Had telephone consultation with my cardiologist yesterday- I am feeling better in these 3 months but still tired - on Nebivolo/flecainide and apaxiban he suggested to continue as I am and if no improvement consider an ablation in one years time he said the A fib will probably return at some time - did I want an ablation now he asked - I have decided to wait and see how things pan out
3 months after cardioversion still in... - Atrial Fibrillati...
3 months after cardioversion still in NSR

I guess your tiredness could have another cause other than your heart. Have you had a full blood test recently? So many other things can be the cause of tiredness. I used to put mine down to AF, but then it was discovered I had an underactive thyroid. Taking medication for that gave me back my life and energy.
Do you know what your heart rate and BP are now?

Sounds like you have a plan.
Clearly it makes sense to see how you fair but I see from your profile that you are moving towards your late 70’s and although age shouldn’t be an issue, it should be considered in the context of having an ablation. As Jean says, other health factors can cause breathlessness and although I have no personal experience of Nebivolol, betablockers often cause this. Given the current situation with COVID-19, ablations are unlikely to be easy to get for a while so it might be worth considering being put on the waiting list. You can always change your mind but if you wait a year before deciding, it could easily take another year before it happens by which time you will be nudging 80. Good luck with your decision making, it’s never easy!

Thanks for your comments- just to clarify I am not breathless at all - and not as tired as before cardioversion- so I am in a better place than before - always try to avoid invasive surgery where possible- will have a knee replacement in the new year which has dragged on a bit as well - best wishes to you
Yes, I meant tiredness! Good job I’m not a doctor!