Anyone had pacemaker fitted and their experiences but still keeping on with their af drugs to regulate heart rate?
Pacemaker: Anyone had pacemaker fitted... - Atrial Fibrillati...
It depends! I'm not a medic but, in general, a pacemaker speeds your heart up if it's going too slow and the drugs slow down your heart when it wants to go too fast - so it is common to need both. There are exceptions (e.g. after an AV node ablation) but a pacemaker won't usually stop AF so you need to stay on anti-coagulants and whatever other drugs you are on.
I have a pacemaker and take Bisoprolol to control things.
Hello Lindyloo, I've had a pacemaker and AV node ablation 2020. So far it all is working well and I have returned to golf 3 x times per week. The only tablet now is Apixaban for avoiding a stroke.My pacemaker is set at 70 - 120 beats per min, AF is still there but I have no symptoms as the Pacemaker controls my heart
My pacemaker was implanted so I didn’t have to take drugs other than anticoagulants, similar to Golfer60 but I didn’t go ahead with the AV node ablations.
For what reason do you ask because it’s a wide subject with many variations. There is also a Pacemaker currently being trialled which is specifically to treat AF.
I had a pacemaker fitted in June 2020 because I was passing out when reverting to NSR. My dosage of Sotalol was then increased from 80mg twice a day to 120mg twice a day and I also take Apixaban. However, I still get attacks of AF approximately every 7-8 days usually lasting for 48 hours or more.
I have a CRT (cardiac resynchronisation therapy) pacemaker implanted set at 70 bpm for heart failure although I am also in permanent AF. I take a lot of meds - Nebivolol, Digoxin, Entresto, Dapagliflozin plus Riveroxaban, Fuorsemide and Spironolactone.
I had a pacemaker implanted 3 years ago when my heart rate dipped into the 30s. I was diagnosed with afib in 2017 and have been in permanent afib since last March. I'm on digoxin, metoprolol and Xarelto for afib.
Hi! I had two ablations was told I would be off of my meds after at the Afib clinic another Doctor informed me I would have to be on meds forever,two yrs past and the pausing started heart rate fell to 30beat per min,not a very good time every 3 minutes pauses hold for 6sec for about 11/2hrs I asked for my meds and they agreed 10min they stopped. Now they screwed with my heart had to get pacemaker to keep my heart going to slow and AFib clinic discarded me as if I was never there best part heart can race if sleeping on my back but I take no meds for over 4 yrs. I fish,hunt,gold pan in the mountains with a canoe get pacemaker tuned in once per yrs but it has used only 8percent of battery life at 73 life is good. Please question your meds for myself they all failed by God Blessed me with a bonus of living a little longer, I am writing this from a tent in the forests of British Columbia. God Bless you all!