I read an article written by a cardiologist that said doctors are prescribing to many drugs for Afib, which causes side effects that shorten our life. He believes that a healthy life style changes is a better way to deal with Afib. Please let me know what you think
Can Afib medications shorten life - Atrial Fibrillati...
Can Afib medications shorten life

Many people find that a change of lifestyle - balanced diet with high fibre content from fruit and veg, low carbs & no or low red meat content & no processed foods along with gentle exercise can help - certainly did for me.
I dont think it is matter of shortening life - how on earth could you possible provide evidence for that assumption? But I do think it is a matter of quality of life. If AF is so symptomatic that quality of life is so poor you are unable to function, which was my life for about 12 months as I was experiencing fast AF 2/3 times a week but by taking a drug it can be improved or eliminated - which would you choose? I took the drugs!
I hated taking drugs - I knew they were toxic and would have long term effects - but not taking them was worse. Luckily ablation worked for me so I was able to stop the beta blockers and anti arrythmia drugs, unfortunately I developed an autoimmune disease which necessitates taking drugs with far more side effects, increases my risk of cancer, serious infection and a whole lot else. Unfortunately I cannot function at all without them and no amount of 'healthy' lifestyle will change that.
What eating 'clean' has done for me is that I can tolerate the drugs much better and when I am well I am very well and feel fantastic.
Risk / Benefit assessment.
Do I think doctors prescribe first without providing adequate, informed expert nutritionist and exercise support to enable some people who want to improve their lifestyle to do so - for sure!
I'm in Persistent Afib and being largely Asymptomatic I'm only on the necessary Anti coagulants and heart rate drugs until they can try a CV. I have also found changing my lifestyle with diet, exercise and proper hydration has helped a lot. These can only be good things.
The whole area is a lottery. As CDreamer says quality of life comes first hence drugs and Ablation. I have been on just Flecainide (200mgs/day) for 26 months without any AF and just hope when I reduce the dose and with lifestyle changes it has got my heart out of the bad AF habit without any serious side effects.
The more you learn, the more you realise doctors don't have the knowledge you and they would like......that is the main reason I have gone the drug route but for as short a time as possible. I hope soon to have head and gut (re Vagus Nerve) and inflammation levels generally (principally dental work) sorted so I can very slowly reduce the drug.

Orchard worker did you see the programme on Chanel 4 - food unwrapped? All about gut health and discovery of new microbe and foetal implants to improve gut health. I am sure gut health is the key. I suddenly (and very suddenly) improved after months of probiotics and very high fibre diet. It seems to have sorted my gut - for now anyway, Mg is still the same though but I can take the meds now without the terrible belly cramps.
No I missed that but am on the case guided by my Naturopath. I am expecting my latest gut report next week (urine sample went to Denmark for hi tech analysis).
Interestingly and related my GP's don't seem to know anything about tongue indicators whereas Alternative Practitioners glean a lot of information from that source.
Have a good day!