I had a cardioversion 6 years ago which corrected my persistence AF. Sadly I am in now back in persistent AF and experiencing problems with low blood pressure. When my BP is normal I feel great and have no other symptoms but when my BP drops I feel absolutely awful and have to rest. Have been taking flecanaide for 3 weeks alongside normal meds bisphoral and apixaban - still in AF though. Does anyone else have problems with low BP ? Seeing cardiologist this week after 24 hour monitor last week. I am 62. Thanks
Low blood pressure and AF ? - Atrial Fibrillati...
Low blood pressure and AF ?

Obviously it’s best to wait and see what your cardiologist says but I have a couple of thoughts. Please bear in mind I’m not medically trained but Bisoprolol will contribute to lowering your blood pressure so maybe you need to discuss that with him. Also, to have had 6 years of NSR since a cardioversion is a fantastic result and that will surely indicate that you are suitable for an ablation. A second cardioversion might be suggested and that might be a good idea but if an ablation is on the cards, given your age, I would give it serious consideration.
It will be interesting to hear what others say......

Couldn't agree more FlapJack
Yes - I’ve had low BP all my life but things got a lot worse once AF appeared. I cannot take Beta Blockers - my cardiologist put a red alert on my medical file to prevent anyone even suggesting I took them but the one thing they did was to help control my BP. Biso lowers high BP but it also helps stabilise low BP.
You do feel absolutely terrible and on the verge of losing consciousness most of the time. It’s really important to keep your fluids up when that happens and balance your electrolytes so I sipped water almost constantly, added salt (I never took salt) to my diet and I found Pure Coconut Water (not the Coconut Water drink) very helpful.
You can also try raising the head of your bed as it’s not a good idea to spend too much time lying prone - even though you want to.
Do you know your BP numbers? Anything below 90 systolic is considered low BP but when in AF your BP will be up and down and it can drop suddenly which is what causes fainting - syncope or pre-syncope.
The other thing to bear in mind is that most home BP monitors are unreliable for folk when in AF. It’s a bit of a faff, but it’s suggested you should take the average of 4 readings with a 15 minute gap between each reading......
It is well known fact that, when you skip into AF, heart flow-rate reduces to 60-70% of normal. It is the cause of low blood-pressure, and it is normal that you feel poorly. Bisphoral is not a good medication for you, because it brings your HR down and reduces blood flow-rate. Try to reduce or avoid it.

Thanks everyone - very helpful. My BP numbers are varied - I have had 6 "bad" days in the last 18 and the average numbers then were 103/55. It seems to be when the bottom numbers is in the 50's that I feel rubbish. On my worst day the numbers were 89/56. I will start do take three readings now and see the average.On my good days the numbers are around 120/68 and I feel absolutley great. I can cope with AF if I can manintain my BP . Have increased salt and fluids -will try the pure coconut water too.
Why are you measuring your blood pressure in the first place? The way you put it makes it sound like you may be checking your BP regularly, and only feeling unwell if your possibly unreliable reading is low. Would it be worth not measuring your blood pressure at all unless you are feeling unwell?

Not sure what you mean here . I check my BP on a daily basis to have a record to help me manage it and look for any patterns or trends. I pretty much know what the reading will be by how I am feeling . I know when it will be a low reading as I feel rubbish and equally when I feel great. I asked the question to see if low BP is common with AF and any advice from people who experience it.
It is the first time I have ever used a forum and so far all responses have been very helpful.
I'm very new here and already learning that I'm not alone....
Out of 7 days I have one 'good' day if I'm lucky
I suffer with low blood pressure anyway... in the 90's Is normal for me or 107 on a really good day but just lately my blood pressure has been dropping lower 74/50 😪 it can stay there then bounce all over the place then drop again....
I feel like I'm constantly on a roller coaster but one that completely drains my body to the point where I just can't function!
I should of had my ablation in February but covid has postponed it.... I can never get hold of my consultant or anyone in the hospital for help or advice just left to deal with it. I'm 38 but feel like I'm tapped in 100 year old body!!
I have no sound advice other than your not alone and I hope you get the help from the professionals soon 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻