Is there a long waiting list for Ablation, I live the south east Kent and I’m on waiting list for Barts London
How long are you waiting for Ablation - Atrial Fibrillati...
How long are you waiting for Ablation
The answer is definitely YES but it was at least 6/9 months before the pandemic so I would think it’s certainly going to be a year or so now. The best way to find out is to ring and ask and if you want it done more quickly, make sure the schedulers know if you think you could respond quickly to a cancellation……
In the US it's a wait of several months as well. I'm likely to go on the table in March or April.
Do you Brits use the non-medical cliche "you could die waiting"? This is one medical situation it easily applies to.
If you have a kid who wants affluence through a solid predictable career, convincing him or her to be an electrophysiologist might be a wise move.
Good question.Im on a list for St Thomas.
Morning. I was put on the list in January and had my ablation September in the midlands
Hi I was put on the list for St Barts in May and had my Ablation 15 October, so about 5 months which I think was really good
Inevitably it will vary according to post/zip code, but I've been on the list at the Freeman in Newcastle since April and was recently told 4 or 5 months, so roughly a year.
Been on waiting list since August2019.Had a cardioversion in the meantime (September 2021) which improved things but would prefer the ablation.
Hello, I’m also under Barts, have had three ablations and a m waiting for an AV node Ablation after having a PM fitted on 30th June. I was told the AV node ablation would be 4-6 weeks after but it’s now gone way past that. I hope you have better luck than me trying to get through to them.
I was on the list September 2020 ablation November 2020, mid pandemic. So depends on area. Brighton
Here in Warwickshire 12-18 months
I waited 3 months and I was lucky. This was late 2018. Now , I couldn't predict with NHS waiting lists. Let's hope for you it's no longer than 6 months. Good luck!