FlapJack update...…...: I had a... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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FlapJack update...…...

24 Replies

I had a telephone review with my EP today. I'm on his list for a third ablation which under normal (can you remember normal) circumstances would have probably happened around now. Not surprisingly, ablations at St George's Hospital (London) are delayed due to the impact of the Coronavirus. A bit of background. My last ablation was in September 2018 but during the period between April and December 2019, I had a total of 8 AF episodes, all of which were stopped quickly using Flecainide as a PiP. I also had a number of fast, but regular runs which generally stopped using the Valsalva Manoeuvre. When I saw him in November 2019, he put me on his list for ablation no.3. However, since Christmas, no AF and the fast runs have decreased. Earlier this year I had treatment for an overactive thyroid and currently undergoing tests to see how effective the radioiodine treatment has been so the EP said it would be sensible to delay the ablation to see what happens once my thyroid has stabilised. Makes sense because overactive thyroid and AF are not good bedfellows. Given the current situation I would certainly prefer to avoid hospitals at the moment, but he did tell to email him should my situation change between now an next December...…..

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24 Replies
Lolabob123 profile image

Hi Flapjack sorry to hear things are not ideal at the moment you gave some reassurance when I first posted in January so I,m just wishing you well cheers Lolabob 1.

in reply to Lolabob123

Thank you for your kind words and wishes Lolabob. Things are pretty good really when you consider I was first diagnosed with persistent AF back in June 2014. I had cardioversion in September that year and since then two ablations and if I totted up the total time I have been in AF since then I don’t think it would amount to more than 7 full days thanks to using a PiP maybe 20 times during almost 6 years. Bearing in mind there is no silver bullet for curing AF I think I have been extremely fortunate. This has largely been due to my involvement with the forum but the major piece of good fortune was getting involved with the Surrey Arrhythmia Support Group set up by RosyG right from the start of my AF journey........hope you are feeling OK too.

Kevinder23 profile image

Wishing you all the best of health xxx

Ianp66 profile image

Supposedly normal NHS services are being restored ASAP FJ, hope they get to you soon. So is it looking likely that thyroid may be causation of the afib or a big contribution do you think.

in reply to Ianp66

It’s possible but fortunately (touching wood) I have been OK since Christmas so no complaints!

Ianp66 profile image
Ianp66 in reply to

Hope it continues until you get the ablation sorted and maybe no 3 hits the spot, fingers crossed for you 👌

Gowers profile image

Hope you manage to get the 3rd ablation soon. My cardiologist is not keen to do another (i have had 2 since last Dec) fortunately combination of digoxin & diltiazam have meant just a few short runs of af. Just reached the 3month mark & i know from your & other folk advice the recovery varies a lot. Have you had ga for your previous ablations? Do let us know how you get on

in reply to Gowers

First was a Cryoablation under sedation, second and (maybe) third RF ablations with a GA. Thanks.....

jeanjeannie50 profile image

It sounds like it's just as well that you're not being rushed into another ablation. I really hope the thyroid procedure you had will be your AF cure. Fingers crossed for you.


irene75359 profile image

Hope your heart stays calm, Flapjack. Good that you can talk direct to your EP and interesting as if I ever needed an ablation it would either be St George's or Hammersmith Hospital that would do it, and your experience with St George's seems positive.

And if things go according to plan, you may be one of those vaccinated by next December...

CDreamer profile image

Sounds very sensible FJ. In your position I think I would be waiting to see if the treatment for overactive thyroid worked. Cure the reason not the symptom.

Stay well.

Here’s to a few more AF free months. Stay safe


in reply to


pottypete1 profile image

Thanks for the update FJ. Glad to hear that you have been OK since Christmas.

It is good to talk to your EP on the Phone, after all the only difference to a normal hospital appointment is an ECG and height, weight and blood pressure test. If you are not a new patient you probably told him verbally all he needed to know to make a decision on the next step.

I had a letter yesterday to advise that my appointment next week will be by phone. I have my notes all ready.

Very best wishes


Barb1 profile image

Glad that the thyroid treatment seems to be helping the AF. Be wonderful if it is kept at bay and maybe encourage routine thyroid testing for AF patients.

porridgequeen profile image

Hi John, it sounds as if your EP is erring on the side of caution so that has to be a good thing and shows he is caring. Your AF is under control and you have the reassurance that the you can still make contact if need be. There are some good bits ! I hope all goes well.

ps After 10 years I have been discharged from Guy's back to my GP. Take care .

You too Angela.....normally we would be Nattering & Noshing around now, wonder if Ian had some sort of premonition!! 😳

Steve101 profile image

Fingers crossed that when your thyroid gets sorted, AF is then fully controlled, negating the need for an ablation. That would be an excellent outcome!

Best wishes


cbsrbpm profile image

Sounds like your treatment may have settled things for now and good that your EP is willing to take things slow and that he is accessible. Always best not to rush into things but nice to know you have the option for a third ablation if necessary. Hope all keeps ticking away nicely John.

I’m still in the midst of my turmoil and since I am reluctant to take the tablets am struggling through every day, not really living at all. It’s a toss up between my mind and my heart at the moment.

Best wishes

Thanks Brenda, I know it’s so hard when you cannot be with your family but maybe there signs of green shoots.....stay safe.

Redders profile image

Wishing you well flapjack, it’s nice that you can contact your consultant when needed. Mine told me there’s nothing more he can do for me ( so bugger off. )Maybe not that bit lol. Keep safe x

Thanks Val, seems a lot more than 2.5 years since Exeter! Hope you are managing OK.....keep safe too....😉

ling profile image

Just the very news I've been waiting to hear! Many thanks for the update : )

Do please update us again when the thyroid results are out.

God bless and keep u well : )

Thank you ling, I appreciate your interest and concern. On Monday I’m due to have the usual range of Thyroid function blood tests and on the 15 May, another telephone appointment with the Endocrinologist to determine the route forward. I will, of course, be happy to let you know the outcome. Keep safe and well.......

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