This is what I get sometimes when I have AFIB.
One Ablation 5 years ago, just had my second on Thursday, this time with a GA. Over the last 18 months I have been getting this dizzy feeling that causes me to shut my eyes and I hold on to something, I see white shaky lights and then i hear the buzz in my ear and it passes. This only lasts 2-3 seconds, sometime I get one every 30 mins for a few hours sometimes it lasts a lot longer, a few days it lasted all day and it was happening every 15mins. No pain just complete discomfort on the day that this happens. My heart rate seems to be around 47/48 normally and goes up to 90 without any rhyme or reason. They started 18 months ago and have been getting more frequent. I had my second ablation Thursday and thought that it was a great success as on Friday my rate was 58 and no dizzy turns all day. Yes I was tired and that carried through Sat and Sunday, unfortunately on Saturday the dizzy events started again but this time a had a few that lasted around 5 seconds and it felt like torture. On Sunday I had a few 5 second events and one cause me to collapse ( luckily the Laundry bag saved my head hitting the hard floor) Yesterday and today I have taken it easy and stayed in bed most of the day and no more dizzy events. All I can hope for is that it is settling down after the Ablation and my 48 bpm are now a fixture and fingers crossed the dizzy events do not return.
I just wanted people to be aware of my experience as I have never seen anyone report anything like this happening to them. The consultant doing the ablation had never heard of it before either. Perhaps they are not linked and just a weird coincidence, but I feel somehow that they are and I will now investigate that with the heart team as I do not want those dizzy spells. No driving for me until I find out the cause.