Flecainide for ectopics : Just had a... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Flecainide for ectopics

Padayn01 profile image
44 Replies

Just had a consultation with the famous Dr Sanjay Gupta getting a 7 day Holter monitor from him he suggested possibly asking my cardiologist to go to Flecainide instead of metraprole for my ectopics, does anyone else take Flecainide for ectopics?

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Padayn01 profile image
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44 Replies
baba profile image

I took it for AF but it definitely made my etopics worse,more frequent and more pronounced. Also caused changes to my ECG.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to baba

Really oh no, are you off it now? How’s the ectopics now?

baba profile image
baba in reply to Padayn01

I've not felt an ectopic before starting Flecainide or since stopping it. Not seen one on my infrequent Kardia readings either but saw plenty when on Flecainide.

I'm in permanent AF now asymptomatic except when I had looooong pauses leading to unconscious, that's been sorted with a pacemaker.

I'm not on any medication except an anticoagulant, Apixaban.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to baba

So sorry to hear that you are in PAF how long you been in PAF?

baba profile image
baba in reply to Padayn01

Nothing to be sorry about.

I had very symptomatic paroxysmal AF, with fairly low heart rates for about 2 years. I didn't have the offered ablation.

Bisopralol, diltizam, Flecainide etc didn't help, or caused more problems.

I am in permanent AF since approx June 2018. No symptoms since approx August 2018 apart from the long pauses that led to me having the pacemaker in January 2019.

I hope the Flecainide works for you.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to baba

Thank you may I just ask last question why you refused abalation?

baba profile image
baba in reply to Padayn01

I just didn't fancy it, there was no guarantee it would work. Also I have three siblings with asymptomatic permanent AF and hoped if mine became permanent I might get lucky too - I did. My siblings never had the symptoms I had when in paroxysmal AF.

The pacemaker was necessary, without it I wouldn't be here.

Angie06 profile image

I've been taking flecainide for AF for 11yrs now with no side effects and only occasional ectopics when suffering from stress/anxiety which is par for the course.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Angie06

How long would they last when you are going through stress/anxiety?

Angie06 profile image
Angie06 in reply to Padayn01

The last bout was around 3/4months as I was having a heart procedure and the nerves built up!

Andyt36 profile image
Andyt36 in reply to Angie06

Very interesting how stress and anxiety promotes the ectopics

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Andyt36

And stay with which is even more frustrating

Lilypocket profile image


I used to take Sotalol for Afib but also had bad PVCs ( ectopics). I was changed to Flecainide for the AFib and the PVCs that were making my life a misery stopped. The holter showed they were now PACs but I don't feel them at all. There were hardly any PVCs on the readings. I often answer posts when people post about them relating my experience but you are the first person on here to have been recommended by a Cardiogolist to take Flec for them so my experience is not just a coincidence. It worked for me but it was a pleasant side effect for the treatment for Afib 😊👍

Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to Lilypocket

*By the way I have Paroxysmal Afib. Perhaps it isn't the same result as for people in permanent Afib.

baba profile image
baba in reply to Lilypocket

I had paroxysmal AF when I took Flecainide. Just shows how different drugs effect different people

Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to baba

So true! I just thought would be of interest to Paydayn1 that when I started Flecainide my seriously annoying ectopics - PVCs - reduced to about 20 a day from 1000 and the Holter showed that I now have predominantly PACs which I don't feel. So perhaps Flecainide can help certain cases.

I agree with about an ablation. Many people seem to have bad ectopics after which I find sometimes worse than a bout of asymptomatic Afib ( except for tiredness after).

Take care

karl1524 profile image

Hi, yes I have also been prescribed Flec for ectopics and also by Dr Gupta, they do definitely help, I also have AF, I would be lost without the flec, they don’t stop them all but make a huge difference to my day to day life - hope they help yours also

BobJ52 profile image

Hi I was diagnosed with atrial tachycardia in December after a holter, put onto Flecainide and bisoprolol by cardiologist.

Need to have some beta blockers with Flecainide to prevent inducing arrhythmia from Flecainide

However now on 100mg Flecainide twice daily and feel so much better. I am now running 5K in about 40minutes three times a week with no issues after doing the couch to 5K app.

Before the Flecainide I was having episodes of tachycardia every 2 to 3 days and felt quite unwell

Yachtgirl profile image
Yachtgirl in reply to BobJ52

Good to hear that.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to BobJ52

Great news

Spoiler profile image

I initially took 50 mg twice daily for 7 months, did great for chronic afib. My EP took me off of it due to vtach on a treadmill test, which he said caused it. So, it was only after a PVI ablation that a top EP Dr at the #1 heart center (Cleveland Clinic) placed me back on it for 3 months following surgery, 50 mg twice daily. It was the only drug left for me to take, he said the vtach resolved without intervention and the rate was not that high. So, after the three months and while back at my home state and EP Dr, I went into atrial flutter within two weeks of being totally off the drug, required cardioversion and he increased dose to 100 mg twice daily, one month later, flutter again and another cardioversion and he increased to 150 mg twice daily, took that 13 1/2 months and afib again and in ER. This time is was for the first time very strange because I would be in it for 8-10 hours then out maybe 2 hours then back again. I had never done that before. After being in the hospital two days, converted back into afib with Dr releasing me. It was only after going home I started noticing about two hours after I took the 150 mg I would go into afib, after a few days of tjis I started cutting my dose back and was getting better. In three weeks had my dose to 50 mg twice daily and ZERO afib now for 3 weeks!!!

When I had gone for follow up appt they said another ablation was in order. Well as completely crazy as it happens to be 150 worked for 13 1/2 months, then boom it did not work and lesser dose has.... propafanone did the same, took it 20 months perfectly, then nope did not work, they increased dose to max and I got worse. For me, it is a guessing game. I am thinking now, that after the ablation maybe at 3 months was a little too soon to stop the flecainide? Who knows really? We ALL are different. I am just thankful I paid attention to my reaction I was suddenly having after 13 1/2 months fine. Our body's are unique and might work for awhile and then less works better, dosage related afib☹️Sorry so long, but strange story of does it help or make worse.... great drug for me, it is all in the balance of your body.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Spoiler

Wow thank you for sharing it is a guessing game and also how we react different to these drugs

Spoiler profile image
Spoiler in reply to Padayn01

Yes. And the same person responding different after 13 1/2 months. Total mystery. All I knew was something had changed and if the 150 was not working then why take that much? Nothing to lose, had gone into the hospital twice after that long doing fine. I was so discouraged and not left with any choices really.

dwright12 profile image

I use to take it for flutters and my dr. said it can make flutters worse.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to dwright12

That’s what dr Gupta said about metraprole it can make ectopics worse

dwright12 profile image
dwright12 in reply to Padayn01

I had an ablation for a flutters so I'm off of all of it. Now I'm having episodes of feeling like I'm going to pass out! I'm really discouraged!

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to dwright12

Episode of flutters it’s ectopics? How long do they last? And you are on no meds now?

dwright12 profile image
dwright12 in reply to Padayn01

I was taken off all meds. Dr. implanted a cardiac device. He stated I needed to eat salt. Got a second opinion and he can't find anything wrong with heart. So I add salt to my food, stay hydrated and press the button when I feel like I'm going to pass out.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to dwright12

Oh I’ve heard about them cardiac devices before, may I ask what happens if you press the button will the ambulance come?

dwright12 profile image
dwright12 in reply to Padayn01

No and ekg report goes to my doctors computer.

Bob56 profile image

I have suffered from Ectopics for quite a few years on top of my AF. I did have an ablation which has helped reduce the AF but ectopics persist although I have worked hard to minimise their impact. This is partly with supplements like Magnesium, eating healthily and ( trying) to relax more. I haven’t found medication to be a great help but I do take a small dose of Flecainide and a small dose of Bisoprolol both recommended by my cardiologist. When the ectopics were really bad he upped the dose of both but didn’t help that much and the high doses weren’t really sustainable for a long period. I think it’s a very individual thing. Generally, I’ve found Flecainide a friend in controlling my AF so I’ve no complaints but I feel ectopics are actually harder to control and I’ve yet to find the “silver bullet”. However, this forum is invaluable for exchanging ideas and experience

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Bob56

How are your ectopics now? I went it to the hospital today cause they where do bad got release after ECG was normal and told me he arrange a 7 day Holter monitor told him I take magnesium he said no need unless you have magnesium decency only suppplment you need to take is vitamin d ectopics are so frustrating I hate them

Bob56 profile image
Bob56 in reply to Padayn01

I have done ectopics every day but it’s when they get into the thousands that they can bring me down. Most doctors have doubt about the benefits of magnesium if you aren’t deficient to start with but it’s hard to know exactly and Sanjay Gupta for one thinks they have some merit. I also feel anxiety is a big enemy and with ectopics it’s a Catch 22. They make you anxious which in turn can make them worse. I wish I could give you more help but if you trawl through this forum there is quite a bit on the subject and maybe some things to help. Breathing exercises are another favourite of Dr Gupta so also worth trying.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Bob56

I’m trying everything my friend diet excercise breathing natural products kefir you name it I’ve been taking it but my one enemy is anxiety I suffer with it terribly especially health anxiety I really need combat it, but I can’t get past these ectopics they only seem to calm down a bit when I lie down they seem to settle they are horrible and even the hospital today couldn’t give me any better idea what they are

Bob56 profile image

I think it’s because they are generally considered benign that ectopics don’t get the same attention as AF. The only thing I do know is that they come and go. I have been at my wits end sometimes with them but the next day they can drop back considerably and a day after disappear. I do hope you get some relief soon.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Bob56

Thank you mate just frustrating feel like ripping my heart out

Bob56 profile image

I would offer you mine but don’t think it would be much improvement.! You’re not alone

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Bob56

Thank you mate

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to Bob56

That made me chuckle 😂

I take flecainide (50mg) 2x a day and nadalol (beta blocker) for paroxysmal SVTs. I had a failed ablation. Knock on wood I haven't had any episodes for over a year and while I was prescribed flecainide to avoid any episodes of PSVT, I also have had PVCs and they are not any worse with flecainide and maybe they are better. I was scared to take the flecainide at first, and actually took a lower dose than initially prescribed and I have stayed with that dose, but my doctor said that I can take a full 100mg as a pill in pocket if I have an episode to try to avoid the ER. Good luck!

CmsUK profile image

Hi Padayn01,

As most have said, some drugs work for some and not others. When experiencing Bigeminy beats after an ablation, it was Bisoprolol and Flecainide that stopped them. I was having Bigeminy a couple of times a day and more when I laid down...

My cardiologist told me the max dose I can take in 24 hours and said whatever work for me (Max 10mg bi & Max 300 Flec) I started on 5mg Bi and 200 flec (stopped with 24 hours of taking first amount) and have over 6 months got it down to 1.25 Bi and 50 Flec.. working fine no abnormal rhythms detected since 12/19

Hope this info helps

Kind regards


Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to CmsUK

What are bigeminy beats

CmsUK profile image

Hi, I only found out because it felt like my heart had stopped for 5 seconds at a time, the ECG in A&E confirmed them.

I had these for around 2 hours, then went into AF, they were just about to administer a second larger dose of Bisoprolol but I needed to goto the toilet...upon relieving my bladder, my heart went back into sync 👍🏼

Apparently that and being sick are possibly two of the methods that can bring you back into rhythm.

dh1120 profile image

I was given Flecainide for them. It was my miracle pill ! I cannot take beta blockers because they lower my blood pressure too much . I have a normal low blood pressure. When taking Flecainide they totally went away for 8 months but then came back. My EP raised my dosage and my body could not tolerate it so I had to switch. He then put me in Multaq which eventually stopped working as well too. The Multaq was helping me not have as many.

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