I have been taking Flecainide for the last two weeks since AF returned. I have now developed a dry tickly cough which is keeping me awake and making me feel even more exhausted. I am asthmatic so prone to coughs but have not had any other symptom such as sore throat. Has anyone else experience this?
Flecainide: I have been taking... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Are you sure it isn't anything else like Covid? I would contact GP and mention the persistent cough and see if he thinks its related to heart issue or medication.
Have you done a lateral flow test to see if it's covid? Doesn't sound right does it? Flecainide is such a good medication that helps so many members here. I'd be reluctant to give up taking it so soon.
Thank you for your reply. Negative for Covid. I agree I was quite keen to start Flecainide as I hoped it would put me back in sinus rhythm. No luck yet.
You may be on a low dose of Flec, which would be 2 x 50mg each day. Did you have an ECG before being prescribed this drug. I also had to have another ECG a few days afterwards too, just to check it was doing what it should and that there were no bad effects.
I am on 2x100mg each day. I had an ecg before I started taking it but not since but its only two weeks. Maybe I am being impatient and should let it settle down before questioning it. I also had blood tests and an echo cardiogram
Penny I too have a cough from flecainide. Today I am going off of flecainide. The pharmacist warned me about this drug as it causes irritation to the esphocus.
As others have said, Flecainide is such a useful medication. I’ve been on it for a year now. I’m also asthmatic, are you sure the cough isn’t asthma? The night time cough is typical of asthma but you should talk to your GP about it and maybe a checkup with your asthma nurse.
I started Flecainide about 6 weeks ago and had a dry cough and assumed I’d just got a cough. I then came off flecainide for 3 days (pre-ablation) and the cough disappeared. I started taking flecainide again the dry cough returned but it went after 4-5 days. It could be a coincidence or my body’s initial reaction to taking this medication. I no longer have a cough and take 150mg daily.Sounds like it would be wise to keep an eye on your cough. Perhaps if you can manage without it for a few days you could see if your cough disappears (obvs speak to a health pro first)
Feel better soon x
I have a dry cough with Flecainide, starts with a tickle and hack & hack. Always have cough drops and water with me. I’ve been on Flecainide two years.
I never mentioned it because I have so many other side effects.
You could have an allergy to it causing the irritation leading to cough but if you look up the side effects cough is rare. mayoclinic.org/drugs-supple... I’ve been put on 50mg twice a day but had to cut it in half to 25mg as it was like I’d been battery charged and became hyperactive. I dropped over a kilo in less than two weeks! I also suffered throat irritation and thought I’d picked up a bug! Dropping it to half again has helped (not so full of beans/less congested) but now I’m tired again so how I can achieve the right dose for me is difficult to know. I’m thinking 75mg eg: 50mg morning and 25mg night! I’d certainly be raising your symptoms with the cardiac electrophysiologist caring for you. I see mine in two months as have a loop monitor over my heart so it’ll be interesting to see my charts and if changing dose improved or worsened my symptoms. Certainly on Flec my tension headaches have been persistent
Thank you for your reply. I have been put on 100mg twice a day which is quite a large dose. Cardiologist hoped it might put me back in sinus rhythm. I have generally been feeling "not quite right" as well as the cough. Its hard to know what pill is causing which symptom as taking beta blockers which make me tired etc. Hopefully seeing him soon
I have COPD and flecainide causes problems with my breathing. Its annoying as it was really good at rate control. I now take one as necessary when I have an episode of AF/tachycardia.It can be problematic for those of us with lung problems.