Hi everyone - Hope you’re all staying safe! I have really been dragging my feet with getting vaccinated, because I’m worried it will bother my heart (or cause a heart attack or something terrible). The variant is getting pretty bad here in Texas, so I’m really leaning towards finally getting one (Pfizer). I’m 25, slightly overweight (actively losing weight though), female, and have SVT, ectopic beats, and two autoimmune diseases. I have already had Covid once - it was not awful, but I certainly would like to avoid doing it again. I’ve done tons of research and there’s just so much contradicting information out there. I know a lot of people here have heart abnormalities too - what are your experiences/ recommendations? Thank you so much for your time!
Vaccine hesitancy advice for young ad... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Vaccine hesitancy advice for young adult w/ SVT

I had the pfizer vaccine first one in February and second at end of March with no side effects - only a sore arm. I am much older than you and as far as I am aware do not have SVT but AF. Just remember that having Covid can also bring on heart problems including AF. I am glad when you had Covid you didn't have it too badly but with all the variants out there I would think that some protection is needed. Two members of of my family at ages 23 and 25 were hospitalised with Covid back in February and put on ventilators one of whom had just had her first little baby boy back in October and was looking forward to moving into her first new home with her partner. Thankfully both survived and they are now fully vaccinated - all the family apart from the two under 16's are now fully vaccinated. We are hoping that soon they too will be vaccinated. I also know a family Grandma, grandpa daughter and her 2 children who have had Covid twice and second time round was worse than first time with a different variant and they are still battling the side effects of Covid. Of course it is up to you whether or not you vaccinate but on my experience if you do decide to get the vaccination then maybe the Pfizer vaccine would be the best for you to get - if you are able to choose. Having said that my wife only had a reactuion to her first Astra Zeneca vaccine and was going hot and cold for about 12 hours - even shivering in bed that night and then slept for the best part of the following day but other than that was fine and with the second vaccine had no problems at all. It seems as with everything side effects and reactions vary from person to person as we also know some people who had no reaction to the AZ vaccine either.
Good Luck with losing weight - it's hard but keep going and don't let any blips stop you just get back on - it will make a great difference to your life and think of all the fun you will have buying new clothes!
It’s very difficult when you see so much contradictory and opposing information to know what to believe but also know there are many people promoting anti-vaccine propaganda for their own financial reasons. Two articles, one in the NY Times and other in the Irish TImes illustrate how influential these people can be but also how they only spread misinformation for their own financial gain.
I had Pfitzer jabs in Feb & May. It was painless and apart from a slightly sore arm, no ill effects whatsoever. I have autoimmune and have pacemaker to control various arrythmias. The only down side for me was that the vaccine didn’t provide any immunity and that’s because I take a medication which prevents T cell antibodies from forming which means no vaccines work because of this particular medication - but that’s rare and only applies if you take immune suppressant for your autoimmune which suppress a particular part of the immune response.
This means I am still to a greater extent having to distant myself and sometime self-isolate. Now I’m old - I can do that as I’ve done my partying and travelling and sports. The way the world is now, unless you have a vaccine passport in Europe anyway, you won’t be able to go to concerts or bars or restaurants or sports events or travel unless you are vaccinated. If I were young I would not want to live like I am now, I’d want to get out there and LIVE.
COVID isn’t going away and any virus infection for me upsets my whole body, including my heart so I know from previous experience that an infection will do a whole lot more damage than a vaccine so my argument would always be - why wouldn’t you take the much lesser risk?
Vaccine safety has now been monitored for over 12 months and yes there have been some concerns of incidents following vaccination but they are incredibly rare, COVID is not and damages the heart. Here in the UK Long COVID - ie: people suffering symptoms for more than 3 months is quite common now.
Only you can decide what you want for yourself but living in the ‘what if’ catastrophic thinking world will not help because doesn’t matter which way you turn the ‘what if’ it won’t get you answers. You will stay in permanently in suspension.
Make a decision and live by it is my suggestion and ditch the ‘what if’s’. Peace comes after making the decision.
Sent with best wishes.
Could you please elaborate how some profit by suggesting people not be vaccinated
There were 2 articles in both NY Times and Irish Times about a well known ‘alternative’ doctor posting on social media who’s posts are thought to be the source of the majority of misinformation. His website is very well known, especially in US, and he profited by suggesting that people would be much better protected by purchasing his supplements than taking the vaccine.
The articles published 12/08 were entitled The Most Influential Spreader of COVID Misinformation.
Whilst I am totally in favour of promoting a healthy immune response through healthy gut and nutrition such as suggested by Prof Tim Spectre after his research on the gut and immunity, there are others whose sole purpose is to disrupt and to promote themselves and make a lot of money because he knows exactly how to manipulate information for his own gains.
Unfortunately it seems that this type of manipulation is not confined to health but also permeates and corrupts our society in general.
If they are referring to Joseph Mercola then they are at best being disingenuous. Mercola has indeed touted the benefits of having a high vit D level in preventing Covid - as have doctors in the UK like David Grimes . The latest study coming out of Israel confirms this and was done using past recent vit D status rather than status on hospital admission. The results refute the reverse theory that it is illness itself that is the cause of the low vit D level and not the low vit D level contributing to getting ill.I have read every single one of Mercola's articles about covid and do not remember a single one where he has encouraged people to buy his supplements. On the contrary he has always said on his website that the best way of getting vit D ( and the way he himself gets it) is from the sun. He also promotes other supplements such as NAC and quercetin but these are widely available anywhere on the internet though amazon has now stopped NAC sales ( FDA wanting to ban it as a supplement because Pharma are looking into it as a covid treatment). As for his "misinformation " it is always referenced and one can investigate the references for oneself ( I always do). Where I would completely part company with him is his theories about "the Great Reset" . The mainstream media coverage of the pandemic crisis has been lamentable with only one agenda pushed. Scientists and doctors ( and I am not including Mercola here as he is at base an osteopath) who dissent from the vaccinalist policies are being censured and persecuted. The Guardian's coverage is particularly bad. What's more the mainstream media ridiculed and attacked those scientists who came out in early 2020 and suggested ( with cogent arguments) that SARS Cov 2 came out of the Wuhan lab. This campaign was organised by one Peter Daszak who it now turns out ( and is being acknowledged though grudgingly by same MSM ) had plenty skin in the game.
Had both Pfizer jabs with no problem other than sore arm!!
I would advise you to get the jab.
The jabs can cause problems - in very few people who have one.Covid does cause problems in a lot of people who catch it, and kills a significant proportion.
It's not a great analogy, but seat belts don't stop you having car crashes, but they do increase your chance of surviving.
I have SVT and had both Pfizer jabs without a problem other than a sore arm for 24 hours. I'm 77 though. I think you'll find it's nothing to worry about.
All the best.
I do not understand your hesitancy because it is that hesitancy that has caused the variant and the surge of Covid cases. I also live in Texas and am back in my house now because of this. I have Afib and took the Pfizer shot in April and am fine. Get vaccinated!
Hi Hemingway I think you are right to be hesitant on something which has no long term data I hope everyone who got the jabs remains well throughout life but there simply is no irrefutable evidence available you will make up your own mind out of the scramble of info available as I shall its very difficult when there are those who promote the jabs safety (short term) and those who are opposed but here is an example if you research the use of biphosphonates you will find short term use is very good but long term not so good it's like a new tyre eventually it will break down I know this analogy might sound trivial as I said earlier you will come to a place where you will make up your mind and I wish you the best about Dr Joseph mercola as mentioned in other replies he's not promoting his supplements any more than big pharma are promoting their experimental vaccine which I must say is relentless good luck
Given that you have already had covid I am not sure why you are contemplating getting the vaccine. Despite having turned their country into a big laboratory for Pfizer the Israeli health authorities are remarkably transparent with their statistics on covid. The latest stats there are showing that the Pfizer vaccine is not terribly effective against the delta variant, that areas with the highest rate of vaccination are showing the most infections and most importantly that the rate of infection with delta is miniscule for those who have already had covid. Natural immunity from prior infection has always been better than that from vaccination except with viruses where antibody dependant enhancement can occur ie dengue. Nobody yet knows whether this will happen with SARS CoV2. Natural immunity gives immunity to the entire virus whereas the vaccinations only target the spike protein of the original Wuhan virus now long superceded by the new variants. Here in France peopke who have had covid are only given one injection of the two shot vaccines and are advised to wait 3/4 months before getting it. If you really feel you ought to get it you could always go for the J&J vaccine which is only one shot.
Get the shot. I had a sore arm and some headache, fever and fatigue after my second shot, but this only lasted 24 hours. My AFIB did not reappear.