In March I saw my EP who put me on the waiting list for an ablation for SVT. This will be my second, the first was in 2014 for Afib.
I have been reasonably well throughout the summer with a heart rate in the mid 90s until the end of September when my heart rate suddenly shot up to 150 and stayed there for several days. My GP increased my Bisoprolol from 7.5 to 10 mg and things settled down to mid 90s again.
On the Monday before Christmas my heart rate has once again gone up to around 140. Sometimes I’m in afib and sometimes flutter. It may be coincidence but on the Monday I started a new pack of tablets which are a different make to those I’ve had previously.
Do I wait until Tuesday to get in touch with my GP? Do I phone 111 or 999? (I have a huge fear of going into hospital just now). Do I phone the arrhythmia nurse at the hospital where my ablation is due to take place? I have no upcoming appointment with anyone nor do I have a date for my ablation? I feel fine if I just sit on the sofa knitting but I get very breathless if I move or stand for any length of time.