Is aflutter ablation a simpler procedure than AFib ablation?
AFlutter ablation: Is aflutter ablation... - Atrial Fibrillati...
AFlutter ablation
Yes. Not only simpler but quicker with a higher success rate. It's performed in the right atrium whereas ablation for AF requires access to left atrium requiring puncturing of the septum dividing the two.
Like Jalia said, an aflutter or flutter line ablation is on the right side, easier, quicker and safer than a afib PVI with a very high success rate. That said, an important question is which side is your aflutter coming from? In most cases, it's coming from the right, but not always and they won't really know until the procedure itself. If they find out that the flutter is coming from the left side, then you may end up with essentially an afib PVI ablation. Something to discuss in advance of the procedure with your ep. The other thing is if in addition to aflutter you also have an afib burden. If so, they often will do both an aflutter and an afib PVI at the same time. Alternatively, they might do the aflutter ablation first and depending on how the afib behaves over time, then potentially doing an afib PVI at a later date.
If its the typical right Atria flutter yes. I had one. I cannot comment on left atrial flutter.
My understanding is yes if it's coming from the right atrium ( the most common area)I just had flutter and fib ablation and surgeon quoted 95%-98% on flutter. They basically just cut the circuit,as the electrical impulses go round and round ultra fast in a circle,whereas fib can lurk anywhere,as well as from the pulmonary veins.
Mine worked well. If you search the forum, I logged my progress. It's nigh on 100% successful and safe. You'll be fine, but, there's a chance that the AFl might prove to be 'hiding' other arrhythmias, which was so in my case so I still have some issues, but that's life and, so far, coping well.
I think you'll be given an echocardiogram or other heart imaging to check on other aspects before they do the ablation.