I’m scheduled to have an ablation November 2nd. What should I expect as far as recovery? My EP says my case is very straight forward so my recovery should be fast but I have read that it may take up to 3 mos to feel like myself again. I’d love to hear some experiences.
Post ablation recovery: I’m scheduled... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Post ablation recovery

Hi - good question. It is a very varied experience and will depend upon age, general health and fitness and you pacing yourself for a good while. I would suggest you download the AFA leaflet - preparing for and recovery from ablation -
One thing not mentioned - higher than normal heart rate for some months after ablation seems to be common. I would say 9-12 months before mine settled completely and during that time many people suffer ectopics - which can make you feel very bad but mine didn’t last for very long and only came on when I had done too much. too soon and that was simply because I felt SO much better generally.
Best wishes for a great outcome and speedy recovery.
T’is mentioned......😉
I had an ablation for flutter 4 weeks ago and returned to work full time this week. I felt I pushed myself too hard and have suffered ectopic for the last couple of days. I’m worried I’ve damaged the healing of my heart - you say that you had ectopics when you did too much , too soon - did this affect your end recovery or are you okay now please?
I had mine in 2013 and am still free of AF. It took 5 months for all arrhythmias to stop but during that time I was not debilitated nor did I feel unwell in other ways. I rested for a couple of weeks and then gradually resumed walking and basic tasks (I was retired so no worries re work). I noticed my resting heart beat was in the 80s and took almost a year to return to normal.
So try not to worry too much (I was very nervous) and take things very easy.
Good luck 🍀
Hi, Your experience gives me hope😊 I’m so glad it worked for you. did you have proximal or persistent Afib and for how long? Did you have a cyroblation or the one with heat? Also, if you don’t mind are you over or under 60. I’m in the US and I’m told to look for an EP with a FLHR After their name.
Have a look at my other posts. Really hope my ablation holds well as I have had relative stability for 4 months . Coming off any medication except for NOAC (which I will carry on as a safety net in case COVID strikes)
I think recovery is varied and depends on the individual but there is a lot of info on here. As I was told, it’s still heart surgery and you need to treat it as such and convalesce appropriately! I had mine in Dec 2018 and except for one really bad AF episode that did land me in hospital (3 weeks after the ablation) I have not looked back. No AF attacks at all and only the occasional ectopic which is not a problem. I do suffer breathlessness which is a concern but a recent echo ruled out heart failure which I feared. The ablation was definitely the way to go. Best of luck with yours!