I'm interested in the connection between arrhythmia symptoms and candida yeast overgrowth and the suppression/elimination of symptoms with supplementation with probiotics, such as acidophilus and bifidus friendly bacteria? does anyone have any experience with such a protocol? thx in advance for replies.
connection between arrhythmia symptom... - Atrial Fibrillati...
connection between arrhythmia symptoms and candida yeast overgrowth and the elimination of such symptoms by using probiotics

Mmmmm.... I'd never heard of any possible link so I read (online) the outcome of the research done by Johns Hopkins university, and the only thing I'd say is that it seems to be considering a link between heart disease and systemic candida overgrowth. As arrhythmias are most often a condition rather than a disease, (an electrical disturbance as opposed to (quite often anyway), a physical heart plumbing problem), I'm not sure whether it applies. Maybe you can give us some further links to other studies with a specific slant on the link between arrhythmias and candida overgrowth?
I don't want to be a drag and pour cold water on hopeful ideas that you may have, but after 16 years of AF I've tried every weird and wonderful cure. At times they at first appear to work, once I claimed that having a tooth with a root infection removed had cured my AF ( it only lasted a few months). I've tried going gluten and lactose free, the list could go on and on, but would bore you to tears.
The only things I can tell you that will help reduce your attacks are changing to a more plant based diet, avoiding any foods or drinks that contain artificial additives, cutting out sugar as much as possible and losing weight if needed. Don't do excessive exercise, but try to do some form of exercise each day. Also supplement with magnesium, I use magnesium glycinate which another member on here recommended.
Stopping your sugar consumption would certainly help with reducing any candida you may have, as would using garlic in food.
I can’t see how probiotics would help, and I’m a keen advocate of probiotics - by natural means rather than supplements. Horipito on the other hand worked a treat.
I was in New Zealand & met a Maori healer who gave me the bark to make a tea with. The most disgusting taste but never had Candida since. Avoid all dairy products.
perhaps it should be added that on top of probiotics, the regimen for the last 2 1/2 years included 600 to 800mg of ionic magnesium, veggie diet with severely reduced milk products, antioxidants, fish oil, ionic potassium, garlic, taurine, ionic silver, vit C, B vitamins and plenty of green veggies and fruit, especially berries. also outdoor activities and forms of relaxation such as a leisurely pint of beer, meditation, cycling and some yoga.
Doesn’t really matter if you have Candida overgrowth. Any bad flora overgrowth needs to be eliminated by finding a substance that will keep it in check. There are a bunch of natural anti fungal herbs, including garlic which help.
Then you build the good flora with probiotics and feed them with pre-biotics - your fibrous greeens.
Eliminate dairy and find plant substitutes - I’ve found that Pea Milk - I like the Mighty Pea made from split yellow peas is the nearest in taste and texture to milk. Eliminate anything which contains yeast eg: beer.
You might also want to consider taking kefir and other forms of naturally fermented foods such as Kumboocha rather than or in addition to probiotic supplements and using a good sour-dough bread and avoiding all commercial bakes. A good Apple Cider vinegar, as long it’s made from the Mother ie: organic and naturally produced is also excellent. All found in good farm shops and natural food stores.
Hope that helps.
thx for the sound advice, cdreamer. i use almond milk and kefir and practically no unfermented milk products. beer is harder to give up especially now in the summer. lots of greens, garlic are also staple food here, as is sourdough bread locally baked. and adding probiotics to all this seems to help quite a bit. time will tell...
Could be a contributing factor particularly if your AF is vagally mediated, as any gut related problem could reach a threshold with other issues to trigger an episode. Either way it needs fixing. It has been an issue with me for a while and coincidentally I am sending off today a urine sample to Nordic Labs in Denmark for their Organix test - hi tech analysis of the sample; I do this via my Naturopath every couple of years as a health check.
I haven't read of this, and I try to keep up with the science as best I can.
Genuine overgrowth of candida is, so far as I know, a sign that the body's defence systems have been altered or reduced, for example following antibiotic or other treatment. Are you thinking that the yeast can infect the heart? I have read of theories linking gum disease and the microbiome with heart disease.
I suspect, however, compared with the major causes of heart disease, namely, obesity, sedentariness, smoking and drinking (and I suppose I could add diabetes and hypertension), that candida would be a minor issue?
The latest science focusing on the atrium and arrhythmias shows just how important staying slim and active really is, as well as the need to treat diabetes and hypertension thoroughly aggressively. The atrium seems to react negatively to all of those things and arrhythmias might be an early sign that things are going wrong.
I can’t comment on the link between candida overgrowth and arrhythmia but I do know I cured myself of awful repeat candida infections by eating natural yogurts. This was 30 years ago before ‘gut health’ was taken seriously. I also changed husbands which might have had something to do with it too! However, joking aside, Prof Tim Spectre from the Covid19 symptom study, and his team are doing some remarkable and interesting studies into gut health and immunity.
I now make my own kefir water, use almond milk and yogurt (when there is any on the shelves these days) and have switched to a mainly plant based diet. I avoid antibiotics like the plague.
However, Yesterday I was stung by a wasp near my eye and , as usual I am having an allergic reaction to the nasty little arthropod, and my face is like a balloon on one side.. Six hours in Aand E and I am now on prednisone, antihistamines and much to my dismay, flucloxacillin. After nearly 2 decades of avoiding antibiotics I have to take heavy duty ones for 5 days, so my gut flora is going to be decimated again.
So far I haven’t reverted back into Afib but I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
Yeast related illnesses are very real. Unfortunately many Drs to this day do not take Candida albicans seriously. I suffered from recurring UTI caused from yeast overgrowth back in the 80's. Took me 7 yrs and 7 different drs before I found a Dr who knew about Candida and the different illnesses it can cause. Funnyat the time there were many articles being written about the yeast syndrome as it was called then. And the Dr who finally diagnosed me said it was in the AMA journal so that shows that not that all Drs read the journal to keep up with what's new. I was prescribed Diflucan back then and after 7 years had relief. I did a lot of reading about yeast overgrowth and the many many illnesses it can cause. My sister suffers with it too. I live in Florida in this damp tropical climate and that makes it even worse. I choose now to try and treat it naturally but like I said the wet climate makes it harder to control. Mold is everywhere and breathing in the mold spores can cause the body to grow Candida. I use to have a file with info I had saved about it but somewhere I have lost it. There are books written by a few Drs. A Dr Trowbridge wrote a book 30 years ago which still has good info. Yeast overgrowth, Candida albicans, can be very debilitating for people and believe it or not can prove to be fatal for some. It's nothing to brush off like so many Drs do.
Wishing you the best and take care. Hope you find what helps you.