Any one so tuned in with there hearts like I am it’s quite obsessive and I am trying to get better at it, I’ve noticed my heart can do a quick double beat at times can this be due to breathing the way you breathe that controls your heart rate? Been reading a lot on heart rate variability and the way you breathe controlling your heart rate all fascinating stuff, on a separate note I’ve ordered an Apple Watch but really don’t know if it’s a good idea with my Heath anxiety but I do wanted one as I’ve increased my exercise and wanted to know how high my heart goes
Heart does a quick double beat - Atrial Fibrillati...
Heart does a quick double beat

My AF was diagnosed 15 years ago. In that time one thing that I've learnt is the more I concentrate on what my heart is doing, the worse it becomes. I can be sat with a perfect heart rate, but as soon as I think 'what's my heart doing', well off it goes out of rhythm and clonking around!
Once my AF really set in, in the early days I too was obsessed with what it was doing beat wise. Honestly, honestly and I'm sure others will confirm, give your heart rate your full attention and it will play up.
Thanks Jean so do you try not pay attention to your heart now for me it’s when I’m sitting or lying or just relaxing is when I time into my heart the most
I would have a glass of water, sit and do some deep breathing, letting go of any tension in the heart area with each out breath. Then try and distract myself by reading a book, watching t.v. or getting a friend to come round for a chat. At least that's what I'd do now.
Back when my AF first started I'd go into a flap, sit all pathetic wondering how long I should give it before calling for help (always sent my daughter a text to let her know). I live on my own and had an awful fear of having a stroke and not being found for a long time. That's what happened to my dad, he lay on the floor in his house for 3 days before my brother broke in and found him. He died about 6 weeks later and never left hospital in that time.
I had undiaagnosed AF for about six years - I ignored it, assumed it was lots of things to do with everything else except my heart and I just got on with my life, resting which I had my 'funny turns'. Once I had a diagnosis of 'heart trouble' the episodes got worse, I got worse and worried myself sick.
Jean is right - if you concentrate on the little beggar, it will play up. Jumps and bumps are normal in everyone - we AFers just notice them more. Take a deep breath and carry on Paday.
Thank you finvola yes us AFIBBERS are just to in tune it can get unhealthy, amazing how you ingnored it for 6 years
I went to my GP several times, explaining that occasionally I had difficulty breathing - I didn't mention my heart as I couldn't feel anything out of the ordinary! Nothing was found on ECG's or tests - naturally as I have PAF.
If I had taken my husband's advice and gone to the doc when an episode was active, diagnosis would have been faster.
And how are you now? How’s the AFIB now is it well controlled?
Yes I'm well, thank you for asking. I started Flecainide shortly after diagnosis in 2013 and have had no AF since then. Bumps and jumps, ectopics etc but the Flecainide has been my friend.
I think the double beat feeling is what they call ectopics. Pretty harmless but you'll be able to see them on your Apple watch ECG.
Sounds like ectopics Pad as others said. I used to worry myself daft as you know, not so much now. Even after my ablation I am AF free but still get the odd bumb / tumble feeling, and weird misplaced beats. I think I probably always have had this happen all my life , just having afib for years and fast tach with bad episodes for days thrown in with hospital visits, it makes you take notice of your heart so much more to the point of obsession , where once you wouldn't ever have done before, it takes over your whole day, it did me . I used to check my BP too much, listen to heart beats lying down to sleep ( still do sometimes, hate silence), and loads of moments worrying if I felt a missed beat etc Jean gave me loads of advice and Fin and others here about relaxation, breathing and what are basically distraction techniques.
I totally know how you feel mate it's so frustrating and drags you down . I don't think 2020 has helped with the stress which is basically afibs fuel, I use loads of stuff now, from lavender oil, breathing, and magnesium etc etc, like a walking Sage of old, Wizard P 😂.
It really is state of mind mate and if you really struggle I would ask about CBT and other tools, even though I'm old school "get on with it" era, I know loads of friends who have gained help with accepting and relaxing techniques and maybe it's worth an ask of your GP, if he's not receptive, then go private, as you can't put a price on quality of life.
I think we will always get the odd miss beat etc for life pal
I reckon so Pad, and always be more aware of our hearts than you would normally, just had to go get covid test, not been week since Friday, hoping its just a bit cold, roll on 2021, we got to have a better year 😉
Ahhhhh what mate let us know the results mate hopefully just a cold pal
Couldn't make 2020 up could you Pad, I will mate il let you know , I drove home from test centre with a bell in front shouting "unclean" out of window 😂🛎️, the lady at the testing place said, "oh you look rough are you OK" bless her , I said yea fine, she said "I had it in July was poorly for 3 weeks and had no energy felt awful ", I said oh dear, well if I've got it I won't be able to sit about that's just a woman's perogative , "cheecky bugger" she said with a laugh "I still did my housework", I was going to say my dishwasher "the wife" still works, but though better of it, she was too nice but maybe I was going to be the first murder at a test centre . And as if by magic, just had message from the cleaner comes once a week to say she's been "ill" last week, she was due today, soooo maybe she's spread the germ love around , hopefully just a bit of cold, luckily didn't go into work last week was working on software from home for peace and quiet, so don't have to close the business. Again, one small mercy 🙏
I agree with Jean. It’s easy to almost be obsessed with heart beats in the earlier journey with AF. I feel the difference immediately when my heart ‘takes off’ into AF. I have learned not to worry about the odd skipping or double beat. I take a few deep breaths should I notice it and it usually resolves itself. Try not to worry because you’ll know soon enough if you go into AF. As they say ‘keep calm and carry on’. Easier said than done I know but I think most of us will identify AF without a monitor. It may make you more aware of minor irregularities and worry you needlessly.
My Iwatch saved my life, so hopefully that should put your anxiety to bed.
I was busy with life as most mums with young children are and ignored all the signs. But when my watch alarm kept going off (you can set up what you want) and my best friend saw it. I was “made” to go doctors (best mate told husband) and within three weeks I was booked in for surgery. Boom.
I think of it as my little jiminy cricket. It will tell me if I need to know something. Record it in a fancy graph that I collect and hand to my EP when I see him. Saves loads of time.
Strangely I have never used my watch to actually tell the time 🤦♀️
Wow what did you have the surgery for AFIB?
I had a PVI ablation, I think this is the Cryo one for my Afib, I then had the CTI ablation for my ATachy and ectopic beats, they then did a full EP study and discovered I had a flutter as well so while he was in there my EP zapped that as well. No idea what he did first the ice or the heat but I know I was bloody sore after.
And how are you feeling now? No more episodes?
Well I had a couple of post operative issues (unique to me) but I can honestly say I have not been aware of any of the previous symptoms/episodes since the procedures. I am being fitted with another Zio patch on Wednesday to monitor me for two weeks so fingers crossed.
I’m guilty of this too! It’s crazy to think that you have to doing something all the time because you know when you relax, sit quietly, watch TV etc you are aware of fast beats and heart shaking feelings! I’ve got my cardioversion on the 17th December! I’m so hopeful, but the cardiac department keep reminding me that I may not stay out of AFib for too long... it just depends apparently.
What about an abalation is that an option for you?
Hi Paddy 😊 I had something similar happening for days and captured it on Kardia , I paid my £5 for analysis and it came back as...
''MULTIPLE ATRIAL ECTOPICS You have multiple extra beats originating from the upper part of the heart.
ATRIAL COUPLETS Your atrial extra beats occur in pairs.''
Hardly a day passed when I didn't have P-AF, ectopic, double beats, missed beats or some strange thing and I was sick of it hence my paying to go and see an EP and for an Echo because of the C19 delay and asking to be prescribed Flecainide .
I decided to start taking the daily Flecainide when next I had an episode of P-AF ( I was getting 3 x10 hour episodes in every 10 day period for months) .
Something odd as happened, I thought I would try a couple more things from studys I have read before resorting to Flecainide (which is sitting waiting on my shelf ) and for 4 weeks I have had no P-AF and hardly any odd beats.
I fear this is a temporary reprieve and they will all come rushing back, so I don't want to say what I am 'trying out' just yet 😊
hi doodle68 just to confirm did your Kardia device tell you that you had Multiple Atrial Ectopics?
Hi Paddy , I sent the reading to the Kardia diagnostics team and for £5 got the results sent to me. I could could see the 2 beats close together myself on the reading and as it was happening all day I wanted confirmation it was nothing to worry about.
The report also said...
Significant ECG abnormality
observed. Forward this report
to your physician for his/her
advice unless the abnormality
is already known and been
...I told the EP about it, he made no comment.
I get the impression the medics I see think I am too 'enquiring '
So how long do you think you will hold on the Flacinide for before retaking it? and are you still waiting for an Echo?
Hi Paddy 😊 I will take the Flecainide after the next episode of P-AF having been told the episodes are now too frequent to take it as a PIP and I should take it daily .
I was told I needed an Echo before I could be prescribed Flecainide but that I would have a long wait for one, 6+ month. So having already waited 6 months to discuss the increased frequency of episodes because the clinic was cancelled due to C19 I paid for an Echo and got one and the results in a week.
Oh please let us know what the results say, thanks @doodle68 for your time today can i just ask do you do any exercise at all?
HI Paddy 😊 I do stretching exercises every day a sort of self taught Yoga and walk the fields with my dog a minimum of a mile x 2 . I also garden and grow vegetables, all good exercise.
I won't know for a long time if the things I am trying are working or if it is just coincidence we will see .