I’m now in limbo!
As usual I went online, to re-order my prescribed anticoagulant (rivaoxaban) but had disappeared from my Patient Accesss login (a Uk site used for communication to GP etc)
I rang the surgery (prescription secretary) and after a bit of a search thru my data was told that there was a letter from the practice to the cardiologist consultant, to ask if this patient (me) should be taken off his anticoagulant (because a recent Chadvasc score review found (my) score to be zero). The reply from the consultant said “yes, stop them” (note 1)
Whilst on the phone I asked for the emails which were duly sent to me.
Now the fact that I’ve had no interaction with the hospital or GP surgery for well over a year means that the Chad score was at best a ‘guess’ (in my view). But. I’m happy to be off pills. But. Not life saving stroke prevention pills; if I need them obviously.
So I’ve emailed (via the kind receptionist) my GP to ask why…
Why was I not informed of the review?
Why was I not informed of the consultants advice?
Do I stop the beta blockers too?
Can I have confirmation about what’s going on now and any future reviews.
So I anxiously await the reply.
Note1: The consultants reply was on the 24/2/22.
Note 2: my paroxysmal Afib has been steady at 1-3 events every two weeks lasting between 3 and 9 hours.
Note 3: my average heart rate is 53bpm (iWatch data) but dips to under 40 at times when I’m chilling 😎. (2.5mgs Bisoprolol daily)
So when’s the ‘normal’ time for a Chadvasc review and does it include the patient ever?Answers on a postcard 🧐