I had a ct scan of my heart very recently just before COVID , followed by a visit to my cardiologist. I was worried that my afib episodes are getting longer and also less uncomfortable ie “ normalising”
The scan showed a ( very) healthy heart and my cardiologist was very reassuring that afib was not life threatening and after the virus peak etc if I wanted he would do an ablation
But now I am on day 4 of an episode and it has done its usual thing of giving me mild physical symptoms but excessive fear and anxiety. At any normal time I would have gone to a and e but I’m really uneasy about that
My question here is have others had long ( 7 day plus) episodes of afib?
My flecainide seems not to have worked, I am on anticoagulant apixoban and no breathless ness normal b pressure and no chest pain is sitting it out safe do you think?
I have a consultation by phone on Monday with my cardiologist is that too long to wait ?
Thanks I’m getting near breaking point of anxiety not knowing what to do for the best