Okay a bit long so please bear with me. In Early October 2022 I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and one symptom of this was Afib. Now, I was being treated by a cardiologist and an endocrinologist both of whom agreed that my heart rate and rhythm were unlikely to improve much before my thyroid levels were under control. I was on bisoprolol and an anticoagulant and, at first, some thyroid drugs. However it soon turned out that my thyroid issues weren't caused by the usual culprits of Graves disease or toxic nodules but it was a temporary problem and it was thought that it would self resolve, so I came off the thyroid drugs. My thyroid levels came down to near normal in January / February but I had been in persistent (mostly asymptomatic) Afib all that time. My thyroid seemed pretty normal a few weeks ago but my Afib was still there so I saw an EP and he suggested an ablation and put me on rhythm drugs. Nothing happened for a week and then I fell back into NSR. I went back today to see both the thyroid doctor and the EP. My thyroid levels are now normal and my heart rate and rhythm are, too. I have an ablation scheduled for end of May but there is a lot of information online suggesting that patients with Afib caused by temporary thyroid problems that self resolve often fall back into NSR 6-8 weeks after the thyroid levels are normal. (something like two-thirds off such patients) My thyroid doctor had hinted he didn't think the ablation was necessary but would leave that to the EP and me to decide. The EP, too, after initially thinking the ablation definitely was for the best agreed that it might not actually be strictly necessary. This was after he realised that my thyroid issues were temporary and not ongoing. The thyroid was almost certainly the cause of the Afib. He cut my bisoprolol and I remain on the anticoagulant and the rhythm drugs and will see him again in early May. The thing is, I will have remained on the anti-rhythm drugs from now until the time I see him, so we won't know if it was the drugs that brought me back into NSR or whether I was just falling back into it as many do after temporary self-resolving thyroid issues. So not sure whether I should go ahead with the ablation or not. I am quite happy to have it if it is needed but obviously would rather avoid an unnecessary procedure.
I am in Japan, so cancelling it wouldn't be the same as if I was in the UK in that I wouldn't go to the back of a huge waiting list. I could maybe have it a couple of months down the line. I suppose my question is this: Is there any problem with having an ablation that might not strictly be necessary?Also, I know people say staying in AFib longer makes the success of an ablation less likely, but if my drugs keep me in NSR is waiting longer going to do me any harm should I eventually go ahead with it?
I don't have any other heart issues and have been told my heart is generally in good health. I am 53 years old.
If you managed to read all this, thanks!