Ablation a major disappointment - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Ablation a major disappointment

Afibjohn profile image
24 Replies

Good morning. I am a 66 year old male have always been very healthy no health problems active, outdoors, gym etc. people still think I’m iin my 50’s and until ablation a year and half ago was in better shape than a lot of 30 something out there. I had mild afib and was on 1/2 a motroplol twice a day that totally controlled it. Don’t like drugs so got talked into ablation to get rid of my afib and the drugs. First ablation and subsequent treatment caused me to be on 2 metropolel 2 flecanide and a blood thinner twice a day. Big increase for the drug companies. 600% more drugs to put in my body. I was very disappointed but still positive outlook on all of it. Read all the hype 65% of people have success and 35% need a second ablation. So after about a year I did went for the second shot at it. Better hospital better dr. Both drs said I was very healthy have no heart plumbing problems was a perfect candidate. Now after two ablations. I always have a heart rate between 85 and 145. Not good. Even with the drugs they cannot keep it under control like the 1/2 a motroplol did pre ablations. And now the worst part is I can’t excercize. If I walk up my driveways slight hill, my heart is beating out of my chest and I feel like I need to sit down. Pre ablation I could get 80 beats a minute if I ran hard, on the treadmill went to the gym regularly, etc. Now I get 95 to 125 just lying in bed or sitting at my desk. I still work full time. Have to with 4- kids ages 3-11. I Spoke to the dr. Their Response, was double the amount of motroplol I’m already on which is 4 times what it was pre ablations. Anyone see a pattern here. I did but, too late for me. Don’t make a similar mistake. Will speak with the dr one more time. But don’t expect much more than to be told more ablations and more drugs = more profit for them and less quality of life for me. Obviously I’m very disappointed in the whole system. I was stupid though, they did my wife the same way with an unnecessary open heart surgery after destroying her kidneys with diabetes meds that are known for destroying kidneys. Another story for another blog. American medical industry is run by the pharma companies, the richest industry on earth. Do your research before making a life changing decision. But most of what I read said: It’s great, get one.

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Afibjohn profile image
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24 Replies
jeanjeannie50 profile image

I understand totally where you're coming from John and can echo what you have said. My first two ablations made my AF worse too. On one occasion when admitted to a hospital ward with a high rate, a cardiologist said to me that the scarring from the ablations had probably made my heart a bit stiff - what!!!! No one mentioned to me about getting a heart becoming stiff in it's workings after an ablation.

Anyway I kept in touch with the AF nurses at the hospital where I had my ablation and one Friday out of the blue one called me to ask if I wanted to go in for a third ablation the following Wednesday. She told me that my Electrophysiologist and his Registrar had designed a piece of equipment to go down the throat to the outside of the heart to see where the rogue signals were coming from. I wasn't waiting for another ablation and hadn't seen my EP for a while. In my panic I said yes and my youngest daughter was furious with me. She asked me not to have it - but I did. We get these silly ideas don't we and I had it in my head that I was going to die and I should have listened to my daughter. On the evening after this ablation she came in to see me and guess what - I felt wonderful and when my daughter visited me she said that the old me was back.

Alas the next day I vacated my hospital bed and was waiting for someone to collect me when my heart rate shot up high making me feel ill. I had an ECG, went back to my bed and was re-admitted. Back on the drugs I went (Flec and Metoprolol). My heart calmed lunch time the next day and late afternoon I went back to stay with my daughter. I can honestly say that the third ablation really helped. I went on having attacks of AF, but the rates were nowhere near as high as they'd been. I had two summers where I stopped all my tablets apart from my anticoagulants April time, but as soon as October arrived I'd go back into AF. I had numerous cardioversions, which always put me back into normal sinus rhythm. In 2019 I had two cardioversions, then when I went back into AF a few weeks after the last one, was told I wouldn't be offered any more. Since then I've been in constant low rate AF which doesn't bother me a great deal.

Yours is a tricky dilemma, but I'm glad you've brought up the subject of ablations not always working - even making AF worse at times.

How I wish I'd really tried a healthy diet before having any of mine. Artificial additives especially sweeteners were a sure trigger for my attacks.

Wishing you well.


mav7 profile image
mav7 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hi Jean

Always read your posts, always good info.

been in constant low rate AF

Meaning you are in persistent AF ? And still on Flec and Metoprolol ? May I ask your average heart rate ?

I am a persistent "fibber" on Metoprolol/Eliquis and just want to compare notes.

Thanks !

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to mav7

Hi MavI've just stopped my Flec as cardiologist (a few weeks ago) thought it was the cause of my abnormal ECG. Just taking Metoprolol at double my usual dose. So now taking 25mg each morning and night. Yes I'm in persistent AF, though I prefer to say constant. Going to have a heart scan and monitor, just waiting for appointment.

My resting rate generally flits between 70-90, but often goes higher or lower. I rarely measure it these days. Some days I become more tired than others. Yesterday I was outside at 7am, full of energy and cleaning the house windows, vacuumed through the house and did washing. Then walked down the town (about half a mile) and caught the bus to a nearby town. Was drained when I got there and had to drag myself around. That's the trouble with me, I feel well and try to do too much.

How are you feeling?


mav7 profile image
mav7 in reply to jeanjeannie50

I am doing ok, thanks for asking ! Thanks for the reply.

We are similar with heart rates, I average about 83, with a range from 70-90. Trying to bring that average down to the 70's. Cardiologist would also like to see a 70's average though he says 83 is acceptable.

Heart scan will be good and provide you additional info.

Best to you.

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image
JOY2THEWORLD49 in reply to mav7

HiNeither Metroprolol or Bisoprolol brought down my H/R under 100 until I was introduced to CCB Diltiazem 120mg am and Bisoprolol 2.5mg pm.

It brought me down to 93 but after an operation getting inflammation healed when the J&J ugly mesh removed.

Inflammation in the body can cause AF.

cheri JOY. 73 (NZ)

dmac4646 profile image
dmac4646 in reply to mav7

Hi I notice one study staying that a resting rate of 110 is good.

Windlepoons profile image
Windlepoons in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hi Jean. I'm the same. I dragged myself around Beverley last week. Forgot how far it is from the car park to the shops. Then had an AF episode that night!!! I think I'm fine but run out of energy quickly. 😊

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Windlepoons

It's annoying because you never know when that low energy feeling is going to hit!

SeanJax profile image
SeanJax in reply to jeanjeannie50

I am so shocked that your cardiologist kept you on flecainide for so long while you are already in permanent Af. It is not candy the flecainide drug. It is a rhythm control drug and you are already in permanent AF.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to SeanJax

The last words my EP said before discharging me from his care, were to try and reduce my Flecainide 2 x 100 daily. I was in PAF then.

I haven't been under any specialist care for for about 4 years, but recently asked to see a cardiologist. He took one look at my ECG and said the Flec wasn't doing any good so to come off of it. My heart has thumped around a bit since, but increasing my Metoprolol appears to have calmed it slightly.


mav7 profile image

Hi john

Appreciate your candid post.

Have you inquired about changing medications or a cardioversion to possibly lower your heart rate ? Some offer a cardioversion with antiarrythmic drugs/beta blockers in an effort to lower the heart rate.

As a former person who loves exercise, I know your pain. Best to you in managing your health.

I’m so sorry you have had a miserable time. It is awful when operations go wrong and one can berate oneself for agreeing to something that then leaves you worse off. I had a revision of a hip replacement and it went horribly wrong. Sometimes I attract the “unusual” outcome, my recent retina repair caused a film which only happens in a minority of cases.

But for many of us ablations do work. Mine has. Due to age I take an anticoagulant but that is it.. my episodes were becoming very fierce and took 8 hours and exhausted me.

Good luck

Singwell profile image

It's so sad to read this, and especially as the light of a post today that came up in my feed from another member your side of the pond. You might like to read it and comment. But that's not helping you right now. It looks like getting your body systems back into balance wuth diet and lifestyle etc will help gping forward. Have you read The AFib Cure by Dr John Day? A lot of people here recommend it and I found it useful.

Raewynne profile image

Hi My first ablation wasn't successful so I was very reluctant to do it again.BUT different Dr. VERY DIFFERENT result.I have been very stable for 3 years.A little fluctuation now but still very good.Change your Dr.

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image

HiIn 2008 I was on 49.90 Metroprolol. My Dr left and I had to go to another in tow.

He doubled it. I had to ring because I could not breathe.

I went back to 49.90 and within a further 6 mths I went low BP and told to stop it.

Try CCB Calcium Channel Blockers.

After a Stroke and AF and 4 days during hospital stay diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer.

Neither Metroprolol or Bisoprolol controlled my heart rate under 100.

Your energy level is due to metropolol and being uncontrolled.

I am now on Diltiazem 120mg am and Bisoprolol separated to have 2.5mg at night. BP 123/72 H/R 77-88 day . Night 47 H/R and it's never changed.

I am nt allowed a ablation or cardioversion, as I have an enlarged heart.

Take care, JOY. 73. (NZ)

MummyLuv profile image

Hi there, what a frustrating situation you are in :( May I ask if you are in NSR with a high heart rate or if you are sadly still in afib. If you are in afib, have a read up on the mini maze procedure as an alternative when you are thinking about your next steps, I hope you get things under control and are out exercising again very soon

Windlepoons profile image

So sorry you have had a rotten time and really hope life improves for you both in the future.

Chrissy7 profile image

Really sorry to hear that. I’m feeling quite well in 90 mg/day of diltazem and waiting fir ablation. Just don’t want to take those pills…. Forever….

frazeej profile image

You have obviously not had a good experience, and I'm very sorry that you are in the position that you currently are. Obviously you are rightly discouraged. Follows is just MY OPINION, and not intended to cast blame or fault on decisions that you made, or were forced in to:

You did your due diligence. >>"Read all the hype 65% of people have success and 35% need a second ablation."<< IMO, a one out of three chance for failure are not good odds for an invasive procedure that leaves (by design) permanent damage to your heart. IMO, I think ablations are being overly prescribed, especially for folks (like me, and apparently you, also) who currently have well controlled afib, with rather minimal pharmaceutical intervention.

I grant you that on a forum such as this, we hear more about the "bad" stories than the successes. But, when I read of folks having 4, 5 or more ablations, I'm reminded of the guy in the poker game with a bad hand that keeps staying in the game......."oh well, in for a dime, in for a dollar!" And as you know, just as with the poker game, the results of an ablation are irreversible.......in for a dime, in for a dollar.

Just my thoughts. As a voluntary disclaimer to any/all my comments, I receive a modest pension from a pharmaceutical company, so I might exhibit some bias.


belindalore profile image

You hit it on the nail. Here in the states big pharma, Drs and insurance walk hand in hand. I'm 70 and the medical system is not what it once was. Drs are ruled by the insurance companies. They do what the insurance companies tell them. The good Drs are retiring because they can no longer deal with the insurance companies. I know how you feel as I have been mistreated and gas lighted by inept Drs. I have neither the funds nor the good health to find better care.

gerickson021 profile image

I had one ablation 2 months ago. Also 2 cardio versions since and its holding. Like you very fit and eat well. I passed on the meds, took nannokinase and other enzymes for the stroke risk. Also more water intake. 100% agreement on the system, its really bad and drug and procedure biased. IF i need a second ablation i will go to Europe for the PF. No heart scaring and is much safer and more effective.

fluttered profile image

Our hearts and problems are all different. I had an ablation about 5 years ago. I was useless during my AFIB AFlutter episodes which were almost every other day. My one ablation saved me. I have not had an episode since. I think it may depend on what specific heart issue you have and who does the ablation. We are all different yet the same. My Heart doc and my echocardiologist saved me. I will be forever grateful. Good luck to you. Dick

greenfingers profile image

Sorry to hear of your problems but I have to say it’s good to hear you call out the Big Pharma. They’re not interested in whether you are well they just think of their turnover. Good for you to actually see it. Hope you didn’t have the jab as that’s another money making racquet for them too. They knew in the trials there would be heart problems, their own papers state it. Has a pacemaker been suggested to you, maybe this would be an option? Good luck whatever decision is made.

Nigel2000 profile image

I think I know how you feel! My physical issues, though are a bit different yet: It’s like I’ve suddenly jumped from a youngish middle-aged person to an old person! I’m 1.5 years past my 2nd ablation (1st one didn’t quite work), on dofetilide and eliquis. I’ll save the grim details but I have serious exercise limits (I can walk pretty briskly for 3 ish miles), but can barely run or otherwise push it aerobically. If I do, I pay for it: lots of ectopics, brief afib episodes, exhaustion and brain fog. I AM BETTER than before the first ablation (I guess). Still I feel like I’m grieving my healthy self.

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