i have parox AF i take apixaban and bisoprolol 2.5mg and lots of other medications for other conditions ,to many to mention here, i have been on these meds for a few years, had one review with Dr since starting this medication my heart rate last week was 34 at 10pm in the night i felt really weak but by morning it had picked up but i seem to have really fluctuating rates it can be in the low 40s then it goes up to the 140s i wear a fit bit as i am trying to get a little fitter so that is why i know what my heart rate is i am wondering if the bisoprolol is pushing my heart rate to low any ideas anyone this is the first time my heart rate has gone below 40.
Parox AF: i have parox AF i take... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Parox AF

I can't answer, but I take same medicine and wear a fitbit, I find I am getting very tired every day after very little exercise. It seems to be getting worse. My doctor says I am on the best pills. I have had one blood test, and was due a second in June, but the clinic are not doing tests at the moment, so I just try not to do much. On top of Vivid it can be very boring!!, though I keep my mind busy, and make jewellery, so I don't have time to feel sorry for myself.
Good Luck
Thank You for replying although you didnt have the answer it is nice to know that this does happen to others my hr was always in the 60s when i was taking 1.25 but lately since being on 2.5 i get low readings i was just curious if this was ok really , yes i am the same no time to feel sorry for one self there are a lot worse of than me, i certainly know that, as i say just wondering that your HR can go below 40 .
Have a nice day.
You should be as able to have a telephone consult. I think that at times like these is where Self monitoring your BP, HR rate & if you have a Kardia for ECG & sending your doctor the data can be the very useful, your Dr doesn’t need to see you to have that conversation.
Drs like Bisoprolol so push it whilst many patients hate it because of the affects.
thanks c dreamer it seems much better today in the 60s woo hoo but if it goes below 40 i will be contacting my gp i have not got a kardia maybe i should get one my fit bit shows a kind of tracing but not as good as the kardia but sending that to my gp practice would be fun not very computer minded ha ha
best wishes
40 is too low and not surprising that you feel weak when HR dips below 40. In your position I would be asking for a medication/treatment review. The complications that can happen when you take multiple drugs is very complex.
I couldn’t tolerate Bisoprolol at all, I call it the drug from hell and although some people need to have their fast HR controlled - Bisoprolol is a Beta & Adrenaline channel Blocker - it is always a balance. Some people need to have a pacemaker inserted - so that they can take a rate control drug such as Bisoprolol.
Thank,s cdreamer
yes i think i will do that when we can get back into our gp practices because of the current situation everyone is in , i think you maybe right i have not felt well since taking bisoprolol and apixaban i have mentioned to gp but i think he prefers me to take them never gone below 40 before so thought i would ask.
Take Care.
I had a pacemaker fitted so I can take Bisoprolol, without it my rate would be to low, all works a treat now 🙂
I am on 5m per day. I was on atenolol before but the cardiologist said that Bisoprolol was better. Can’t really comment on why your heart rate is so low as you are only taking 2.5m.
Do you work out or are you quite athletic or were athletic in the past? This can incur low heart rates as well.
Bradycardia is a term I can think of which makes the heart pump slowly.
Anyway, my advice is to consult your cardiologist and ask if a holster monitor would be a good idea. This should pick up on your slow heartbeat.
Please don’t worry yourself silly. I have been through all sorts of heart issues in the last 25 years and I am still athletic, water skiing, snow skiing, badminton and squash and I am still around.
Stay positive!!!
Hi Lemon, I take 1.25 Bisoporolol reduced from 2.5 because my GP was concerned that it was lowering my heart rate.
Everything seeems ok and I only take one tablet per day.J
I have also posted a note to you on Apixibam which I have no problems with and continue to take to lower risk of a stroke.