I have had AFib for 4 years and this changed to Persistent in Feb.For at least 2 maybe 3 years which have the symptoms of a Tia which I had previously.Told they cannot be Tia's & lived with a diagnosis of Migraine for 2 years .I saw a great neurologist beginning of December who after much investigation has diagnosed Partial seizures.These are just numbness,weakness,speech slurring mainly but lasting no longer than 15mins.I can't help think these could be connected.My AFib not really stabilized at the moment & I am awaiting Cardioversion as a first attempt to do this.Anyone know of a connection.
Can AFib cause partial seizures (epil... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Can AFib cause partial seizures (epilepsy)? Both electrical ?

Not really as whilst both are electrical one is in the heart and the other the brain and caused by different functions.
~Hi kkatz ~ I find your post interesting.I have had migrainous history as did my late Mother with whom I inherited a genetic ASD.
Some of my migraines classic hemi-phlegic (numbness stroke like down L side) but would resolve reasonably quickly.
Now post menopausal not troubled with migraines like past but still occasional R sided/aura one.
My PAF stable at moment but only just & presently working with Cardiologist addressing present status of 3 leaking heart valves creating poss PAF.
My point of this message is that I have noticed I can not always articulate words/sentences some days as fast as I would like - I have PMR & almost 7 years on steriods.
I do question the correlation between the electric's in heart & brain.
Maybe my Neurologist could possibly shed light not that I've seen her in some years nor need to see her presently.
If you get any further with answers I would be keen to know ~
Very interesting thread and article. I can relate to both Megams and Kkatz’s posts.
Migraines from age 14 which interestingly ceased after ablation when a Patent foramen ovale was discovered. There is a known link between PFO and migraines. PFO) is a hole between the left and right atria (upper chambers) of the heart.
ANS dysfunction from teenage years causing faints from low BP and tachycardia.
2007 diagnosed with AF with AFl.
2014 diagnosed with Myasthenia, autoimmune which often occurs with Dysautomnia and which causes left sided facial droop - similar to stroke - brain fog - inability to function well cognitively at times, eyes and speech affected most. At it’s worst it causes slurring, difficulty swallowing and breathing. Myasthenia can be diagnosed with a blood test but many people with Myasthenia test serum negative.
I have always believed that there is a direct correlation between AF, Dysautomnia and Autoimmune, as many others experience similar.
What I took from the article that AussieHeart kindly posted is that AF/Afl happened as a consequence rather than a cause of seizures and that certainly makes sense to me.
I have often found that correlation does not equal cause, certainly there isn’t enough evidence but I would suggest that if there are partial brain seizures then they could affect the ANS - Autonomic Nervous System which would affect your heart rate and rhythm.
Hope the cardioversion helps you Kkatz.
Happy New year Cdreamer you have certainly had some problems in your life from an early age .It makes me feel incredibly lucky.
Thing is Kkatz nobody took any notice of my symptoms when I was young, and I suspect so many others had similar, so I just got on with living. Fainting for young girls was thought ‘normal’ and over dramatic to investigate as you’d ‘grow out of it’. The only thing it stopped me doing was running or exercising for any length of time.
I’ve had a really good life so the old phrase - what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger comes to mind! Thankfully most of my problems developed later in life and compared to many I’ve been healthy and happy. Live the best life you can.
PS - I’m also incredibly sensitive to noise, quickly become tired and feeling of being overwhelmed in noisy, crowded environments. This sensitivity only developed in the last 15 years since AF diagnosis and it’s as though my brain just can’t cope with sensory overload and can’t cope with flashing lights - unfortunately my neighbour loves her Christmas flashing lights……
Yes Can relate to the noise sensitivity & don't like Flourescant light when wearing my glasses.I asked a question about noise sensitivity not so long ago.
Rather than answer individual posts I will just add a couple of things.Re Migraines I suffered these when younger (hormonal) .Not aware of any in many years until onset of AFib in 2017 & ? Starting edoxaban.these were Zig Zag aura ,no headache. I did however have probable Tia's. I had to have my carotid artery cleaned so guess they were Tia's.
The episodes continued but maybe 1 a month so had hospital admissions & neurologist consultations.No physical causes so diagnosis Migraines. I Always questioned diagnosis as no Aura,no headache,happened suddenly & lasted between 5 & 15 mins.
New neurologist brilliant.She says she listens to the patient & not the text books.She said no way we're these migraines.
Epilepsy ? Never it before AFib .
Maybe treatment will help get answers. Aryrthmia nurse said will ask admissions to get me my Cardioversion as soon as possible after my months holiday in the Algarve and will try epilepsy medication after the holidays.
Hope I haven't lost or bored people with my long conversation in.
It is in my make up to look for connections.Used to work as a unqualified forensic accounted.
Again happy New year to you all.I opened the house door just after midnight to let the old year out & new one in.Stay safe.
~Great post kkatz - stay safe and "happy new year to you also.Can relate to much of what you have posted ~