Thank you for all your lovely messages. I'm not sure where to post again and hope this reaches you all. My cardioversion yesterday went well and you were all right about it being nothing to worry about. I have slight burns but absolutely nothing to worry about. I am back in normal sinus and have been advised to immediately stop my Verapamil but continue with Edoxaban and Amiodorone for a further 6 weeks until I see my Cardiologist again. The worst part of the day was the 60 mile drive into London at 5.00am in the pouring rain! I did sleep all the way home and pretty much for the rest of the day but I feel fine today but am not working and not doing anything strenuous. I cant believe how excited I was to see "Normal" after running an ECG on my Kardia.
Thank you all again - I think this forum/site is wonderful and I have learned so much from you all.