopd you find a way forward that improves your health. Xx

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to waveylines

Thank you..

Janith profile image

Now your talking … let’s party!!!

Khatpi profile image

Hey Kocoach, not you belindalore. You're not supposed to make this political on this site. Why don't you leave these un-united states and see if you can't find better care somewhere else ? Our president is doing the best he can with what he has to deal with !!!

Jmc43 profile image

One of the values of this site is that one can read a variety of responses to similar issues, and these can all help provide different perspectives about issues. So I am going to give a slightly different response there.

My medicare experience has been outstanding. I had Part A and Part B and a drug plan, and that worked fine...I had access to any physicians I wanted, and it covered needed medications. I switched to an Advantage plan this year to try it as you can do this for one year before deciding which you like best. I have had no problems with this either...again I have access to my physicians, and have found none that are not part of the Advantage plan I have. The physicians I have include a GP, a cardiologist, a cardiac EP, a dermatologist, and so on...even my chiropractor. They also participated in the previous plan, and participate in the Advantage plan also.

I have found them to be responsive and caring. I have had an ablation and paid only a small co pay. Perhaps it is the area I live in (Virginia), but I just wanted to insert an experience that is not so problematic.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Jmc43

Happy to hear you have had a good experience. Even the advantage plans vary in coverage state to state. And vary county to county within each state. I don't know why it even has to be that way. But it is. Some change coverage year to year. Drs come and go. For some of us it's a dilemma. I tell the story again about a lady who lived in my area here in Florida. Her son said she received terrible care with her advantage plan here. She moved to someplace in Texas to live with another son. Kept the same insurance but now is getting much better care. Go figure. To me it's just criminal that everyone can't get good healthcare. No matter what you can afford. No matter what color you are. African Americans and native Americans receive the worst care in the USA. It's shameful that this goes on in this country and has been happening for years. Just shameful.

DawnTX profile image

I guess you were right it depends where you live. I have Humana advantage PPO I always had HMO which is much much better but now I live two hours from Houston so I can’t have it. That really stinks. Still, I have a top doctor and top hospital and all that cost me was 325 co-pay for my surgery. In fact less than that because they gave me $60 back for whatever reason. I don’t know where you are but I’m blessed to have a Medicare advantage yes I prefer the HMO. It’s under $200 a month I don’t know any other that cheap that pays so much. Furthermore my doctors can’t bill me for what Humana won’t pay they have that in writing. I am still having issues but it’s not because of my insurance or my doctor it’s my body. Best of luck to you extra healing thoughts and prayers that you don’t need any of that stuff you bought anytime soon

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to DawnTX

Yes I was just telling someone else in this discussion about how insurance varies state to state. And even county to county within each state. What one state offers the other doesn't. It's mind boggling. I just don't understand why everyone can't get good healthcare. Well one good reason is too much corruption and greed within the system. Maybe someday it will change for the better. But when I don't know. If you haven't done so yet, read through some of the other posts to see others experiences. It's really something. I am happy that you are doing well with the insurance you have now. I hope you can get to feeling better. As I stated in another post here, no matter what we do, sometimes our bodies don't want to cooperate. Darn it. 😱😂 Do take care of yourself.

DawnTX profile image
DawnTX in reply to belindalore

It is not as good as my FL HMO. Humana admitted that the FL plans are better. Open enrollment is coming maybe you should see if Humana HMO is available. I had it over ten years and would love it here in Texas. The plans should be the same state to state. Houston Methodist is #1 in The state and 15 in the country. The majority of their doctors are in the plan so there is no problem finding good medical care it’s just the difference in the plan. It really is easy with the PPO but the cost varies depending on what you need to get done unlike the HMO that I feel picks up a lot more

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to DawnTX

The new Medicare books should be coming soon. That give the lists of insurance companies in the state. I hope they send them out. I don't have a home computer. Only my phone for online. So the book is better for me. See what's offered for next year. Thanks.

wilsond profile image

I just wanted to say Im sorry you are so low,it must be so depressing with regard to the insurance situation. I have no advice to give on that as I know nothing about it. I hope there is some support available?Take care xxx

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to wilsond

Thank you Wilson. O try to stay up. It's hard sometimes. And my ex isn't in good health either these days. Creates extra stress. Everyone here knows how stress can wear us out. Hope that new grandbaby is doing well. Such a sweetie.

wilsond profile image

I tried to add photo but didnt let me!

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to wilsond

He's so cute!! I pray that he will have a wonderful life...🙏

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to belindalore

Yes,we all do too. A much wanted baby after sorrows. Im glad you are on here at least we understand how you feel. Xx

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to wilsond

Thank you wilsond. That means a lot to me. 😔

wilsond profile image

Stress affects mind and body so much! Xxx

lovetogarden profile image

So sorry you’re going through such a tough time with medical care/Medicare in Florida. It’s good cautionary advice to others in the US. Availability of care plans does vary by zipcode. Many are lucky enough to have employer subsidized Medicare advantage plans, many aren’t. It’s a very uneven and unfair system. Reminds me that if we ever decide to move that we’ll need to carefully vet the health care plans available in a new area. Wishing you good health and luck in finding a new doctor.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to lovetogarden

Thank you. Yes you will have to do your research if you should ever move. Even then it's tough to know what's good and what isn't in a particular area. Take care.

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