We often get posts from folk who are unsure about having an ablation. It is a big step to take and it’s absolutely right that they do everything they can to check out the pros and cons before taking the plunge and proceeding with the procedure. It’s often not helped because you frequently get conflicting opinions from medics. Most of us start the journey with our GP and if we are lucky, they generally refer us to a Cardiologist with well honed plumbing skills. They are excellent at starting the treatment process, but they may not always encourage you to see an EP, but if you do, EP’s can be very enthusiastic about ablation, so we are already being exposed to differing opinions which probably is a good thing, but often not always helpful.
In my case, I had an cryoablation back in July 2016. Ironically, this was mainly due to my “plumber’s” advice. It all went well, but in October 2017 I had two AF episodes which I know were brought on by stress. In December 2017, I had my review with my EP and I got the impression that he wanted to wait and see how things progressed before doing anything. However, when he checked my previous discharge notes, there was clearly something which prompted him to change his mind. He was quite specific about the procedure saying it would be done under a general anaesthetic, using mapping equipment etc etc.
Like most people, I wasn’t sure if that was the route I wanted to take, but I decided to keep my options open and get on his long waiting list. Since December, I have had 4 further episodes stopped by using a PiP and possibly another shorter episode which stopped on its own. I have just been told my ablation will be on 31 August and I have decided to go ahead based on what has happened since last December, but goodness knows if I have made the right decision!
I guess in the end, the only thing we can do is take on board the advice from those who know our medical history, do our own research and listen to the experiences of others, make our decisions and then just hope we have done everything possible to ensure we have made the right decision......then pray!
Sorry about rambling, but it is Saturday and there is no important football and most of us are fed up with Trump and Brexit!! Enjoy the weekend.