Ectopic beats and atrial flutter
Does anyone have ectopic beats and at... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Does anyone have ectopic beats and atrial flutter.?

Everybody has ectopic beats even those with no arrhythmias. They are a normal function of a healthy heart. Generally up to 200 per day. Cardiologists seldom if ever treat ectopics.
My cardiologist is concerned about my ectopics as I have so many 😩
Sorry to hear that they are horrible especially when in bed. Lie awake ages anxious which I know doesn't help.
Try the slow deep breathing exercise. use searghc facility for Ectopic breathing exercise
Hey Bob,Do you have a link to this exercise?
Basically sit or lay down and relax. Breath in slowly using your stomach not your shoulders . Pull down as far as you can go till you can't get anymore air in. then slowly breath out again forcing your diaphragm up against your spine. Slow your breathing down to less than six breaths a minute and do this for at least five minutes, longer if possible, With practise you can get slower still (I can do three bpm on a good day) but do whatever you can and build up to it.
Sorry but I think is a stressful breathing technique , it can cause more problems than necessary. If you just sit quietly in a chair or even lie down if you feel this is better . Relax and Focus on your breath , watching it rather than controlling it . I think you will find this much more beneficial. If your mind gets distracted gently go back and focus on your breath again .This will happen many times ,
Perhaps 10 minutes to start with , increasingvto half an hour after a few weeks of practice .
The benefit after a week will amaze you .
How many a day do you have?
1000s last monitor showed them as constant mixed with svt which Cardio is bothered about, increased my Bisoprolol dose but was to much so I'm staying as I am, some days better than others !
an atrial ectopic beat is a problem in the electrical system of the heart. its also called an atrial premature beat or a premature atrial contraction. separate and distinct from Atrial Flutter. I have 2 Atrial Flutters as a result of 2 radio ablations 15 years ago. I listen to Marconi Union's Weightless which was developed by Muscin therapists in cardiology in the UK. It keeps the my heart beating at a steady 60 beats most of the time and the occaisions of Afib, Aluttter and ectoptics at different intervals so that there is rarely a "perfect storm" where all 4 are happening at the same time. I am on meds: toporol XL not generic because somehow the generics don't help. and digoxin, and coumadin.
I get them, cardio says they are nothing.....funny I tend to get them in batches. I get them on and of over a few weeks , then I don’t see them for a while in fact I haven’t had them for a while but shouldn’t say that should I as I’m bound to now!!!!Mine last an hour or so, and yes it’s a bit disconcerting as u can defiantly feel something’s up. But I tend to try and ignore them or go lie down
I had atrial flutter until my ablation in 2019 but continue with frequent ectopic beats. I was told that they arise near to the pulmonary veins in the same place that atrial fibrillation often also arises. Atrial flutter, very differently, arises in the right atrium, so I can't imagine that there is a link between these two arrhythmias.
I have never counted how many ectopic beats that I have but there must be many each day. A cardiologist once noted them but assured me that he himself has far more each day and has no fear of them whatsoever, telling me to treat them similarly. He assured me that everyone has them. It's sometimes hard to ignore them, especially the "heavy" ones, but, over the many years of having them, his advice has proved sound. Looking at the many posts from people on this and other forums, it seems that they are a source of great anxiety for some people, but, from what I was advised, they are safe. I did once read that if they increase greatly during exercise, then that is something your doctor needs to be made aware of.
My first ablation in 2009 was for flutter.
After my 3rd ablation for AFIB in 2011, I had constant ectopic beats that really bothered me. The AFIB was gone, but had this continuous, discomforting hurky, jerky sinus rhythmn. I hated it!
I discovered that 300 to 400mg of magnesium twice a day (I took a triple mag formula) smoothed my heart out to normal and kept it that way. I was really surprised and happy.
Also, mag is critical in dozens if not hundreds of processes in the body, so everyone can use a boost because most people are deficient. It was a win/win. It's inexpensive, too.
I get lots of this combination. As long as the ectopics stay alone and not joining up in twos or threes they are simply annoying. I have had as many as 20,000 in one day but they rarely last that long. They have mixed with flutter but I find the ectopics more symptomatic due to the annoying thump. I cannot sleep well when they happen nor lay down as they thump too much. So a small pillow wedged on the left side upper chest helps lessen the thump as does occasional lorazepam. There does not seem to be a magic pill but hydration has been important for me.
What are ectopic l have the AFib
Do you have to ask a doc before taking magnesium