I had an ablation at the end of November for Afib. Now seem to have tachycardia all the time. I've seen my cardiologist who suggested a heart monitor be fitted for 2 weeks. I've just peeled it off and posted the monitor. Has anyone else had these symptons ?
Ablation failure???: I had an ablation... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ablation failure???

Yes, atrial tachycardia is quite common post ablation . This typically runs at about 140bpm. In my case I needed cardioversions (DCCV) around three to four months post ablation to restore NSR. Of course you will need to be on anticoagulation for at least a month prior to DCCV so if you stopped this maybe discuss re-starting to aviod unecessay delays.
Oh wow thanks for that. Yes I'm still on Apixaban although I really would like to stop them as they make my whole body ache an my doctor doesn't believe me !!!I seem to constantly have a heart rate in the high 90's to 105. I was wondering whether a 2nd ablation would fix this as most medication doesn't agree. I'm only a youngy at 56
Normal hart rate is considered between 60 adn 100. I was once told by a caraiologist teh they do not treat rates within that band. Do remember (and I hope that you read the fact sheet on recovery heartrhythmalliance.org/res... that raised HR post ablation is normal and can take up to nine months to return to normal levels.
I had my ablation April 19 Georgia, had a slighter higher heart rate for a couple of months, and got told it is part of the healing process and as Bob said the same between 60-100bpm I shouldn't worry.Mine went into flutter at constant 140bpm the following July and I was cardioverted back into normal sinus.
Now two years on resting rate is 60-75bpm. It's a long road after ablation I found, and you have to allow for bumps on the way, hope the data is good and you can get better relaxed...