Gone into af 11 weeks post ablation - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Gone into af 11 weeks post ablation

Elli86 profile image
39 Replies

Not even sure what I’m asking to be honest. 11 weeks post ablation, not had any signs of anything up until now. Just a few ectopics. Just got a little too stressed over something and I’m now in af. Absolutely gutted to say the least. Been very hard 11 weeks and this just tops it off. Completely deflated now. Genuinely thought I might have cracked it. Guess not.

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Elli86 profile image
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39 Replies
jeanjeannie50 profile image

Sorry to hear that Elli.

At around the same time after my 3rd ablation mine did the same thing and after a couple of weeks stuck like that, my EP had me back to do a cardioversion. Still so much better now than before that ablation (5 years ago) and not had to be admitted to hospital once. Don't think my heart has gone over 100bpm since. Try slow deep breathing and relaxing the area around your heart and do your best to forget what your heart is doing. I swear my becoming stressed when my heart kicked off kept it going. Mind you at one time I used to feel really cross if anyone dared suggest that and thought their AF couldn't be as bad as mine!

Let us know how you get on please.


Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thanks for response Jean.

Was really disappointing to say the least. Self reverted after 4/5 hours which hasn’t ever happened to me before. I took my tablet early and like I say it reverted back pretty quickly. Still gutted. Haven’t had any signs of af until now. Just ectopics and some discomfort in chest area. Just started to see some real improvement though and then this happened. Really took the wind out of my sails.

Still early days Elli so try not to get too despondent. If it hasn’t reverted by Monday, contact the hospital/Arrhythmia nurse and if you have used Flecainide in the past, maybe ask if that’s an option. CV would be better but that may take longer to arrange. Follow Jeans advice and do all the things you can think of which will help you to de-stress……best of luck.

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to

Thanks for response flapjack.

Took my tablet early and it self reverted within 4/5 hours. Very quick for me prior ablation used to last between 18-30 hours. So I’m clinging to that as something positive. Just don’t understand why i would have nothing for 11 weeks and then right at end of blanking period it would go? If it were early or even to the middle of the 11 weeks I’d take it with a pinch of salt but to happen at the end makes it feel like a failed ablation in my head but who knows.

in reply to Elli86

Do you want the good news or the bad news?

The bad news is that in months 7 and 8 after my second ablation I had around 7 episodes which lasted less than an hour probably thanks to a PiP.

The good news is that was about 2 years ago and I have had next to no AF since then……stay positive!!

Ps how’s your eye?

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to

Outside of the PIP were you taking any other medication months 7 and 8? Are you still taking meds now? My main reason for ablation was too get off the meds so but can’t see that happening any time soon after this episode. Was hoping that once I’d had my follow up call I could taper off if no signs of af since op but that’s going to be down the swanny now I’m assuming 😫 you say you’ve had next to no af since? How much have you had exactly?

Eyes still the same. Bloodshot 25%ish. Actually probably very slightly worse today but not by much. Can actually see more when my eye is in natural position today. Probably need to give someone a ring tomorrow just to be sure

in reply to Elli86

I continue to take Diltiazem more because it helps with blood pressure than anything else. I think I’ve had one mild episode in the last year or so but I try not to dwell on it because stress doesn’t help. Like most, I sense occasional ectopics but I guess that’s because we are more sensitive to changes than so called normal folk 😉

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to

Seems to have gone well for you then flapjack. Thanks for the positive advice. Much appreciated. Hopefully I’m just being a bit too dramatic 🤣🤞

in reply to Elli86

It’s difficult for everyone Elli, I know it’s said many times but it’s true, we are all different and it takes time to adapt to the twists ‘n turns of the treatment journey……just hang in there……

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to

Cheers flapjack 👍 I’m alright it’s just a real kick in the teeth when it happens. Not a lot can be done about it though so just got to crack on and hope improvements are made over time I guess.

CDreamer profile image

Sorry to hear that but don’t give up all hope yet.

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to CDreamer

Thanks cdreamer. Trying not too

Nanabrodie profile image

Mine lasted for nine weeks. My EP had be back in for second attempt within a few months and 4years on I’m still okay 🤞🏼

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Nanabrodie

Glad to hear that brodie.

Hoping I won’t need a second 🤞 if it’s needed it’s needed though. Got to be honest as it’s happened so close to end of blanking period I’m thinking I probably will need a top up 😫

Singwell profile image

I don't think you should be despondent. You're within the blanking period of 3 months and many people here report that they got the occasional Episode even up to 12 months post ablation. I'm nearly 7 months in and we already know I'll need a top-up but I'm focusing on how much more well I feel on my good days. you will start to notice this higher feeling of well being too in due course, assuming that the procedure has been at least partially successful. It's a shock though - I do understand that. You know what triggered it. If it's gone now, be gentle to yourself, and move on.

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Singwell

Thanks singwell.

I did start to feel pretty good this week which is the really disappointing thing after 10 weeks of feeling rather crap. Took the wind right out of my sails and still has but not a lot can be done. Just got to hope it was a one off 🤞

Singwell profile image
Singwell in reply to Elli86

Totally understandable but doesn't mean your ablation was a failure. You and your heart cells are adapting. Over and again I've seen on this forum that people report the good periods get longer and the episodes less intense and shorter. Or, stop altogether. Don't let your disappointment throw you off course.

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Singwell

Thanks for the positive spin on it singwell. Makes sense what your saying. Hopefully I’m just over reacting but not gonna lie it’s a kick in the balls when it happens after 11 weeks of nothing. Hopefully I’m wrong and it’s not a failure 🤞

Lenlec profile image

Sorry to hear this elli86. I would be so fed up also. Stay positive but I know it’s hard

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Lenlec

Thanks lenlec.

Fed up sums it up pretty well to be honest. If it was at the start or even middle then I don’t think I’d have been as disappointed as it happening right at the end of blanking period but can’t change it now. Is what it is. Hopefully was a one off but I’m a realist and I highly doubt that. Probably going to need another one which I’m gutted about.

Nick1957 profile image

Your still in the blanking period so your heart is still healing. Have you been in contact with arrythmia nurse at St Barts?

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Nick1957

Hello mate.

I’ve not been in touch with them yet no. Might give them a call later just not sure what they can say to be honest. They’ll probably just tell me it’s within the blanking period and to be expected. Weren’t much help when I phoned them before about the pinching I was getting. Just hope this was a one off but I honestly doubt it. Was just starting to feel good as well.

Nick1957 profile image
Nick1957 in reply to Elli86

They may suggest PIP or is that already something you have in place already? How much bisoprolol are you taking? They may advise you in some way but I get your anticipation of their answer. What rate is your AF in at the moment?

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Nick1957

Af lasted about 4/5 hours. I took my 2.5mg bisop early and like I say 4/5 hours later it went. Rate was 80s/90s. By pip do you mean flecanaide?

Nick1957 profile image
Nick1957 in reply to Elli86

Pill in pocket

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Nick1957

Can any meds be used a PIP then? Obviously I take bisop daily at the moment which was why I was asking if you meant flec as a pip?

Nick1957 profile image
Nick1957 in reply to Elli86

You need to seek advice from Arrythmia nurse first and get them to advise PiP

JefferyW profile image

Yes Hang on in there. I’ve had a few AFib incidents post ablation since late last June the first one being 8 weeks afterwards. I felt pretty devastated too and I still get occasional episodes but they’re not nearly as bad as before and I am waiting to speak to my EP regarding whether I need another procedure. But the fact is mostly I have really good days and count my blessings that my life is so much better than before my ablation.My current AFib episodes can last up to a day or two but then I go back into sinus rhythm. I found chatting to my arrythmia nurse here in Oxford really helpful so if possible I would give your local team a call and try to discuss your situation.

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to JefferyW

Thanks Jeffery.

Yeah it’s quite the kick in the teeth to be honest. Might give them a call later but as I said to nick I’m pretty sure I know what they’re going to say. I’m within blanking period so to be expected. Might give them a call regardless.

Lenlec profile image

So if you get an Af attack say 1 day after the 6month blanking period Is it considered a failure ?

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Lenlec

I’m not sure they cut it quite that fine but in my head it should get better progressively over time. So with a starting point of zero AF after ablation to a having AF 11 weeks later (1 week before official blanking period finishes) I would consider that a failure in my head but hopefully I’m wrong.

Lenlec profile image
Lenlec in reply to Elli86

Yes I agree with you. I thought blanking was 6months ? My main trigger was beer before I had my ablation. I’ve been scared tbh to have a beer since. But I don’t want to give up beer/wine so I’ll have a few end of November. That will be the acid test for me

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Lenlec

3 months as far as I’m aware. Could be wrong though. How long ago did you have your ablation then lenlec?

I haven’t drunk alcohol for years now. Don’t really miss it anymore to be honest. Other than missing a glass of wine with a meal out purely to make food taste that little bit better don’t miss it. Don’t miss the drunken feeling or the hangover that’s for sure.

Lenlec profile image
Lenlec in reply to Elli86

Had it sept 14.th no issues since I used to drink once a week really 5 or 6 pints on a sat evening. Af came on about once a month and lasted a few hours. 100mg flecanide sorted it straight out

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Lenlec

Glad to hear your op went well lenlec 👍 was starting to think mine had until this happened

Nick1957 profile image
Nick1957 in reply to Elli86

3-6months can be considered as the blanking period. We're all different and healing time is never accurate. Great you've gone back into NSR Ellis. I remember in the early days of AF my cardiologist advised me to take an additional dose of bisoprolol when I was referred to him during my AF episode. I think arrythmia nurse at St Barts can get quick authorisation from cardiologist regarding how to treat if you go into AF. May be worth contacting Arrythmia nurse at an earlier next time!

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Nick1957

Thanks mate I’ll bare that in mind for next time but hopefully won’t be happening again 🤞🤞 wishful thinking probably. Extra bisop probably a good idea in future if happens again.

Nick1957 profile image

Yes extra but make sure you get the nod from arrythmia nurse. Good luck mate.

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Nick1957

Cheers Nick 👍

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