Today l started feeling strange … my stomach started bothering me … kind of bloated … and just had a “feeling” that afib was about to start … palpitations … need to go to the bathroom … but l didn’t go into afib. Thankfully. What can we do when we get those scary feelings that it is about to start to stop it in its track? I took a anti acid tablet and drank ginger ale to cause burping. Thoughts?
How do you feel maybe one hour prior ... - Atrial Fibrillati...
How do you feel maybe one hour prior to an afib event?

G'day Janith,
Sounds familiar !
Back in the early days of my AF journey ( Jan 2010), about 10 months or so into it I used to get a range of symptoms; burping, loud ( and highly antisocial ) intestinal gurgling, diahorrea as well as intensive and very painful bloating. Not all at the same time, all at random, no particular logic, sequence or rational order to any of these occurring to any of it. At the time my GP had bloods done for Coeliac Disease and IBS but these were clear.
Of all of these 4 little demons it was always the bloating ( nothing else) that would trip me into AF. Always ! I never fought it, just let it have its wicked way. If I ended up in AF so what - put up with it. Then I learned a bit about breathing techniques but most importantly of all I went to a Nutritionist for advice on diet. (I figured, calm the vagal nerve, calm the heart). Been following that ever since. Of course I get palps, even still today ( maybe 3 times a year), sometimes short runs of AF, say, 4 to 10 hours, yeah - why not - BUT nothing that's ever caused me to pack my bags and head to A & E or call 111. Nothing that's caused me to panic.
My last two, full blown and major AF events were Feb 2018 and before that, April 2015.

John … thank you so very much … deep breathing techniques help a lot as does this anti acid pill that l take. It was a miracle (and l thanked our Almighty) that l didn’t go into afib today … l always run off to emergency but with covid l would probably ride it out … those feelings have now dissipated and l feel better. I think that l will see a nutritionist as well. Thanks again. Jan
Hi, i've had feelings like those before an attack, usually after breakfast. As though you have wind stuck firmly that you can't bring up? Not a nice feeling. I find diet is a big contributor to keeping this at bay. Hope you can cope with it much better soon. Best wishes
Thank you! Yes … l was thinking about it this morning … for me, it is 90% diet … my attacks always occur when l have eaten something odd … or eaten TOO MUCH … l am tall and thin and l shouldn’t over eat … yesterday, l had yogurt mixed with flaxseeds and strawberries on top … my body couldn’t digest it for some reason … that’s when the weird feelings started … a couple of hours after eating that concoction … yet, it is so natural and healthy???
I can say I have much the same although my experience is limited. As a young man (I'm now 68), I was told by a cardiologist that my (then benign) palpitations were caused by my bloated stomach pushing my diaphragm into direct contact with my heart, an action he said that could easily spark of a few PVCs and PACs. I wonder now whether my arrhythmia isn't set of by that same bloating and PACs, since there's plenty of evidence that they can do that? At the time he told me that I'd be unlucky if they led to anything more serious, but it seems they have.
I quite often feel 'strange' Janith and I'm so sorry I can't be more definite than this. It's a weirdly tired and very slightly (but only slightly) nauseous feeling and not the sort of tired which I experience at any other time. But I have learned over the years to regard it as a sign and in over 90% of cases I'm right. So I'd say to listen to whatever symptoms you are feeling. They are probably a good predictor!

Yes … the tired part was happening as well yesterday … and l felt GREAT the day before! Thank you!
But the key is to STOP the sequence of events … so that we won’t go into full blown afib. I popped a Pepcid … started deep breathing technique and it never started in full blown afib … yet l continued to feel that tired feeling and the symptoms for a few hours. Today l feel great … just finished my walk in the Forrest and all is at peace. It will be 102 here today (Austin, Texas) …
Usually during the evening, palpitations, ectopic beats! then I go into a fib during the night, happened three times since February!
Be careful … watch for the signs and start your deep breathing … that helped me yesterday. Thank you! Jan
Hi for about a day or so I seem to get an odd skipped beat here and there and heavy legged before an episode
My main pre-afib symptom was a feeling of restlessness. I couldn't sit still, my mind would race, etc.
Janith ...
You might also talk to your GP about Hiatal Hernia. An intrusive hernia may cause more immediate syms, such as heart arrhythmia, than you would otherwise expect.
Go to a chiropractor to make sure your spine isn't affecting your vagus nerve.