Within 5 weeks of ablation (three areas were ablated in my right atria) I have atrial flutter. I saw my regular cardio doctor last week & now I have seen my EP cardiologist. He wants to do another ablation however I am not quite on board(so soon) instead I will have a Cardioversion. Anyone had a recent Cardioversion?
Cardioversion after ablation. - Atrial Fibrillati...
Cardioversion after ablation.

Lots of people here have had many cardioversions. I had one after each of my three ablations usually about two months down the line. Nothing to worry about. They put a cannula in your arm , inject fairy juice and while you away playing with the fairies they zap you and if all goes well you are back in rhythm.
Had my 11th one Oct. 23rd. Wake up feeling like new, I do anyway, unless I have been in persistent afib with a high rate for a extended time. If so, I am still very exhausted from that.
As other people have said the cardioversion procedure is quick and painless and I was told particularly suitable for atrial flutter as opposed to fibrillation. I have been lucky as so far it has kept me in NSR for a couple of years, though obviously there are no guarantees.
Are they sure that it is atrial flutter. The right atrial ablation should have taken care of it.
It may have changed to Afib which is usually a left atria problem. Were there flutter waves on the ecg? Dick
Yes, it is definitely Atrial Flutter( 2 to 1) It is a regular saw-tooth pattern.( I don't have A-fib at this time.) I have the" reentrant tachycardia" that is caused by scar tissue in the heart.
I think that A-fib can be caused by issues in both the left and right atria.-H