Was on Flecanide for 7 yrs . It worked very well until it didnt..... off the med for 2 months now. Question: did anyone have weight gain while on Flecanide that dropped after stopping the medication?
Weight loss after stopping Flecanide - Atrial Fibrillati...
Weight loss after stopping Flecanide

Sorry I can't help as still on Flec after 6 years. But could I ask what happened when it stopped working and what did you do, are you taking anything else?
As far as I'm aware flec can make you put on weight.
I would also be interested in your reading your reply (please) to Secondtry's question.
After 7 years developed a 2nd ventricular arrythmia known to be associated with the drug...stopped the medication and everything resolved. Was monitored before during and after stopping . EKGs now normal . Now just on Metoprolol 50 twice daily. So far so good. The 15 lbs gained on the drug seem to be melting away. Also the horrible fatigue and constipation are gone too! Hope that's helpful
Thanks Aegean56.
"developed a 2nd ventricular arrythmia known to be associated with the drug"
It's always good to be aware of possible problems. So far flec as worked very well for me - who knows what can happen in the future though ?
Can I be a pain Aegean and also ask how you weaned off the Flec e.g. cold turkey or slowly reducing the dose and if the latter over what period?
I have a similar flec issue in that I’ve been on flec + bisoprolol + anticoagulant for 7or 8 years now. It was the flec that finally settled me down in the earlier years. I was on 50g twice a day then but dosage has been increased with subsequent prolonged breakthroughs, so I am now on 100g twice a day. I’ve definitely had weight gain over that period of about two stone. I hope you won’t mind if I ask whether you went up to the threshold of 300g flec per day before you came off it? I just seem to be cycling between AF into Tach then 24 hrs of NSR and back round again constantly at the moment. It feels like the flec isn’t strong enough to contain things any longer but I’m a bit concerned to take it up to 300g and am interested to know if others have been on 300g flec per day and if they had any ill effects from being at that highest dosage.