My 87yrs husband bleed and My AF... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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My 87yrs husband bleed and My AF...

Seawalk profile image
30 Replies

My 87 year old husband bled heavily from the bowels Wednesday evening, about 9:30pm. I call 999 and ambulance here in 10 mins. He was taken to hospital. It was so hard not be able to go to hospital with him, and not be able to visit. Consultant are treating it with medication at present.

Then the big clean up with bleach solution, downstairs loo, upstairs bathroom and in between . Towels at 90o wash. 12 pm I drop into bed slept for only 4 hours. Then 3pm Thursday a big thump in my chest, AF. It didn’t return to normal rhythm until 8am this am

Since May last year I had only one short episode. This one has

Left me so weak and tired today. I feel faint after 10 mins of physical activity So. books crosswords etc to keep myself occupied. So much I would love do in the garden. It’ll have to wait. I know “AF begets AF” yet it’s still disappointing when it comes after a long break. It follows a pattern for me pushing my body to far, and lack of sleep.

I only take Edoxaban no other drugs after coming on Amiodarone last May 12th.

My husbands in good spirits not sure I am🙂 obviously I’m a little anxious not being there With him.

It feels good just to know this forum understands AF and you have been through it.

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Seawalk profile image
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30 Replies
Kaz747 profile image

Sorry to hear about your husband. Stress has a big impact on the heart and I think worrying about him, dealing with paramedics, cleaning up the mess and thinking about him alone in hospital is bound to have an impact. Look after yourself and rest xx

Seawalk profile image
Seawalk in reply to Kaz747

Thank you Kaz. You’ve sums it up.

LordGabriel profile image

Get well soon to your hubby! Plus I hope your heart behaves ❤️❤️ It’s hard isn’t it?

Take care xx

Seawalk profile image
Seawalk in reply to LordGabriel

Thank you. Yes it is hard at times.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Sorry to hear what's happened with your husband. It's bound to be the stress of it all that's triggered your AF. An attack used to leave me shattered for days and it sounds like you're the same. When you think about it, if your heart was beating fast, it was like you'd been running in a marathon for all the hours your heart misbehaved.

Hope you soon feel better, it sounds like you're doing the right thing and resting. Please let us know how your husband gets on. Will be thinking of you.


Seawalk profile image
Seawalk in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thank you Jean. Your explanation helps. It did feel like marathon. I am a lot better this evening

TamlaMotown profile image

Thinking of you at this difficult time & sending you flowers 💐

Hope you get some sleep tonight & hubby is doing well 🤞🏻

Seawalk profile image
Seawalk in reply to TamlaMotown

Thank you that so kind, flowers are in the vase 😊

Bertiedette profile image

God bless you Seawalk and speedy recovery to your have a lot of people rooting for you. Take care.🌞

Seawalk profile image
Seawalk in reply to Bertiedette

Thanks so much.

Paulbounce profile image

"It did feel like marathon. I am a lot better this evening"

Great news - things are looking slightly better already.

"My husbands in good spirits"

Great news also.

All positive stuff - try and concentrate on that. It sounds like you are both coping very well indeed. Well done to both of you. Inspirational to me.


Seawalk profile image
Seawalk in reply to Paulbounce

Thank you. I try to live in now while acknowledging the darker moment taken me years of therapy😄

Finvola profile image

So sorry to read this and how awful for both of you. It is amazing how we cope with a crisis, get everything done and then - bang - AF.

You have a lot to recover from, so try to take it easy and I hope your husband is soon back with you. In the meantime, let us know how you both are. Best wishes.

Seawalk profile image
Seawalk in reply to Finvola

Thank you your words are encouraging.

Bagrat profile image

Pleased all sounding positive. These husbands cause no end of stress. I felt so poorly when my husband had his heart attack. So pleased things seem to be settling down.

Seawalk profile image
Seawalk in reply to Bagrat

Oh they do! Thanks

Seawalk profile image

My heart is calm. Well he had two more bleeds early this evening Obs are staple. They are still yet to determine the cause of the bleed. I thought he may had a sigmoidoscopy or a scan by now - Yet I know the complications. He had extensive radio therapy for prostate cancer in 2004. Came back again 2014 and been on prostape on and off since.

Thank you all for your support. I going to rest in bed now and read novel. Missing him.

opal11uk profile image

So very sorry to hear about your husband and understand fully as mine was taken off by ambulance in the middle of the night on the 29th April and that sinking feeling when you can't go with is just awful, thankfully he was home the next day, and I hope yours will be safely home with you soon. As for the A/F well you had a tremendous shock and after shock with the cleaning process so its no wonder you went into A/F, plus the lack of sleep so try and relax now, your husband is safe, you are safe so try and let the stress go, difficult I know. You were right to try and busy yourself with your puzzles etc., I always listen to music if I can to get a different beat going and of course the weather is lovely at the moment so enjoy the early morning birds and the beauty of your garden. I wish you and your husband all the very best x

Seawalk profile image

Thank you for your kind response. Glad your husband was back the next day. Hope he OK now. Yes I had that sinking feeling of will I see him again.

The morning is beautiful and I listen to the dawn chorus, wonderful sound.

Ppiman profile image

How worrying for you. I expect your husband has small pockets called diverticulae in his lower bowel. These are so common as we get older and can give rise to quite severe IBS-type symptoms sometimes (as in my case). They are also by far the most usual cause of bleeding from the back passage, sometimes very heavy, as you've found. My uncle had this and my aunt thought the worst, naturally enough - but in the end he was none the worst for it.

I bet that's your hubby's issue so try not to be overly worried. All will be well soon.


stoneyrosed profile image

My Dad who is now 85 has been bleeding from the bowels for years, they eventually found a tear in his bowels ( fissure) he did have a small op a while ago but it still bleeds now and again, it is not life threatening and he just shrugs it off and gets on. I am sure your husband will be just fine and they will sort him out and you can begin to relax your heart again. All the best and keep on keeping on. X

Hilly22 profile image

Dear Seawalk, I think you are amazing for coping with all you have over the last few days. Thinking of you and hoping your husband will be home with you soon. In the meantime, enjoy some well-deserved rest and recuperation 💐 x

radagast58 profile image

I hope your husband is making a good recovery and will be home with you soon. Please remember to take care of yourself as well

Kindest regards David

MydogBrandy profile image

Please take care of yourself. I agree, you have probably done too much and been really stressed. I remember when my Colin had his three year attacks I got so stresses it started my annoying SVT off and I was so poorly I was taken in and ended up in the opposite bed to him in CCU . Keep calm🙏🏻 Sending you loads of love Xx

irene75359 profile image

How frightening for you and for your husband too. Please take things very easy, the stress must be enormous, no wonder you had an episode. Thinking of you both.

horseblister profile image

So sorry to hear of your husband. Stress starts my AF off, but I have it most days and am up and down all the time. Hope your husband is well soon, very stressful. Take care.

Heartfelt46 profile image

Stay strong

maria68 profile image

So sorry to hear about your husband Seawalk. How’s he getting on?

I’m contacting you because I have read about your problems with anticoagulants. I have also tried Apixaban and now on Riveroxaban but both have caused leg and foot pain and numbness. My cardiologist has now reluctantly prescribed Endoxaban and I’m about to start taking it. How are you doing now with Endoxaban ? The next medication will probably be Warfarin but I would rather not take it if I don’t have to. I’ve been diagnosed since last March 2019 and I’m just about to have my 70th birthday. My mother and two cousins have also had afib.

Seawalk profile image
Seawalk in reply to maria68

Hello Maria68, My husband is frail at present as he lost 3 units of blood. They didn’t transfusion him so iron tablets, hopefully he’ll get stronger as his Hb climbs. Thank you for asking.

I’m doing Ok on Edoxaban. I can empathise with you on the problems NOACs can cause. Apixaban gave me severe pelvic pain. I tried stopping and starting it three times. Rivaroxaban gave me shin pain which I consulted a private physio for she agreed i should tried a different NOAC. The leg pain went once I stopped taking Rivaroxaban. Both Rivaroxaban and Pradaxa caused gastric pain. So then Edoxaban, which I been taking it for a few months now. I take it about 3:30pm before a cup of tea and a piece of dark chocolate 😄

I am 73, have had PAF for 10 years. Only started anticoagulants 4years ago.

I do hope it suits you. Let me know how you get on.

maria68 profile image
maria68 in reply to Seawalk

Thank you so much for answering. I do hope your husband continues to improve.

I will let you know how I get on with Endoxaban.

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