I have been on Flecanide for about 3 years. Currently on 25 mg A.M. and 50 mg P.M. down from 100 mg 2xday. I’m not advised by my new EP to stop it immediately because for my condition it has a risk of sudden death due to a previous heart attack and being in congestive heart failure (which I’ve never been diagnosed with before and the new EP has done no new testing. My question is: has anyone abruptly stopped Flecanide with no ill effects? I had an ablation 2 years ago and have been Afib free since then but do have SVT, PVC and PAC periodically.
stopping Flecanide : I have been on... - Atrial Fibrillati...
stopping Flecanide

Well, certainly listen to your doctor when stopping any drug. But to your question, I have both stopped Flecainide abruptly and I have also tapered. But keep in mind, because of the half life, there will be a built in taper of a few days even if you stop completely. As far as I know there is no medical reason to taper Flecainide like there is a reason, for example, to taper off of beta blockers.
Thanks so much for your reply. It’s hard to trust a new EP when you have no idea how competent he may or may not be.
After years of taking it I was told by my cardiologist to stop my Flecainide immediately. It was causing more problems than helping. I did as advised, but have never had a heart attack like you and my heart is structurely fine. I've had a lot more energy since not taking it.
Take care and let us know how you get in please.
This question has arisen a few times in the past. I can't recall any replies that convinced me that stopping abruptly carries no risk. However you are already on a low dose so there is not much tapering to consider.
I have been on 200mgs/day for 10 years, would dearly like to reduce it but haven't found a convincing basis to do so. At present if I did decide to reduce I would do so very slowly over months/years as I see no downside to that approach.
I have stopped abruptly and reduced/increased dosages. I have been on and off it for about 6 years, I have never had a problem stopping it, usually decreased due to adverse increased rhythm problems. Although never had a heart attack or structural issues like yourself. We each are different, but surely your Dr knows your details thoroughly. Second opinions always are great to give assurance. Best to you…
I had to stop Flecanide abruptly but wasn’t taking it for long as it just didn’t agree with me- there were no side effects from abruptly stopping but I did experience a life threatening side effect from still having them in my system.
Have you had an ECG and they’ve seen something to indicate that you’re at risk?
stopped for the same reasons as you and abruptly after 12 years on it no issues whatsoever
Yes, I was advised to stop my low dose Flecainide which I did immediately with no repercussions. I feel better without it so you should have no worries about stopping it abruptly. We’re all different of course. Hope it goes well for you too.
Thank you. My only worry now is from getting heart rate spikes of 120-160 while walking for exercise, followed by about 5-10 minutes of heart rate in the 120’s which leaves me exhausted for some reason. I have a holter monitor for 2 weeks so I’m going to try walking today so that hopefully it will get recorded.
At least you’re being monitored. I’m not medically qualified but I believe Flecainide controls heart rhythm rather than rate. In my case I still take 1.25mg Bisopralol to keep my heart rate down. I always think that if I can hold a conversation while walking, without being short of breath, then I’m OK.
I started with a dose of 50mg a day, but over the next 2 years that was increased to 300mg a day, which higher dose I took for over ten years.Between annual consultant appointments my AF changed from infrequent paroxysmal episodes to persistent though asymptomatic AF. I consider it to be permanent.
I was told by the consultant to just stop taking Flecainide. Fearing that would result in some major calamity I sought a second opinion from a GP, who has a special interest in AF.
"Don't worry", he said, "you won't die as a result of stopping".
That was six years ago. My AF is permanent, but doesn't bother me. My heart rate yesterday reached 103, but that was while at the medical centre due to an exacerbation of asthma, so not unexpected.
just wondering if you did actually come off the 300 mgs of Flecanide? And did you get any negative effects?
I was on 25 mg a.m. and 50 mg p.m., so very low dose down from 100 mg twice daily about a year ago. Side effects were bad: shortness of breath especially, so I slowly reduced with doctor’s approval. New doc said stop so after reading everyone’s comments here I stopped abruptly two days ago with no effects so far.
Hi Jctga!
I was on flecainide a few years, then stopped abruptly.
I had an ablation 10+ years ago but didn’t need medication for a few years, until an episode of Afib and couldn't breathe. I was put on flecinaide, which I took until a few years ago. I have not taken flecinaide since, it was replaced with another med.
My doc did a cardioversion about two uears ago and for about a year I would still go into Afib periodically.
For about 6 months, I was in persistent Afib. But since then, my heart has been mostly calm with sporadic unclassified or low QR on my Kardia.
I have had no adverse effect from stopping Flecainide, but unlike you, I didn’t have a heart attack. My doc is a cardiac electeophysiolgist. I’m told that my heart is a healthy muscle but has an electrical problem.
Mostly my heart doesn’t bother me, except when my heart rate and blood pressure go lower than they should. Then I pass out.
Whatever meds I take or not, it’s my doc who calls the shots. It is he whose advice I trust. I don’t worry about it, and ask him questions if I’m unsure about something.
Hope all goes well for you!
Thank you for your reply. What drug were you put on as a replacement for Flecanide? My EP wants me to take amiodarone but the risks sound horrible. Especially lung damage. I have not built trust with my new EP yet as I’ve only seen him once.
Hi I was on 300mg a day I stopped in one go on docs instructions felt bit funny for a week been off them for 2 years now feel much better without them .
I’ve only stopped Flecanide two days ago so nothing yet but I’m expecting more irregularities. I have a 2 week holter monitor now so we shall see.