Weaning off beta blockers like metopr... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Weaning off beta blockers like metoprolol

belindalore profile image
23 Replies

What have been the experiences of anyone weaning off of something like metoprolol or other beta blockers? How did it affect your blood pressure? Did it get higher? Get lower and fluctuate in between high and low. And did it eventually even out after awhile. I want to find a Dr who tries natural treatments. I'm going to try to wean off metropolol eventually and am curious what others experienced. Thanks

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belindalore profile image
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23 Replies
Padayn01 profile image

Do you want to wean of it by choice can I ask?

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Padayn01

I'd like to see another cardio Dr I found out about first. I can't take the side effects. Cardio Dr I'm seeing I doubt would be willing for me to go off the metoprolol. One way or another I have to find something else that works. Not more drugs.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to belindalore

How long you been on metraprole? And is it for AF?

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Padayn01

I was just recently diagnosed with Afib in June 2020, this year. I'm very sensitive to prescription meds. Put me on metoprolol. it didn't take long for the side effects to kick in for me. Cardio Dr wanted to put me on amoridane on top of the metoprolol to counteract the side effects. I said no. Why would I take a 3rd med (also on a blood thinner) when I'm so dang sensitive to meds. Drs don't listen. Then he said I'd probably need ablation. That isn't going to happen either. Drs are too much about pills and surgery. I'm hoping to see another cardio Dr who's supposed to try natural supplements. It's all very frustrating.

Tux18 profile image
Tux18 in reply to belindalore

Best to you in finding a more natural way to handle AF. I took metoprolol for quiet a while now only for times when my heart races for long periods. Have had ablation....still have AF. Have tried meds like Flecainide which only made it impossible to live normal life as it zapped all my strength. I take some supplements which I think are good but they don’t fix my AF.

Anything you come up with that helps that’s natural I like to know about.

Wish you well!

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Tux18

There is no cure for afib. All I've learned is we can manage it. I feel so awful on the meds but probably won't stop taking the anticoagulant. Strokes run in it family. I have crummy insurance which is all I can afford and have to see the Drs on my plan and they aren't the greatest. So I'm limited. I just had a stress test and doing a holter monitor test which I take back today and get results for all aug 31. I'll go from there as this cardio Dr would love to do an ablation on me. No. I may see another Dr in my plan that might be better. Some do okay with ablation and others have to have it done more than once or multiple times. And like you still have to take meds. It helps if one has a good Dr who listens and doesn't think they are some sort of god whose way is the only way. Diet lifestyle and supplements work for some and I'm still learning how to figure that out. O read Dr Wolfson "Paleo Cardiologist" He's a natural cardiologist in Arizona. Expensive to go see but he did write a book that has good info in. Don't know where you are. I'm in USA and you can find his book for sale on the internet. O gave about $8 for it. Good luck to you and all of us.

Tux18 profile image
Tux18 in reply to belindalore

I’m in US also. Thanks for information about book will look into it. And you are so right what a difference it makes to have a doctor that you feel listens to you. No doubt some Cardiologist are much better than others with ablations. After my first one my doctor said there was no reason to do a second or third as I have too many areas in my heart that are causing the a fib. I Did go to a another doctor for second opinion he said he would give me another ablation if I wanted it. But knowing how many people have had two and three and still have afib I’m not ready to do another one just yet. Fortunately some people have an ablation and are helped tremendously. As we know ,like you said ,there is no cure it’s about management which doctors aren’t all that good at helping with ,I don’t think. This forum has helped me a great deal and my own reading has helped more than doctors have been able to do. Best to you.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Tux18

Best to you too Tux. It's overwhelming sometimes especially with the attitude of so many Drs who just run an assembly line. And the insurance companies run them. And big corporations run everything. All for money. Good luck in your search. This really is a great forum with good people. If nothing else the support is worth it.

Sfhmgusa profile image

A quick answer to your question first, I am "weaning" off Bisoprolol at present and it is not very pleasant... BP is stable, but I have shortness of breath, low energy and real difficulty sleeping. ... so I fully understand your comment about having the minimum number of daily drugs if possible.. but i do stress if possible

Second observation is that medicine and doctors spend their time trying to do some rather un-natural things. The key one is keeping diseased and defective individuals alive when the more "natural" thing is for them to die. Sometimes it is important to remember that Cobra venom, brain tumours and afib related strokes are all perfectly natural... but not very nice.

Afib treatments are all about quality of life and it seems to me they all involve compromise, do I want to take an anticoagulant every day? .. well no not really, but do I want to significantly reduce my risk of stroke?.. a BIG yes!


Auriculaire profile image

It has to be done very slowly . The temptation is to do it too quickly so as to be rid of side effects but this is counterproductive. Also you would probably do better if you started on a magnesium supplement before starting the weaning.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Auriculaire

Did your pulse go up for awhile and then go back down? Thanks for your answer. I do take magnesium.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to belindalore

No I was not aware that it did. I had some mild dizzy spells though.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Auriculaire

Okay thanks. It does affect everyone differently. I was off the metoprolol for a couple days this week in order to do stress tests and holter monitor test. I stayed off an extra day and felt so much better. But I took it yesterday and even though I take a tiny amount (1/4 of 25mg twice a day) the side effects came back. It's more potent for some people than Drs understand. And I'm one of those people. Take care. Always appreciate the input from all of you on this forum.

Sean_C profile image

I went from 5mg of Bisoprolol to 2.5 fairly quickly (important note: this was AFTER a successful cardioversion) because it made me feel lethargic and I had low pulse and BP. After a few months of this I was dropped to 1.25mg. This was after some lifestyle improvements and associated weight loss improved (i.e. lowered) my BP further.

I am still in normal rhythm and have now stopped with the Bisoprolol altogether. The 1.25mg of Ramipril that I take daily keeps my BP in desired range.

Lowering and eventually stopping the Bisoprolol made me feel much improved.

Good luck.


PS I just noticed a mention of Magnesium above. I do take Magnesium Taurate daily.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Sean_C

Thanks for your answer.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

I have tried both ways, but I was stopping both Flecainide and Metoprolol at the same time. I did it the first time by just stopping both gradually over a week. My heart was a bit shocked and played up a little. but soon found it's normal balance again and I had 7-8 months totally AF free.

The second time I reduced a lot more gradually over a month, but I didn't find a lot of difference. Once again I ended up in sinus rhythm for roughly 6 months When the heart is used to being restrained by drugs I think it will play up a little no matter which way you try and you just have to sit it out.


belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thanks. Don't the two meds you were on do the same thing? Metoprolol is supposed to keep my heart in rhythm or so I was told . And doesn't the flecainide do the same thing? Don't you take some natural supplements now? Hard to remember what all the different posts say. I'm off the metoprolol since yesterday as I have a stress test and holter monitor test later today. I've only been taking 1/4 of a 25mg pill twice a day. And that little amount still bothers me. My primary said that amount probably isn't really doing much. I said you don't realize just how sensitive I am to meds. 🙄 And are you taking an anticoagulant? Sorry I don't remember. Stupid medicine. 😒

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to belindalore

Metoprolol is a beta blocker and slows the rate and I take 12.5mg morning and night. Flec helps the rhythm. I'm sensitive to drugs too, but doctors don't really want to hear that do they? The fillers can have an effect on the way I feel too. I get cross too when they try to give me different makes of tablets. Colouring in them can make me a bit hyper which is fine if I take them in the morning but not at night. I take Warfarin and have my own machine to record my INR. The supplements I take are a liquid vitamin D3, vitamin C and magnesium glycinate. Jean

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thanks. Just got back from cardio. Did the nuclear stress test. Didn't want it but they do it that way. Was okay. Sent me home with a holter monitor. Take it off tomorrow afternoon and take it back. Then have to wait 2 weeks for results. Hate this. Do you think magnesium glycinate is best? Some say citrate or tarurate. I use mag oxide and it seems to help although I read less is absorbed. I may try one of the others. Thanks for info. It's storming here right now. Thunder and lightning and rain. Under a tornado watch where I live but not in my area. Take care.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to belindalore

Someone on this forum recommended the magnesium glycinate, saying it had helped them. I took the citrate for quite a while unaware that it was that which was making my stomach so sore.

Hope you escaped any effects of the tornado. My sister lives just outside of Dallas and they get them there too.


belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thanks. It does seem the oxide helps me although I read it's the least absorbed but it can cause loose stools sometimes. We are all so different. Except we all have this crummy afib.....

The area I live in escaped the tornado. They can be scarier than a hurricane because a hurricane forms in the ocean and it can be tracked and you can have plenty of time to get away from it if need be. They do have better ways to track tornadoes nowadays but they can still come when you don't know it and very seldom can you get out or away from it. You have to seek shelter if you can. And pray. Yes your sister is in tornado alley. Plus the coast of Texas can and has many times been hit by hurricanes. Mother nature can be mean.

philologus profile image

My answer is related to a previous one about Earthing.

When I started Earthing my heart failure meant that I had to take a beta blocker (nebivolol) but, because earthing acts as a sort-of blood thinner (reduces clumping, makes blood flow better) my heart rate became too low (45-50bpm resting).

I asked my GP if I could reduce the beta blocker and he agreed to me taking three-quarters of a tablet. I agreed to check my BP and HR regularly. He said to do this for at least three weeks before reducing any further.

I did it for a bit longer than that and then reduced to half a tablet. After six weeks of that I reduced to a quarter of a tablet. That was last week.

My heart rate is now a more respectable 60-ish and my blood pressure is 110/70.

Each time I reduced the dose I felt "strange" for a few days but it soon passed.

Only do it if your Dr agrees and monitors the results would be my advice.

belindalore profile image

I have a cardio who I doubt would agree to that. He's coming off as another pill pusher and surgery. Take a pill and if you have side effects on that one take another pill. He's already done that with me at my first visit with him. Told him how bad the metoprolol was and I'm very sensitive to meds. Well he says I can start you on amoridane on top of the metoprolol. I said no way. Amoridane is a very very toxic drug. Then he goes right to let's do ablation. Nope. He does know I'm only taking 1/4 of a 25mg pill twice a day. And that little amount still bothers me. I'm going for a stress test and holter monitor test later today with him. He wants to see how strong my heart is which my primary has told me I have a strong heart. Cardio Dr did not tell me though I have mild valve regurgitation which I've been told by my primary an ablation on misn't really a problem unless it got severe. I am wondering though how much the beta blocker is bothering that. Cardio Dr thinks he's going to do an ablation on me. Not going to happen. That will probably not make him happy. Too bad. I'm determined to get off this beta blocker soon as I can. Don't remember, do you take any anticoagulant? Do you need to or take something else? I need to write things down. This medicine really has screwed with my brain. Thanks for your info. Going out to earth now.

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