Anyone been diagnosed with LVH following an ECG ?
LVH ON ECG: Anyone been diagnosed with... - Atrial Fibrillati...

There are quite a few people on the forum with LVH. If you type LVH into the search box at the top right you can bring up the posts. Hopefully, some of them will see your question.
I had mild LVH on one of my hospital reports. I believe it was picked up from a ultrasound echocardiogram not from the ECG. As no one at the hospital mentioned it I went to my GP and she was not concerned at it being only mild. I have never looked further in to it. I can see from Dr Google that it can show up on an ECG.
Thanks so much
Have you ever had an echocardiogram? That would be normal before being considered for Flecainide which is contraindicated if you have a structural abnormality of the heart. Do you have angina?
Long story but 2 years ago. I’m in Wales and somewhat different approach. However, now been referred to Barts