I've spoken with many pharmacists and my electrophysiologist as well, and I'm puzzled because they say the same or different things!
If anyone can ring in on what *might* work best, I'd appreciate it.
I take the metoprolol extended release once a day in the morning. I take the flecainide twice a day, 12 hours apart.
I was told to take the metoprolol extended release at the same time as my flecainide, with or without food .... AND I was told to take metoprolol extended release with a bit of food, an hour before taking my flecainide, which I could take with or without food. I was also told to wait 2 hours after eating something before I take flecainide. Which one is "more" correct for the metoprolol extended release and for the flecainide?
I was told to take the simvastatin before I go to bed, and I was also told to take it with dinner. Which one is "more" correct for the simvastatin?
I really want to maximize the bioavailability of my meds, to avoid more trips to the emergency room in case how I take my meds is a factor.
Does the flecainide work best on an empty stomach or it doesn't matter? Thank you!!!!!